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Harvin: The world hasnt seen me explode like I'm about to

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Hundreds of thousands of athletes all over the world when they are stars get special treatment and are enabled for the last 100 years since Babe Ruth became a sports God. A handful have become murderers and I would argue would have become murderers anyway.


If he didnt play with Ryan and Sanjay last year and been a great teammate I would be quite worried that there could be an incident. After what happened and listening closely to what several people said about what happened last year, I would be much more shocked if there were trouble than I would be if there was none. There is going to be none. I will bet anything on it. I could be wrong, too.

I hope you are right. But as NoSaint pointed out, that was a very short stint. He also mentioned Holmes, who blew up on his qb for the Jets.


Harvin is a great talent. But he is on like chance number 5. He needs to grow up.

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