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"The same old Bills."

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There's plenty of evidence out there, both scientific and metaphysical, that one of the most powerful forces in the universe is our shared consciousness. In many ways we shape our own realities by choosing what to believe and what not to believe. This collective consciousness can be a powerful tool for change as easily as it can be a crippling destructive force. Continuing to reinforce the belief that this team is "the same old Bills", despite there being no truth to that statement, can soon become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Expecting failure often begets failure, particularly if its a shared belief within a large group of people.




Is "shared consciousness" more or less scientific than turbulence?

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....It's been home base for 15 years.



It's been a lot longer than 15 years....it's only 15 years since we made the playoff's....for some of us, who literally grew up with the Bills (they started life a month before I did) we've seen a ton more crappy football than we have good football. Except for three multi year periods (64-66, 80-82 and 88-94) it's been a tough slog to be a Bills fan....cynical or not though, we come back every year and most of us are pretty positive starting in about August until maybe the fifth or sixth game of the year.....but yes, I'll have to admit the last 15 have been pretty tough....

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There is just so much that can improve on this team, and stating they are "the same old Bills" just doesn't fit just yet.


The Bills need to get their stars back from injuries, and their O line coach back from suspension. Then the offense might just be able to be a force running the ball which will take the heat off the Bills QB in the first half.


That young QB with just five NFL starts can continue to get better every game provided he is properly protected.


Rex Ryan can stop trying to run a bunch of different schemes, and just do what he does best and run his overload blitz while allowing his front four to go crazy going after the QB. Mike Pettine ran Rex Ryan's defense in 2013, and he had great success getting to the QB. So should Ryan.



This upcoming game against the Bengals will show if this Bills team is ready to take on a top team that could be the first in the playoffs. The Bengals have no holes that I can see, and are undefeated this year.

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Nope. We are what we are without our best WR and top 2 RBs. Get used to it.


See ya in 2016.

and 2017, 2018 etc

: )


How about 3 seconds into the game?



Come on, I wasn't the only one after that cluster!@#$ on the opening kickoff!!

aarrghh. I had to check my wristband 3 times for that one




Is "shared consciousness" more or less scientific than turbulence?

shared consciousness has nothing to do with science, and you would know that if you were less scientific

feel me?

pranayama baby ftw

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I, too, get extremely irritated by some Bills fans who before halftime of the 5th game have not only written off that game as a loss, but also the entire season.... The only thing worse than that is complaining about losing draft spots bc we won...



...calling for EJ before the half.


Bit seriously, the only thing worse is the constant whining about the refereeing. Every call that is made and every call not made is endlessly bemoaned.

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Now and then the Bills find a way to beat teams that suck just a little more than we do. Happened Sunday in Nashville. They were the same old bills, absolutely no offense and a penalty-stinking team. It took 3 seconds for the first flag to get thrown and as usual an unforced error. This team is simply undisciplined which is another way of saying poorly coached.


That we have to pay to watch a team with one viable offensive lineman (Incognito) is insulting. These guys couldn't block a decent college defense.


When we play teams that are better like NE we get hammered (home or away).


When we play teams with less talent but are better coached like NYG we get hammered. And that was a home game.


We beat a Colts team that cannot win outside of their division. We beat Miami who is in complete disarray.


And we beat Tennessee whose rookie QB completely schooled our 5 year vet on how to play QB.


Playoffs for this squad are a pipe dream.

you must be a blast at parties! Nevermind, you probably don't get any invites.
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you must be a blast at parties! Nevermind, you probably don't get any invites.

everyone has place at this pig roast , afternoon tea and witch burning.


All are willkommen !



welcome all my friends to the show that never ends!

step inside

step inside.

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