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North Carolina GOP Block Gay Anti-Discrimintion Law

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it's not economic blackmail. these companies don't want to locate in a state run by neaderthals, petty imbeciles and anti-intellectuals. they don't want their brand sullied by such an association and I suspect many don't want to live in a place like that.


paying teachers some of the lowest average wages in the country is anti-intellectual. driving teachers out of the state in hordes is anti-intellectual. dismissing the value of public education is anti intellectual. that's how they roll in nc. this has nothing to do with my personal intellect.



I really can't tell if if you are just trying to be funny or not.



Using phrases like "driving teachers out of the state in hordes" and "companies don't want to locate in a state run by neaderthals" is just so nonsensical to the topic at hand.



I think that you just don't have a proper response to the questions being brought up,


so you are reduced to these ham-handed "Tar Heels are backward" claims.





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I really can't tell if if you are just trying to be funny or not.



Using phrases like "driving teachers out of the state in hordes" and "companies don't want to locate in a state run by neaderthals" is just so nonsensical to the topic at hand.



I think that you just don't have a proper response to the questions being brought up,


so you are reduced to these ham-handed "Tar Heels are backward" claims.





it's weak to challenge documented facts:







Edited by birdog1960
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Prejudice - I have prejudged? Let's see - state with history of slavery and bigotry against rights of blacks, gays and trans people....


Nah...pretty sure its just a bunch of angry white bible thumpers clinging and trying to pick a last fight.....with someone they see as less perfect than themselves....how historical....



Jeremiah 5:21
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You are missing the point completely , and you want me to chase a squirrel about teachers wages in a thread about the contrived bathroom rights being pushed by the Left


I don't do that for Gator, and I won't do it for you.



Focus on one thing, you were trying to somehow connect the many industries located in North Carolina to this (now) lawsuit battle


and you veered into a ditch.




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You are missing the point completely , and you want me to chase a squirrel about teachers wages in a thread about the contrived bathroom rights being pushed by the Left


I don't do that for Gator, and I won't do it for you.



Focus on one thing, you were trying to somehow connect the many industries located in North Carolina to this (now) lawsuit battle


and you veered into a ditch.




hmmm.. let's suppose I own a thriving business (I did) and public perception is important to me and my products. and I have kids. and I want them to go to great public schools. and the education of potential workers is important to my company and its products. and I see this petty, discriminatory, vindictive bill. and I see poorly treated teachers. and I see a lack of importance placed on education. and I see it's all flowing from the same state politicians.


and I decide NOT to come to nc for my business...because those things have a common and ugly and undesirable thread running through them. and I see others in the same situation making the same choice.


that IS exactly the point.

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only to you.



Not to the subject of the thread.


I suspect that I was right in my earlier statement.



no. it's the point to the under and unemployed of nc. it's the point to those that the gov and his buddies see as deviants. it's the point to those that value the ability to be who you want to be without being judged. and you can bet it's caught the attention of the governor. even you had noticed it labeling it "economic blackmail" in this very thread. it's not blackmail. it's a considered choice. and it's the point.

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After the false flag corporate questions, perhaps you could refer back to Post 114 ?


I'll make it easy for you.......



Simply answer me this, would the North Carolina Assembly have passed the Hb2 bill (on a bi-partisan vote) if Charlotte had not passed their over-reaching bill ?



Certainly the fact that these "anti-intellectuals" had the same privacy laws as almost every other state should speak to your NC bashing




Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg :


Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy. Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle.

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After the false flag corporate questions, perhaps you could refer back to Post 114 ?


I'll make it easy for you.......




Certainly the fact that these "anti-intellectuals" had the same privacy laws as almost every other state should speak to your NC bashing




Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg :


this law is unique to nc. is the federal gov't suing any other state over a similar law? why the nc pols felt it justified is irrelevant. the bill is what it is and that undesirable and distasteful to many.


ruth bader ginsgerg's general opinion on privacy in the distant past doesn't specifically relate to this bill. your implication that "some situations" include the situations presented in the bill is unsupported by her statement. perhaps we will se =e how she comes down if this goes in front of the supremes. i'd bet on her judging to strike down the bill. in any event, she's one justice. she is not the sole arbiter of any legal question.

