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Adrian Peterson "wants out."


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The 49ers said, "we're waiting for due process, then we'll deal with it." And they dealt with it 6 or 9 months later. The Vikings grabbed as many headlines as they could in that same span with their actions. I know you know they screwed up.



They dumped him in week 16 ish ? Let him play all season ?


McDonald wasn't charged for in the case where "the 49ers were sticking up for him".


McDonald wasn't charged in the second case--he was simply being investigated--yet they dumped him anyway.


The differences are clear.

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talk about a FU cap situation

Cap Space (w/Top 51 & Projected Draft Pool) $-3,028,938


If they can

Renegotiate Romo and his $27,773,000 cap hit - problem solved. UFA in 2020



Renegotiate / extend Dex Bryant @ $12,823,000 will also help their cap $$

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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The sympathy for AP is hilarious and it comes from most of the usual contrarians aboard the good ship TBD.


The fact is, his agent can suck it - he negotiated the contract with the Vikings and if he doesn't like it, he should fire himself.


AP is personally responsible for what he did to one of his 7 kids, and if he doesn't like how it's played out, maybe he shouldn't have done it in the first place. The Vikings and the NFL may have acted stupidly, but they hold all the cards here as the employer of someone in the public eye who at best committed an act of misconduct, if he didn't break the law.


This "act first, play the victim later" stuff is a complete joke, and right now this is the product of the slimiest kind of agent. Fans hate Eugene Parker but Ben Dogra is making him look like a saint.

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The sympathy for AP is hilarious and it comes from most of the usual contrarians aboard the good ship TBD.


The fact is, his agent can suck it - he negotiated the contract with the Vikings and if he doesn't like it, he should fire himself.


AP is personally responsible for what he did to one of his 7 kids, and if he doesn't like how it's played out, maybe he shouldn't have done it in the first place. The Vikings and the NFL may have acted stupidly, but they hold all the cards here as the employer of someone in the public eye who at best committed an act of misconduct, if he didn't break the law.


This "act first, play the victim later" stuff is a complete joke, and right now this is the product of the slimiest kind of agent. Fans hate Eugene Parker but Ben Dogra is making him look like a saint.

Show me one instance of "sympathy" for AP.

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Show me one instance of "sympathy" for AP.

I guess I am reading your posts as very much siding with AP over the Vikings. I think both parties have acted stupidly, but I feel that Peterson's actions are more reprehensible, and the Vikes' are borne of incompetence and a bit of greed during a PR fiasco.

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I guess I am reading your posts as very much siding with AP over the Vikings. I think both parties have acted stupidly, but I feel that Peterson's actions are more reprehensible, and the Vikes' are borne of incompetence and a bit of greed during a PR fiasco.

There is a difference between taking a side and sympathy.


My memory is bad. Like 50 first dates bad. But I remember at the time I thought, "Damn the vikes are screwing AP. I dont know if he will want to play for them next year"


And bam it's happening!!!

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I guess I am reading your posts as very much siding with AP over the Vikings. I think both parties have acted stupidly, but I feel that Peterson's actions are more reprehensible, and the Vikes' are borne of incompetence and a bit of greed during a PR fiasco.

So, because AP's actions were worse, Minnesota doesn't deserve scrutiny for they way they handled things? Is that what you're telling me?


I still haven't seen the sympathy, you haven't shown me a quote. I think that every poster in this topic who didn't say "child-beating scum," got painted with your very subtle broad brush.

Edited by FireChan
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I think that every poster in this topic who didn't say "child-beating scum," got painted with your very subtle broad brush.


Well damnit, let me edit my post then:


They'd have to work some cap magic to do it but we might see the rushing record fall with that child-beating scum behind that line if they could make it happen.


I hope that's better as I wouldn't want to be seen as having "sympathy" for AP...

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So, because AP's actions were worse, Minnesota doesn't deserve scrutiny for they way they handled things? Is that what you're telling me?


I still haven't seen the sympathy, you haven't shown me a quote. I think that every poster in this topic who didn't say "child-beating scum," got painted with your very subtle broad brush.


I can't tell if you are being disingenuous or you really don't know the sequence that led to their placing him on exemption...or why doing so was a solid business decision (you claim it wasn't a bad business decision).


To refresh memories:


AP appears in front of a Grand Jury 8/21. The decide not to indict 9/4. Vikes cover AP's absence on 9/11, he is indicted a day later for reckless injury to a child.


Same day (9/12), Vikes deactivate him for the weekend game. Next day--he turns himself into the authorities.


9/15, after AP released a public statement describing his story of "disciplining his child", the Vikes "stand by" (reinstate) him and expect him to play that weekend.


9/15 another chiuld abuse claim surfaces that he hit his kid in the head, but it turns out the kid hit his head on the car seat.....while he was being disciplined. So, all is cool right?


9/16 Governor call for him to be suspeneded... "a public embarrassment".


