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North Carolina GOP Block Gay Anti-Discrimintion Law

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Target is making itself a target.


The petition was announced last week by the American Family Association after Target announced on April 19 that its stores were allowing transgendered people to use the restroom and fitting room of their choice.

The reason for the reminder, Target said, was to side with “inclusivity” after the issue of public restrooms has “reignited a national conversation” about “inclusivity.”

Target’s announcement appears to be in response to legislation in North Carolina, where a state law requires individuals to use the bathroom for the gender given to them at birth. That law overturned a bathroom ordinance in Charlotte allowing people to use the bathroom of their “gender identity.”

“This is about protecting women and children,” AFA spokesman Walker Wildmon says of the boycott petition.

The safety concern is likely why the petition has garnered such support, he says

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Target’s announcement appears to be in response to legislation in North Carolina, where a state law requires individuals to use the bathroom for the gender given to them at birth.


Implying Target stores in NC are violating the law. Except they're not, since the law allows private establishments to do whatever they want.


!@#$ing ****-ass lazy brain-damaged reporting.

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Implying Target stores in NC are violating the law. Except they're not, since the law allows private establishments to do whatever they want.


!@#$ing ****-ass lazy brain-damaged reporting.



Implying Target stores in NC are violating the law. Except they're not, since the law allows private establishments to do whatever they want.


!@#$ing ****-ass lazy brain-damaged reporting.

I agree with you that the law is only for publicly owned facilities and the writer misstated it. My focus though was on Target's foolishness in pissing off what I would guess to be the vast majority of Americans with their restroom policies. It's going to be much easier finding a parking spot at the local Target now.

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Target is making itself a target.




The petition was announced last week by the American Family Association after Target announced on April 19 that its stores were allowing transgendered people to use the restroom and fitting room of their choice.


The reason for the reminder, Target said, was to side with “inclusivity” after the issue of public restrooms has “reignited a national conversation” about “inclusivity.”


Target’s announcement appears to be in response to legislation in North Carolina, where a state law requires individuals to use the bathroom for the gender given to them at birth. That law overturned a bathroom ordinance in Charlotte allowing people to use the bathroom of their “gender identity.”


“This is about protecting women and children,” AFA spokesman Walker Wildmon says of the boycott petition.


The safety concern is likely why the petition has garnered such support, he says

but you can always use the bathroom of your choice in target, because it was never against the law in a private facility. it was at the discretion of the place.



Implying Target stores in NC are violating the law. Except they're not, since the law allows private establishments to do whatever they want.


!@#$ing ****-ass lazy brain-damaged reporting.

beat me to it.

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I agree with you that the law is only for publicly owned facilities and the writer misstated it. My focus though was on Target's foolishness in pissing off what I would guess to be the vast majority of Americans with their restroom policies. It's going to be much easier finding a parking spot at the local Target now.


You really think people are going to stop shopping at Target because the highly unlikely chance a woman may find a man dressed as a woman in the ladies' room??


You could increase the likelihood by 1000% that my wife would find a spider in the Target ladies' room and that wouldn't stop her at all from shopping there. Oh BTW in case you couldn't figure it our my wife is deathly afraid of spider.


This is really a dumb !@#$ing argument coming from a bunch of guys that have all likely pissed in full view of at least a dozen people several times in their lives. :wallbash:

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You really think people are going to stop shopping at Target because the highly unlikely chance a woman may find a man dressed as a woman in the ladies' room??


You could increase the likelihood by 1000% that my wife would find a spider in the Target ladies' room and that wouldn't stop her at all from shopping there. Oh BTW in case you couldn't figure it our my wife is deathly afraid of spider.


This is really a dumb !@#$ing argument coming from a bunch of guys that have all likely pissed in full view of at least a dozen people several times in their lives. :wallbash:

Read the comment section of any article addressing this.

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The bathroom panic isn’t quite as baseless or bigoted as progressives claim.


The truth is that transgenderism has changed dramatically in recent years. Today, a person who is anatomically male and has not undergone any surgical or hormonal treatments may “identify as female.” There is also a growing population, particularly in college, of people who consider themselves “non-binary” — neither male nor female — and demand to use whichever restroom they feel like.


Are women bigoted if they don’t want a person with a bushy beard in their public restroom? Are men bigoted if they don’t want a person with breasts sharing theirs? For most, it’s less a question of safety than privacy (an even bigger concern in locker rooms and fitting rooms). But the scenario of a sexual predator putting on lipstick and claiming a female identity to gain access to a women’s facility is not entirely far-fetched.



Some propose phasing out all “gendered” restrooms for ones with fully enclosed stalls and common areas for hand-washing. However, this would entail huge expense and discomfort for most people used to gender-specific facilities.



More gender-neutral single-user bathrooms would benefit many people, not necessarily transgender — for instance, parents accompanying an opposite-sex child. Locker-room issues can also be resolved with private accommodations.


But compassionate and common-sense solutions may require compromises. The absolutist demand for a “civil right” to have your preferred gender identity validated regardless of appearance or anatomy can only lead to more culture wars.

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The day I start forming my opinion regarding the comment sections on articles is the day I turn off my computer permanently. You're smarter than that.

Don't be obtuse. I'm saying that this issue resonates with a lot of people and it hurts Target. There was no reason for them to make a stand on this. Utter stupidity.

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Don't be hysterical.

You're smarter than this. As a former chef would you recommend that your restaurant make political or controversial statements? I don't think so. Target's management really !@#$ed up with this. Why would they take the chance of alienating a lot of "mainstream" people in order to sound good to a very minor minority?

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You're smarter than this. As a former chef would you recommend that your restaurant make political or controversial statements? I don't think so. Target's management really !@#$ed up with this. Why would they take the chance of alienating a lot of "mainstream" people in order to sound good to a very minor minority?


So you're comparing a stand alone restaurant that may serve 50-100 people a night to one of the biggest retailers in the world? I guess I was mistaken when I said you were smarter than that. Once again this will affect Target very little. Not only are you being hysterical so are those that are fearing that if bathrooms at Target are made gender neutral all of a sudden rapists are going to start using the bathrooms. I love the fact that the term voyeur has come up. So tell me what exactly is a voyeur going to see in a ladies room? I'm not sure if you've ever been in a ladies room but they do their business behind locked doors. I'm not sure how many male voyeurs get their kicks from watching a woman wash her hands. We have bigger issues in this country than this.

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Oh I don't know. Maybe because politicians and many of the people that vote for and follow them are dumbasses?



So then,



Wouldn't it follow that the NC legislature's bi-partisan correction bill (to counter Charlotte"s dumbassery) was the right move.




I know, I know.............they are dumbasses too.



so then,


wouldn't it follow that it was best if the whole issue was left as it has always been.





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