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Reason For Penalties - Playing at Home?


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I think it comes from yapping at the refs.

I feel that also...like it starts out nice enough, then they start calling the refs out a bit, then it's over the top and gets out of hand.


You don't think the energy from the fans bleeds into the way they interact with the refs though? We'll see next close away game what happens I guess.

No, these are professionals. The penalties are an extension of the HC; letting the players play freely with a lack of accountability and leadership and brainwashing the defense into believing they have already been anointed as the best in the league.

On one hand you call them professionals and on the other you say they are brainwashed...which is it?


If the coaches attitude can rub off on the players, so can the crowd's energy, no? Not saying it's a bad thing, just need to channel it better. They'll get it figured out, it really is better to have too much passion than not enough.

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No, these are professionals. The penalties are an extension of the HC; letting the players play freely with a lack of accountability and leadership and brainwashing the defense into believing they have already been anointed as the best in the league.

how do you hold them accountable? Bench them? Would you have benched Hughes and Brown ? How about Urbik for a few holding penalties.... who would you play instead?

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I can't even imagine the razors edge that must be, in terms of playing with such extreme emotion and passion, but having to stop as soon as a whistle blows...humans aren't wired that way. That's the thing, they have to play basically to the very edge of control and the extra energy from the crowd, which is amazing, might be the tiny little nudge that pushes them over the ledge.


Brown hopefully doesn't get suspended btw, don't think he should, but he put his hands on an official and was somewhat lucky he didn't get ejected. The ref he touched was the one that threw the flag.

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how do you hold them accountable? Bench them? Would you have benched Hughes and Brown ? How about Urbik for a few holding penalties.... who would you play instead?

Would their replacements have won? I don't know but I do know Hughes and Brown didn't get us this win so maybe benching them may help them focus better next time.


Does make me feel a little better to know it isn't just our guys doing dumb things, I watched the Saints special teamer dance around celebrating his tackle while the ball lay on the field two feet away. I mean he literally could have bent over, picked it up and taken three steps to the end zone. I laughed out loud when I thought about what they are going to say when they watch the film. But then the Saints aren't my team so it's easy to laugh.

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reason for penalties ? some players , like jerry hughes, are dumb. jerry hughes has been this way for years. he will cost you games.


does anyone think NE would put up with this chit ??





rex needs to send a message......oh wait, he already did, " I’m proud of the way this team played,”

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how do you hold them accountable? Bench them? Would you have benched Hughes and Brown ? How about Urbik for a few holding penalties.... who would you play instead?


Yes. How has it worked out keeping them in the games thus far?


And bullsh-- holding calls by a backup are not the same thing as idiotic personal fouls by one of your high priced 'stars'.

Well we're averaging 14 penalties per home game and we had 5 at Miami. Something's off.


Yes, they played two good teams at home, got smacked around and reacted like idiots.


This team is great as long as they are playing doormats. They should join the SEC.

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how do you hold them accountable? Bench them? Would you have benched Hughes and Brown ? How about Urbik for a few holding penalties.... who would you play instead?

I would bench Hughes what did he do on the field yesterday that contributed to the defense? Losing Wynn this year hurts. Hughes is a player with no self control. maroon knew that last year. What has changed with the guy? Well he got paid, and still cannot play like a pro should. The hoody would probabaly cut him. Ditto Preston Brown. urbik? he blows.

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