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Torell Troupe still taking hits

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Very tough to read. And Dunne is the real deal. Reminds me of a guy from the WashPo that always drew you in with his writing as well, William Gildea. Just someone you always enjoyed reading his work, as I do with Dunne.

I've been very impressed with Dunne. The quality of actual journalistic reporting as well as the writing, without the bitterness or snarkiness that Sullivan has some of the time and Bucky has most of the time, is noticeably better than we've seen in the News since the days of Felser and Kelley.


I hope he stays around for a while but do expect him to find greener pastures at some point.

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Definitely not surprising just sad people have no remorse and got nothing better to do then tweet this guy about how much he sucked and make his day worse when more then likely none of them have accomplished half of what Troup has.


Good read. Makes you wonder how many other young players are going through the same thing with their respective teams.

You and others made the same point and I go along with it that it was a good article. It was well written and it conveyed a sense of what Troup was currently feeling and it pulled back the curtain of the brutality of the business.


I have had two back operations so this article and the health issues faced by Troup in his post career resonated with me. I was fortunate that after the first episode of back problems resulting in surgery I was able to keep my job, although my surgeon recommended against it. The description of Torrell not being able sit on a plane ride brought back memories of when I went to see my doctor and he told me to sit down. I couldn't.


It just seems to me that this crash sport is incompatible with a post career healthy lifestyle, especially for someone who has had a history of back problems.


Again, the reporter did a good job in describing what Troup was going through during his impaired career and his post career impaired life. He did it in a fair-minded and mature way that exposed the ugly underbelly of a business that so many of us are enthused with.




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It seems that there are more Troupacabra sightings now than when he was with the team.


Not sure why fans feel the need to attack him personally.


The blame for the pick belongs on Nix and the scouts who deemed him worthy of anything more than a mid-round pick.


The whole mindset back then was to just use the draft to fill holes.........which is a horses*t approach which is all but guaranteed to keep a bad team down.


And it's not like this wasn't a known recipe for failure at the time........but when Marv took over he directed an organizational change to this philosophy and in the process the cupboard became even more bare or talent.


That Troupe wasn't smart enough to know when to stop playing was also typical of the Bills lack of emphasis on the intelligence of players on draft day.....again, not his fault.


Send your hate mail to Buddy care of his protege Whaley or the highest ranking surviving member of the organization at the time....Russ.

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Ahem....just goes to show u what kind of !@#$s are on twitter and how athletes should stay as far away from it as possible


Players DO NOT GET A SAY ON WHERE THEY ARE DRAFTED......nor the fit of the situation they are going into


I maintain....and I STILL maintain....that I initually liked what I saw of Torrel Troup.......but he was not a 3-4 player......he was NOT small...but he also was not a nose.....and would have fit much better in a 4-3 under next to a gap penetrating DT


Now....the injuries are unfortunate......really really unfortunate

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urbik said it best- but who the hell is tweeting him because Gronk scored what a bunch of losers

I'm guessing it's the same idiots who are compelled to trash a player for taking his family to Disney world on his day off.
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I'm guessing it's the same idiots who are compelled to trash a player for taking his family to Disney world on his day off.



And probably about the same age as Sammy, if not younger.


The average age of the posters on TSW is probably in the 50's so I find it kind of funny how much emphasis this particular forum has put on calling out people who are tweeting with Sammy.


Preaching to the choir I'm afraid.

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You also have to remember players are the result of teammates and coaching. The Bills could have drafted Gronk and he might have been an oft-injured bust. Don't underestimate how much of the legend of Gronk is thanks to Brady and Belichick.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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It seems that there are more Troupacabra sightings now than when he was with the team.


Not sure why fans feel the need to attack him personally.


The blame for the pick belongs on Nix and the scouts who deemed him worthy of anything more than a mid-round pick.


The whole mindset back then was to just use the draft to fill holes.........which is a horses*t approach which is all but guaranteed to keep a bad team down.


And it's not like this wasn't a known recipe for failure at the time........but when Marv took over he directed an organizational change to this philosophy and in the process the cupboard became even more bare or talent.


That Troupe wasn't smart enough to know when to stop playing was also typical of the Bills lack of emphasis on the intelligence of players on draft day.....again, not his fault.


Send your hate mail to Buddy care of his protege Whaley or the highest ranking surviving member of the organization at the time....Russ.

