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democrat Debates


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Clinton spends more on polling so she knows what to think espouse.

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Feel the excitement !



Thursday night’s MSNBC Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) was easily the lowest-rated debate of the 2016 cycle to date, CNN reports.


My favorite Twitter comment during the debates: "I hate it when my grandparents fight."


It's stunning to me how the left suddenly became the party of angry old white people. Absolutely stunning.

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My favorite Twitter comment during the debates: "I hate it when my grandparents fight."


It's stunning to me how the left suddenly became the party of angry old white people. Absolutely stunning.


It's stunning to me that they keep insisting they're the party of diversity.

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"Yes, you my children will be getting

everything you want if you vote for me." What? Like a newly wiped server?


I have adult friends of mine -- in their mid-50s -- posting on Facebook how important it is for us to vote for Bernie because we need to provide a free college education to our kids.


While I want to take them to task, part of me realizes I'm not going to change the mind of a 50-year-old who thinks free college is actually 'free,' and part of me sees Facebook at a middle-school playground and not worth the time to engage.

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Caption this:




Bernie: We followed your bridge to the 21st century, and where did it lead us

Hillary: Golden Corral

Bernie: I thought we were going to Old Country Buffet

Hillary: No no, you said Golden Corral.

Bernie: But today is Senior discount day at Old Country Buffet

Hillary: I thought that was Tuesday

Bernie: No it's Thursday

Hillary: But the box on my meds has a T on it for today

Bernie: There are two boxes with T on them

Hillary: Did you remember to tape Jeopardy?

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A Dem debate in a Dem wasteland ........................where they'll blame Republicans. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/696370593642516481

J_Mq7AKo_bigger.jpeg The HillVerified account @thehill 12m12 minutes ago

CNN schedules Democratic debate in Flint: http://hill.cm/8UjGS8H







It Begins..............

Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd tripped up Hillary Clinton this morning after asking who she’s “got in the Super Bowl?”

“I don’t have anybody” Clinton replied.

“You don’t have anybody?” Todd followed up, surprised.

“I’m going to Flint, Mich.,” Clinton said. “I’m worrying about the kids in Flint, Mich., to make sure we can do what we can to make sure they’re not damaged irreparably by this lead. … I’m very hopeful Congress, which is trying to work in a bipartisan way, will come up with some funding to deal with these problems that have afflicted the community.”


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

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Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd tripped up Hillary Clinton this morning after asking who she’s “got in the Super Bowl?”

“I don’t have anybody” Clinton replied.

“You don’t have anybody?” Todd followed up, surprised.

“I’m going to Flint, Mich.,” Clinton said. “I’m worrying about the kids in Flint, Mich., to make sure we can do what we can to make sure they’re not damaged irreparably by this lead. … I’m very hopeful Congress, which is trying to work in a bipartisan way, will come up with some funding to deal with these problems that have afflicted the community.”



A Clintonian deflection


And I suspect after the interview, Hiliary tore some of her staffers a new one for not telling her what to say about that football thing the proles are watching tonite

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Bernie: We followed your bridge to the 21st century, and where did it lead us

Hillary: Golden Corral

Bernie: I thought we were going to Old Country Buffet

Hillary: No no, you said Golden Corral.

Bernie: But today is Senior discount day at Old Country Buffet

Hillary: I thought that was Tuesday

Bernie: No it's Thursday

Hillary: But the box on my meds has a T on it for today

Bernie: There are two boxes with T on them

Hillary: Did you remember to tape Jeopardy?


We have a winner.

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