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Incognito Not a Fan of Goodell and Wells

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Richie & Jon appeared pretty friendly in those photos almost like buddies. It seems like Richie likes to joke around & it got out of hand. The Marines was like that often. The commish is out of control but I like the Brady ruling of course. Richie is a Bills guard & that is very good.

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richie, richie,richie...just because a microphone is in front of you, it does not mean you have to talk. lawdy, lawdy shut yer pie hole or say no comment. you should licking someone's boots that you have a job in the nfl period.

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richie, richie,richie...just because a microphone is in front of you, it does not mean you have to talk. lawdy, lawdy shut yer pie hole or say no comment. you should licking someone's boots that you have a job in the nfl period.


Indeed. Richie's best move is to be incognito, on and off the field.


His penalties call attention to himself on the field and most of his off the field trouble comes from his inability to just shut the f#$k up.


An offensive lineman should rarely have his name mentioned during the game. And a moron? Well better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


As a Bills fan, I just hope Richie gets it right on, and off, the field this year. But I can't say I'm betting on it.

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Richie needs to pray at the church of St. Fu. You are lucky to have a job, bigmouth. We don't like you being here, but if you shut up and ball, we're more likely to forgive and forget than if you keep spewing $hit out your piehole. You're on like your seventh chance here d-bag, stop talking and play.

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richie, richie,richie...just because a microphone is in front of you, it does not mean you have to talk. lawdy, lawdy shut yer pie hole or say no comment. you should licking someone's boots that you have a job in the nfl period.

Who cares.


He said nothing controversial, IMO. A few stories ran over the weekend and the sun came up today. By tomorrow it will be forgotten as the media look for fresh 'product'....




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Not sure if already posted but incognito's old OL coach from Miami who was a subject of that investigation is filing a defamation suit against Wells


@AdamSchefter: More on former Dolphins' OL coach Jim Turner filing defamation lawsuit against Ted Wells:





Apparently, Turner is rethinking that now:



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