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Pat's Chandler Jones allegedly OD'd on pills Saturday night.


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No, according to that deadspin story.


The guy walks into the Police station intoxicated and they call an ambulance to bring him to the hospital, from which he is released, and then he's at practice.


So, no OD.

Yeah, but wouldn't it be hilarious if he did?
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So will the league suspend him? It's an illegal substance according to the NFL isn't it?


It's not currently a banned substance. Same stuff Marcell got done for. Marcell got suspended for getting arrested with it.


Found this (http://www.ozy.com/fast-forward/the-perils-of-synthetic-weed-in-the-nfl/31822), which is a decent little read on it.

Edited by Blokestradamus
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Listening to 98.5 the sports hub (Pats radio) and they think he did get it Gronk's house even though Gronk was in Florida. Apparently they live on same street, and he was running around naked outside at 7am freaked out. And howling at the moon.


Also they would take Rex Ryan over Andy Reid. Random but thought I'd throw that in. :lol:

They say he has more upside. But they are in full Chiefs trash talk mode.

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The Patriots may be duty-bound to report it - https://twitter.com/GregABedard/status/687370597400199168


If so, he'd probably get put into the Substance Abuse policy as a 1st time offender. If he's already in the policy, a 4 game suspension is probable.


I shouldn't be spending my evening looking up this stuff. Do better, Chandler.

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Even better that he get arrested at half time and Pats* need to make midgame adjustments.

actually, that's a strong point for them. You were thinking Bills

It has been reported Foxboro chief of police head of security at pats home field for 31 years.


conflict of interests. naw


Talent and money can't buy these idiots an ounce of sense.

No, they buy it by the lbs.

Bricks of the s+=t


sounds like that really fun stuff Aaron H. got into. the PCP, horse tranqs.


Thank goodness he is alright and able to play. gosh.



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