9/16 Anheiser-Busch talks about pulling ads, as do other companies


9/17 Vikings exempt him


What would you have had them do differently? You saw the pictures--everyone did. They tried to give him the benefit of the doubt--and did, until it proved impossible. The guy was guilty all the way and everyone knew it.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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I can't tell if you are being disingenuous or you really don't know the sequence that led to their placing him on exemption...or why doing so was a solid business decision (you claim it wasn't a bad business decision).


To refresh memories:


AP appears in front of a Grand Jury 8/21. The decide not to indict 9/4. Vikes cover AP's absence on 9/11, he is indicted a day later for reckless injury to a child.


Same day (9/12), Vikes deactivate him for the weekend game. Next day--he turns himself into the authorities.


9/15, after AP released a public statement describing his story of "disciplining his child", the Vikes "stand by" (reinstate) him and expect him to play that weekend.


9/15 another chiuld abuse claim surfaces that he hit his kid in the head, but it turns out the kid hit his head on the car seat.....while he was being disciplined. So, all is cool right?


9/16 Governor call for him to be suspeneded... "a public embarrassment".


9/16 Anheiser-Busch talks about pulling ads, as do other companies


9/17 Vikings exempt him


What would you have had them do differently? You saw the pictures--everyone did. They tried to give him the benefit of the doubt--and did, until it proved impossible. The guy was guilty all the way and everyone knew it.

What happened with the bolded? Nothing. They changed their minds over public pressure and financial reason.


Excerpt from their reinstatement statement. "At this time, however, we believe this is a matter of due process and we should allow the legal system to proceed so we can come to the most effective conclusions and then determine the appropriate course of action. This is a difficult path to navigate, and our focus is on doing the right thing. Currently we believe we are at a juncture where the most appropriate next step is to allow the judicial process to move forward."




So which is it? Standing by due process or caving to rumors? This is why they are idiots. Reinstating him in the first place then backtracking was mindbogglingly stupid. That's the "bad" business decision, because reneging means more headlines, which means more bad PR, which means more sponsors start to get nervous. They made a bad situation worse.


Some other quick thoughts. Who cares what the Governor thinks? Go pass a law that says "anyone indicted needs to be fired or suspended" or stop talking. Imagine the Governor calling for your suspension from your job on a charge you haven't even been convicted of yet. Unacceptable for an elected official who has to adhere to the ideals in our Constitution. Also, did any of those sponsors see a dip in their sales due to AP practicing that one day? Is the whole world crazy? Would you put back a 6 pack of Bud Light because Adrian Peterson is catching passes on the practice field? Bonkers.

Edited by FireChan
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Im with you FireC, it didnt seem right.


I think they were trying to play the "good guy" role, because the season was done.


It season is on the line.... I see a different story.

The season was on the line. They threw in the towel on the season to avoid bad PR.

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I can't tell if you are being disingenuous or you really don't know the sequence that led to their placing him on exemption...or why doing so was a solid business decision (you claim it wasn't a bad business decision).


To refresh memories:


AP appears in front of a Grand Jury 8/21. The decide not to indict 9/4. Vikes cover AP's absence on 9/11, he is indicted a day later for reckless injury to a child.


Same day (9/12), Vikes deactivate him for the weekend game. Next day--he turns himself into the authorities.


9/15, after AP released a public statement describing his story of "disciplining his child", the Vikes "stand by" (reinstate) him and expect him to play that weekend.


9/15 another chiuld abuse claim surfaces that he hit his kid in the head, but it turns out the kid hit his head on the car seat.....while he was being disciplined. So, all is cool right?


9/16 Governor call for him to be suspeneded... "a public embarrassment".


9/16 Anheiser-Busch talks about pulling ads, as do other companies


9/17 Vikings exempt him


What would you have had them do differently? You saw the pictures--everyone did. They tried to give him the benefit of the doubt--and did, until it proved impossible. The guy was guilty all the way and everyone knew it.

The press conference supporting him on 9/15 I believe was in front of a banner of their largest corporate sponsor - radisson/Carlson. The brand then reacted quickly saying they couldn't be associated and the Vikings very quickly changed their tune if I recall.


But I'll be honest I recall a few times thinking/posting "did the vikes really just do that" and at this moment I'm drawing a blank on examples beyond the one above that we discussed pretty heavily which was terribly disrespectful to the sponsor and forced the Vikings to react publicly against the players actions. That's not excusing Peterson but Id get why he'd be a bit frustrated with the team even if his actions are terrible.

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Anyone else have a problem with this whole "victim" thing he's got going, essentially accusing the Vikings of betraying him for not being more supportive? Seriously, there's absolutely no recognition on his part that he may actually have done something wrong.


A lot of that going around these days.

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My take is TFB AP. Regardless of how the Vikings treated you, none of their actions rise to the level of breach of contract, while you caused a significant breach with your violation of the NFL's personal conduct policy. Better show up and play, punk. The Vikes own your ass for the next three years. Stop blaming them for your poor excuse for parenting. Man up, for once. And try to see your kids before they die, huh?

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