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The good old 14th


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I dunno. "Mexican Expansion" I've never heard about. I searched Google under "mexican expansion" and just hit the opposite of Mexican Expansion with the Mexican-American War in the mid 1800's. General/President Grant was ashamed of this war, as he wrote in his memoirs. It was just robbing territory, starting with the creation of the State of Texas. I guess that would make Grant a closet Mexican Expansionist but he did fight against the Mexicans in that war. Maybe there are Grant fans among the Mexicans. They would need to pay more attention to their cyber presence if they would like to be taken seriously, it seems to me, if they do, in fact, exist.

Do you actually have a point that can be debated?

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Do you actually have a point that can be debated?

I'm on record for an 80% marginal tax rate on individuals who make over $3,000,000,000.00. If you're not affected by that, I've got some pretty strong opinions about Monsanto that might rile you up. I don't think that corporations should be able to patent the genomes that they scrape from farmers.

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I'm on record for an 80% marginal tax rate on individuals who make over $3,000,000,000.00. If you're not affected by that, I've got some pretty strong opinions about Monsanto that might rile you up. I don't think that corporations should be able to patent the genomes that they scrape from farmers.

The liberals tried your idiotic "tax the uber rich" policy in France at a 75% rate. Not surprisingly, they left the country.

You want to punish corporations too? I wonder what will happen then...

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If you haven't done so already, come on down to Austin. There's a Bills Backers bar not far from where I live, so we can watch a game and I'll take you around to see the sights. Seriously, there's a massive population here that speak no English at all. It keeps them from ever earning decent money unless they either have extremely good luck or sell drugs. I'm not exaggerating. There's at least four or five people that I've known for over 10 years that can not speak one full sentence in English, except maybe 'I want beer'. The kicker is that only a couple of them are here illegally. Two of them are brothers and were raised in south Texas. Great guys, but no halba Ingles.

I worked with many that didn't speak English and I remember one 60 something dishwasher who had been here over 20 years. They don't have to. They have their own newspapers, TV stations, billboards and signage in places like Home Depot. I had to learn their language just so I could ask them to compete simple kitchen tasks. This was 30 years ago and though I've been out of restaurants for 15 years I've retained most of my Spanish. It's not that difficult to learn a new language of you're motivated to be successful.

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I worked with many that didn't speak English and I remember one 60 something dishwasher who had been here over 20 years. They don't have to. They have their own newspapers, TV stations, billboards and signage in places like Home Depot. I had to learn their language just so I could ask them to compete simple kitchen tasks. This was 30 years ago and though I've been out of restaurants for 15 years I've retained most of my Spanish. It's not that difficult to learn a new language of you're motivated to be successful.


Our experiences appear to be nearly identical. I've picked up a pretty fair amount of Spanish along the way myself (most of it pretty salty) and I considered myself to be modestly capable of holding a limited conversation. Then I married a Spaniard, and I quickly learned that there is a huge difference between Castellano and Latino Spanish.

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The liberals tried your idiotic "tax the uber rich" policy in France at a 75% rate. Not surprisingly, they left the country.

You want to punish corporations too? I wonder what will happen then...


That's different. You can't compare France to the US because France is barely the size of Texas.


Sweden. Now there's a viable comparison.

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Looks like Dr. Ben Carson just hopped on the idiot 14th amendment train.


!@#$ you Trump! :lol:

LOL, You don't need to be a brain surgeon to understand this sentence:


All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.


Carson is wacked

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I'm on record for an 80% marginal tax rate on individuals who make over $3,000,000,000.00. If you're not affected by that, I've got some pretty strong opinions about Monsanto that might rile you up. I don't think that corporations should be able to patent the genomes that they scrape from farmers.

On what basis should the government be entitled to tax 80% of any dollar earned by anyone or any entity?

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Which would then lead to the court overturning it followed by impeachment proceedings

The court might overturn it but considering the recent history of executive orders what would make you think that there would be impeachment proceedings? And btw, I was being sarcastic in my response to the reptile.

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The court might overturn it but considering the recent history of executive orders what would make you think that there would be impeachment proceedings? And btw, I was being sarcastic in my response to the reptile.


Because those actions would arguably be unlawful.

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