Unfortunately when you flip scheme and are missing an incredibly key piece and you don't get atleast an adequate patch in free agency--- you draft to fill holes.

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you don't get atleast an adequate patch in free agency



And there you have it.


You fill holes with veterans.....whether via trade or one of the free agency routes.


The organization lacked the commitment and resourcefulness to do that under the HOF'er Levy and Brandon and then Nix.


And so, they used the early rounds of the draft to patch whatever holes they felt they could most easily fill with those positions....subsequently getting poor value even though they often found solid starters.


I thought the Bills were over-aggressive early last offseason.......they panicked with the McCoy deal and ended up trading a promising player they didn't need to and more importantly backing themselves into a corner in contract negotiations......and they should have ended up with Brandon Marshall...one of their TWO STATED PRIMARY NEEDS when Rex was hired....a big WR and a NT........but instead they jumped the gun on Cassel(who couldn't even pass a physical at the time) and subsequently ended up with Harvin..............but I give them credit for addressing those needs so they could draft players they had more highly rated. Now that the cupboard is relatively stocked hopefully they can be more effective at it in future offseasons.


In the past their second round pick would have ended up either being a RB or a guard......instead they got a big improvement a difference making starting CB.....which was a position of relative depth.......and they were able to get Karlos Williams with a pick at great value. Miller was a little bit of a reach athletically but they were at least able to wait a little later for that pick because they had addressed guard in free agency and by keeping Urbik and Wood on the roster.....two guys they probably cut in February during the Littman years.

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You and others made the same point and I go along with it that it was a good article. It was well written and it conveyed a sense of what Troup was currently feeling and it pulled back the curtain of the brutality of the business.


I have had two back operations so this article and the health issues faced by Troup in his post career resonated with me. I was fortunate that after the first episode of back problems resulting in surgery I was able to keep my job, although my surgeon recommended against it. The description of Torrell not being able sit on a plane ride brought back memories of when I went to see my doctor and he told me to sit down. I couldn't.


It just seems to me that this crash sport is incompatible with a post career healthy lifestyle, especially for someone who has had a history of back problems.


Again, the reporter did a good job in describing what Troup was going through during his impaired career and his post career impaired life. He did it in a fair-minded and mature way that exposed the ugly underbelly of a business that so many of us are enthused with.




Good post!


Troupe was not a bust. He was coming along then injury took him out.

and even then he tried like to overcome it

I knew the story. But Dunne as usual has created a humanized piece of work. a very good article.

One writer i look forward to reading. even if he is Pro- bills :flirt:

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And there you have it.


You fill holes with veterans.....whether via trade or one of the free agency routes.


The organization lacked the commitment and resourcefulness to do that under the HOF'er Levy and Brandon and then Nix.


And so, they used the early rounds of the draft to patch whatever holes they felt they could most easily fill with those positions....subsequently getting poor value even though they often found solid starters.


I thought the Bills were over-aggressive early last offseason.......they panicked with the McCoy deal and ended up trading a promising player they didn't need to and more importantly backing themselves into a corner in contract negotiations......and they should have ended up with Brandon Marshall...one of their TWO STATED PRIMARY NEEDS when Rex was hired....a big WR and a NT........but instead they jumped the gun on Cassel(who couldn't even pass a physical at the time) and subsequently ended up with Harvin..............but I give them credit for addressing those needs so they could draft players they had more highly rated. Now that the cupboard is relatively stocked hopefully they can be more effective at it in future offseasons.


In the past their second round pick would have ended up either being a RB or a guard......instead they got a big improvement a difference making starting CB.....which was a position of relative depth.......and they were able to get Karlos Williams with a pick at great value. Miller was a little bit of a reach athletically but they were at least able to wait a little later for that pick because they had addressed guard in free agency and by keeping Urbik and Wood on the roster.....two guys they probably cut in February during the Littman years.

While you and I will never agree on McCoy......I think it is fair to say that in the Whaley years drafting has made more sense.....


There is no doubt that prior Whaley the drafting and free agency plans have not been good.....I think you also have to factor in that the team has been so dismal it is hard to even get quality free agents to sign here without over paying.


Harvin was a risk.....it didnt work out. It was year one of the El Pegula/Whaley/Rex era.....teams are not fixed in one draft


This next offseason should be interesting as I dont think they spend a ton of money on free agents other then ours

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Good post!