Edited by birdog1960
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Where there is demand, supply will flow.

so you mean that where there's a demand for jobs, companies will follow and fill the void? i can cite almost endless examples where that hasn't happened. care to try again?

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so you mean that where there's a demand for jobs, companies will follow and fill the void? i can cite almost endless examples where that hasn't happened. care to try again?

Capital flocks towards potential earnings. When vendors vacate, the vacuum will be filled by replacement profit seekers. Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I am not sure people realize that the opposition isn't against certain types of people, rather it is against the people who will take full advantage of the normalcy and acceptance of a man in a woman's locker room. God forbid a high school locker room.




To say those people don't exist or they are not a huge problem is naive. They probably outnumber the people you are giving the additional rights to.

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vendors? paypal can administer and run their company from anywhere (except nc).. there's no vacuum. there's a global market and global facility and incentive opportunities. same for the pharma company that pulled out. same with lionsgate movie making locations or the choice of venue for the nba all star game. and more will likely follow. it's tougher to recruit top talent especially in highly technical and advanced degree requiring fields to jobs in a state perceived as backwards. employers in these fields are cognizant of this.


the only vacuum in this story is the huge potential pile of money being sucked up away from nc.


now we can add furniture dollars to the hoover bag. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/how-north-carolinas-bathroom-law-sparked-a-business-backlash/.

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I am curious what you think the solution to this problem is. The trend is no longer about a man dressed as a woman. This goes far beyond that, and into the realm of self identification or even non binary (neither male or female).


There are legitimate privacy concerns especially in terms of locker rooms where one may not wish to be seen by someone of the opposite sex no matter what they identify as. Similarly they do not wish to see a member of the opposite sex undress in front of them. I have seen no serious suggestions on how to resolve this besides "get over it you bigot, why do you care who is in the bathroom with you" which is hilarious because they don't care about your comfort in these areas but the comfort of Trans people is paramount! "we would never want to make someone who identifies as a female use the men's room with other men, that would be yucky and a privacy issue for said Trans person!"


Why do we currently have separate bathrooms if this privacy means nothing?

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I am not sure people realize that the opposition isn't against certain types of people, rather it is against the people who will take full advantage of the normalcy and acceptance of a man in a woman's locker room. God forbid a high school locker room.




To say those people don't exist or they are not a huge problem is naive. They probably outnumber the people you are giving the additional rights to.


People don't realize, either, that ultimately the law codifies a legal definition of gender, rather than leaving it up to the whim of the person at that moment. It doesn't require a person to abide by their gender at birth, it requires them to abide by the gender on their birth certificate, which can be legally changed (North Carolina has had such a mechanism in place since 2005.)


In other words, the law's basically saying "If a dude wants to self-identify as a woman, he can't do it at the bathroom door. He actually has to demonstrate a level of commitment to it." Given that that ultimately provides a level of legal protection for every-damn-body, I don't see how anyone can claim it isn't reasonable as hell.

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I am curious what you think the solution to this problem is. The trend is no longer about a man dressed as a woman. This goes far beyond that, and into the realm of self identification or even non binary (neither male or female).


There are legitimate privacy concerns especially in terms of locker rooms where one may not wish to be seen by someone of the opposite sex no matter what they identify as. Similarly they do not wish to see a member of the opposite sex undress in front of them. I have seen no serious suggestions on how to resolve this besides "get over it you bigot, why do you care who is in the bathroom with you" which is hilarious because they don't care about your comfort in these areas but the comfort of Trans people is paramount! "we would never want to make someone who identifies as a female use the men's room with other men, that would be yucky and a privacy issue for said Trans person!"


Why do we currently have separate bathrooms if this privacy means nothing?

this law doesn't practically address any of these concerns. it's largely unenforceable. how would law enforcement enact it? post sentries at all public restrooms and locker rooms? ridiculous...molestation and sexual harassment is already illegal. many of the scenarios put forth as practical concerns are covered by existing laws.


that's the most wasteful aspect of this. all this burnt goodwill and business dollars to make a symbolic, discriminatory and mean spirited point. don't they have anything better to do? you know like create jobs and opportunities, build infrastructure, feed the hungry, educate the uneducated, care for the sick...

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