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The Bills are hiring - IT Support Specialist

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Highly self-motivated and directed; detail-oriented with strong communication skills

Clear evidence that the Bills HR department has zombies working there. It is not even possible for a competent IT person to have "strong communication skills".

Edited by Greg F
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Two IT students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second IT student replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes, and said, "Take what you want.", so I took the bike.

The first IT student nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't fit."

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Why has no one nominated Rosen for this position? You people disappoint me. I realize that the skills necessary to be successful are below Jay's enormous skills, but, still it is a position with the Bills and I think he'd be interested.

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If I lived in buffalo I would apply for this job. I have a tad too much experience, but what a great place to work. Salary is prob crap too.


The job description seems out of line with the educational requirements. I wouldn't assume that it is a great place to work, had a few jobs were it looked great from the outside looking in but turned out to be anything but. I agree on salary, posted job duties are not very demanding.

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If I lived in buffalo I would apply for this job. I have a tad too much experience, but what a great place to work. Salary is prob crap too.

Entry level, strange hours (nights, weekends, holidays), and probably $10-15 an hr. No thanks.


But I suppose its a good way to get in the door if it's your dream to work in the NFL. Mike Pettine started out making close to minimum wage by video taping practices for the Ravens and look at him now

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Even though this is only a $40-$45K job a year the best part of the NFL is that you are fully vested after 5 years. If you are just trying to start your career it's not a bad start. After 2-3 years you have an opportunity to move to a manager level which will add about another $20K to your salary. Once you get to the 5 year mark you can start looking for your next move.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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Sanjay isn't the IT guy?

This is IT support, not programming. A "I went to college in India" support guy? That's on the list of the worst things I can imagine. Not only do you get the superiority complex(college is 12 hours a day in India), but you also get the fury that he's doing that, and not something more worthy, in his estimation, of his skills and effort.


The only upside: a guy like that is imminently fun to screw with, so you and your office cohorts could have a blast...for a while...until he quits, goes postal, or destroys the firm's entire architecture.

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