Troupe was not a bust. He was coming along then injury took him out.

and even then he tried like to overcome it

I knew the story. But Dunne as usual has created a humanized piece of work. a very good article.

One writer i look forward to reading. even if he is Pro- bills :flirt:


He might not have been a bust but getting a "starter" should not be the goal early in the second round.


As Nix said.....he was turning into a starter.


He was never going to be a dominant 3-4 NT......I agree with JFH comment that he probably wasn't even a NT at all.............and even so, solid NT's aren't worth much in FA.


As far as being Pro-Bills......this wasn't an article supporting the organization. The implication was that they pushed him to play thru the injury and did so because they didn't have a contingency in the event that he couldn't.


It was still a clown-show at OBD back then.

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He might not have been a bust but getting a "starter" should not be the goal early in the second round.


As Nix said.....he was turning into a starter.


He was never going to be a dominant 3-4 NT......I agree with JFH comment that he probably wasn't even a NT at all.............and even so, solid NT's aren't worth much in FA.


As far as being Pro-Bills......this wasn't an article supporting the organization. The implication was that they pushed him to play thru the injury and did so because they didn't have a contingency in the event that he couldn't.


It was still a clown-show at OBD back then.

No , my meaning is Tyler is often pro Bills for the fan base. not a chris brown pro bills cheerleader.

he caters to us. I am pro Bills. But i have recognized too, they have been a cluster f of errors for years. and agree with you, Clown show was a good description.

Torrell was drafted to be the nose. for a supposed need!

too high and wrong move. Nothing to do with Troupe really

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While you and I will never agree on McCoy....



I think we will agree by next offseason.


I'm not a "sky is falling" type wrt the salary cap........I think the Pegula's have proven my stance on the Bills cap policies to be dead-on in the face of a lot of people on here who had been making excuses for Ralph for the prior decade.


But that McCoy dead money is going to hurt.


Of course, I do understand that going from an incompetent clown-show operation that reaches for needs on draft day to a well oiled machine that makes consistently good decisions year-round isn't necessarily going to be an easy transition.


Especially when a guy like Whaley has been in this organization for a long time and was accustomed to working with one arm tied behind his back by the bean counter. That's going to make you a little anxious, I am guessing.

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Should it be asked if Bills management was doping Troup up because he was the linchpin to the 3-4 scheme they imposed on a roster that had, prior to their arrival, consisted of smaller, agile, fast defenders playing the Tampa-2? It's not like some people on the outside didn't see that this would be a big problem for the organization to move from the undersized, speed and pursuit scheme to the oversized, jumbo mode defense overnight.


There are many examples, but Bills football people, perhaps squeezed for nickels and pennies by the accounting department, have often been caught with their pants around their ankles by going with a one possible hope at a position roster. Should that player not work out, a coach gets fired or the injury excuse is trotted out on the threadbare carpet for a press conference.


I hope that's changing inside the walls of One Bills Drive. While some may praise the "skill" of talent evaluation when an undersized, weak UDFA is the next man up and "starts", another question to ask is whether those cheap fill-ins are actually a serious component of producing a product that wins on the field. But it takes objective self-scouting to evaluate an entire roster and improve the entire team. This isn't picking on UDFAs and 7th round picks, the Modrak wheelhouse. In some cases, like the Seattle Seahawks teams of the last couple years, one could argue that the cheap UDFA who looks like a physical clone of the starter may be serviceable as a substitute and his play isn't a season-killing drop off.

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The ol' "we're switching to the 34". That went well.


every other yr



Under the Levy regime this franchise was set back. Nix didn't set this franchise back but he didn't advance it to the extent that he could have. Nix knew what he needed to do with the roster he inherited. He realized that he needed to make the roster bigger and stronger in order to get away from the Jauron/Levy philosophy of lighter and quicker. The Levy/Brandon/Nix time span was an adequate enough time for a competent organization to do a major rebuilding job.It collectively squandered its time



yes he did, his first draft was one of the worst ever and he got us a "franchise QB"

I know first hand that this is a problem in college as well. And, in more than just football. Wish people really knew what goes on in the athletic programs around the country. It is just a bunch of coaches and administrators trying to further their own careers. Some have these public personnas of wonderful people, and the boosters kiss their butts if they win. LOYALTY and concern for the players is rare.


pretty much how all big businesses feel about their employees

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