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Scathing article in NYDN on Peyton Manning


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Just more race baiting nonsense from one of the fools who does it for a living.


I wonder were the 'racial double standard' would have been if the Pats* had won the AFC and everyone and their mother had been rooting for Newton and the Panthers last Sunday.

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And here we have the hero worshiper. His/her hero's can do no wrong. The accusers story is always false no matter how damning the evidence. Let's see if good old Peyt sues the NY Daily News. Of course you'll have an excuse for that if it doesn't happen. Pathetic.

... manning is hardly a hero. he's the garth brooks of football.



The fact that he and his family ruined her career with lies is nothing short of despicable.

how did they do that?


everything is alleged. the court rulings, like them or not, are final. she sued and she lost. we don't know the facts, this guy doesn't either.


:sad face:

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:lol: :lol:

sadly, it's true.


the court documents he based his entire article off of are plaintiff statements.


is manning a dick? sure is. but the timing, the angle and the nonsensical way the article presents this situation are hardly going to be taken as authentic by anyone with half a brain cell. the nitwits, the social media lovers and SJW's will eat it up whole.


of course, welcome to modern society. #uhmerika.

This is the New York Daily News. Nuff said.

and, those that have half the brain cell who are now foaming at the mouth:

1) its NY news, so it's gotta be reasonable.

2) its sensational on sex and racism - huuuuuge for bigots

3) NY Daily news is a known entity - gotta think it's legit, right?

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Incorrect. What's true is that Manning did it, then breached a NDA he signed.


It hasn't been a secret, ever.

the full story is sealed. i am going on that the parts of the case that were not released, testimony and such, do not reveal all information.


without the full information we can only determine a likely probability that Manning dropped the skin purse on her.


it's wrong, it's inexcusable, it was 20 years ago. in a societal culture where Ray Lewis is on TV making millions, Michael Vick is still employed and EJ Manuel still lists football as his profession than nothing should surprise us.


but, the world moves on and in due time things balance themselves out. some times life isn't fair. i'll play a little fiddle and light a candle.

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the full story is sealed. i am going on that the parts of the case that were not released, testimony and such, do not reveal all information.


without the full information we can only determine a likely probability that Manning dropped the skin purse on her.


it's wrong, it's inexcusable, it was 20 years ago. in a societal culture where Ray Lewis is on TV making millions, Michael Vick is still employed and EJ Manuel still lists football as his profession than nothing should surprise us.


but, the world moves on and in due time things balance themselves out. some times life isn't fair. i'll play a little fiddle and light a candle.

God help me, I lol'd.

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but, the world moves on and in due time things balance themselves out. some times life isn't fair.


So true. Her career was destroyed by this fraud and he still gets to do the late night TV tour to celebrate his victory. You should share your wisdom with the brown and Goldman families and just tell them to get over OJ practically cutting of her head and stabbing him thirty plus times. It's really no biggie if you think about it. We are all gonna die anyway. Right?

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Just more race baiting nonsense from one of the fools who does it for a living.


I wonder were the 'racial double standard' would have been if the Pats* had won the AFC and everyone and their mother had been rooting for Newton and the Panthers last Sunday.

Where is the black person in this story? I must have missed that? If your trying to imply that this is some sort of payback for the bad press Newton got I'd say that's a bit of a reach.

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OK. Now what's this writer's agenda? :lol:

that is an article. Balanced and fair. Includes to mention allegedly at key points. Does not inflame racial overtones, sexism, privilege, etc


For as much as you post articles to links,one would think you'd have an understanding of basic journalism.


The second article is a well written and balanced article, again I said it.


To answer your question. Her agenda is clicks and $ she's doing her job. I don't know or care enough about her to look in to her work or experience. Don't know about the dailybeast enough. But any .com can post a story.

Where is the black person in this story? I must have missed that? If your trying to imply that this is some sort of payback for the bad press Newton got I'd say that's a bit of a reach.

you're amazingly dense. The article starts off saying this whole article began a week ago when he posted newton and Manning and observed that newton got treated differently in his opinion.


I grasp that many struggle on reading comprehension. But before you insert your viewpoint at least examine the other person's statement as to who what why etc.

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the full story is sealed. i am going on that the parts of the case that were not released, testimony and such, do not reveal all information.


without the full information we can only determine a likely probability that Manning dropped the skin purse on her.


it's wrong, it's inexcusable, it was 20 years ago. in a societal culture where Ray Lewis is on TV making millions, Michael Vick is still employed and EJ Manuel still lists football as his profession than nothing should surprise us.


but, the world moves on and in due time things balance themselves out. some times life isn't fair. i'll play a little fiddle and light a candle.


And yet you have spent three pages excusing it... :w00t:


I've got plenty of first and second hand information to make the determination that Manning not only did it, he obliterated someone else's professional life in the process. If you wish to believe it didn't happen or we only know one side of the story, that's fine. It's silly bordering on unreasonable, but it's fine. ;)

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And yet you have spent three pages excusing it... :w00t:


I've got plenty of first and second hand information to make the determination that Manning not only did it, he obliterated someone else's professional life in the process. If you wish to believe it didn't happen or we only know one side of the story, that's fine. It's silly bordering on unreasonable, but it's fine. ;)

show me where I did that?


I excused behavior from 20 years ago now being the OMG #hashtag nonsense it is.


And in 2003 and before that I had heard about this. I liked UT then, remember this. If it would not have been Manning in his jersey it may have been a different story in current times. But than, we know no more now from 20 years ago,do we?

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that is an article. Balanced and fair. Includes to mention allegedly at key points. Does not inflame racial overtones, sexism, privilege, etc


For as much as you post articles to links,one would think you'd have an understanding of basic journalism.


The second article is a well written and balanced article, again I said it.


To answer your question. Her agenda is clicks and $ she's doing her job. I don't know or care enough about her to look in to her work or experience. Don't know about the dailybeast enough. But any .com can post a story.

you're amazingly dense. The article starts off saying this whole article began a week ago when he posted newton and Manning and observed that newton got treated differently in his opinion.


I grasp that many struggle on reading comprehension. But before you insert your viewpoint at least examine the other person's statement as to who what why etc.


What's your agenda? :lol:

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show me where I did that?


I excused behavior from 20 years ago now being the OMG #hashtag nonsense it is.


And in 2003 and before that I had heard about this. I liked UT then, remember this. If it would not have been Manning in his jersey it may have been a different story in current times. But than, we know no more now from 20 years ago,do we?


You're all over the place in this thread, foaming at the mouth to defend Manning. What exactly is your point, because I'm not talking about the article or the author. All I'm saying is Manning did it, got someone fired because of it, and it's been well known for 20 years that this all happened.


I haven't read the OP article, because I don't need to. I alluded to this very incident in one of the Cam threads days ago, it's not new nor is it controversial information. What I said then, and it applies here, is that this incident shouldn't be forgotten and should in fact be stapled to any report that claims Manning is a paragon of virtue. He's not. In fact, he's quite shady. He's just good at throwing a football and managing his image.

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I believe that this race baiter argument is garbage, the second article references the same info. Is it true? I'm confused because if it was sworn testimony about the cover ups etc why wasn't there some kind of verdict? Maybe the judge had UT seasons? Who knows and I realize that's conjecture .

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