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Dungy: NFL needs to restrict New England’s substitution game


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“It is nothing but an intent to deceive and they are doing it very well. They’re reporting so fast and going so quickly the defense can’t respond. In fact, the officials can’t keep up.”


Dungy believes the officials missed a pair of penalties with this maneuver during the postseason.


Dungy said that, if he were coaching the Seahawks, he’d reluctantly tell the players to fake defensive injuries in the Super Bowl to counter New England’s tactic.


“It’s something I’m totally against doing but I would certainly tell my players to do it rather than have the NFL issue an apology the next day after we lost a Super Bowl,” Dungy said.


Goddell almost has no choice but to put the screws in Kraft

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If the players are legally substituted and the refs properly announce eligibility, there is not rule violation, in letter or spirit.


Dungy was owned by BB. He even hired the Thomas Edison of video signal stealing (Mudd) and still could't succeed in the post season, despite years of Manning and loaded offenses.


His sanctimony got old and irrelevant years ago.

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If the players are legally substituted and the refs properly announce eligibility, there is not rule violation, in letter or spirit.


Dungy was owned by BB. He even hired the Thomas Edison of video signal stealing (Mudd) and still could't succeed in the post season, despite years of Manning and loaded offenses.


His sanctimony got old and irrelevant years ago.

It is one thing to attempt to fool another team and another thing to purposely exploit a flaw in how the game is officiated. I know your love of the Pats is boundless, but they are burning down the NFL. Edited by 4merper4mer
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If the players are legally substituted and the refs properly announce eligibility, there is not rule violation, in letter or spirit.


Dungy was owned by BB. He even hired the Thomas Edison of video signal stealing (Mudd) and still could't succeed in the post season, despite years of Manning and loaded offenses.


His sanctimony got old and irrelevant years ago.

Dungy's colts beat New England on the way to the super bowl. Edited by JTSP
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If the players are legally substituted and the refs properly announce eligibility, there is not rule violation, in letter or spirit.



That's nonsense. The intent is to deceive. And according to Dungy, in this case they're even deceiving the officials - they're making changes so quickly that the refs don't have time to properly announce eligibility, or penalize them when they don't.

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That's nonsense. The intent is to deceive. And according to Dungy, in this case they're even deceiving the officials - they're making changes so quickly that the refs don't have time to properly announce eligibility, or penalize them when they don't.



They announced the eligibility the first time they did it. Any D can now see what they are doing, so the element of surprise is pretty much gone. Seeing a RB or WR report to a ref is not a subtle tip off...

Dungy's colts beat New England on the way to the super bowl.

Dungy won a single SB with far more talent than many teams of his era.

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Not an expert on the substitution thing, but a typical Pats ploy. The refs have to be prepared and enforce the rules. The Pats will try to sneak around any restriction that might hold them back from having an advantage. Billy is smarter than most coaches, but the rules only allow for so much.

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Not an expert on the substitution thing, but a typical Pats ploy. The refs have to be prepared and enforce the rules. The Pats will try to sneak around any restriction that might hold them back from having an advantage. Billy is smarter than most coaches, but the rules only allow for so much.


The rules allow for the exact substitutions that NE did. The refs did enforce the rules. Jim Harbaugh didn't understand. Instead of calling a TO, he whined.

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They announced the eligibility the first time they did it. Any D can now see what they are doing, so the element of surprise is pretty much gone. Seeing a RB or WR report to a ref is not a subtle tip off...



That's not the point. The point is that 1) the Pats are using the eligibility/ineligibility ploy to get around the substitution rules, and 2) in doing so, while they are following the rules to the letter, they certainly aren't following them in spirit.

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Serious question for WEO--are you now, or have you ever been, a closet Pats* fan? You leap to their defense at every opportunity, even before this latest of many, many transgressions over the years, all on a BUFFALO BILLS message board. Now I know you also follow the Bills, as you comment on them, too, here, unlike some of the other Pats* defenders who seemed to come out of the woodwork from nowhere this week (HOFW comes to mind) and I actually agree with you from time to time on the Bills stuff. Are the Pats* your second/mistress team or something?

That's not the point. The point is that 1) the Pats are using the eligibility/ineligibility ploy to get around the substitution rules, and 2) in doing so, while they are following the rules to the letter, they certainly aren't following them in spirit.

That' last part's exactly what my wife said upon reading an article detailing their eligibility shenanigans.

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The rules allow for the exact substitutions that NE did. The refs did enforce the rules. Jim Harbaugh didn't understand. Instead of calling a TO, he whined.

I honestly don't know enough to argue the point. I admit that freely. (I'd learn if I had to, but I'm too lazy to research it.) I can question why you are on this board and not a Pats board. Do you do the whole AFC East? Not being a jerk here, but you seem to love the Pats. Again, I'm asking a serious question. Is it dual loyalty for some reason? I respect them, but I also realize what they are. Why do you bother? Do you acknowledge that they skirt the rules even a little?

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Serious question for WEO--are you now, or have you ever been, a closet Pats* fan? You leap to their defense at every opportunity, even before this latest of many, many transgressions over the years, all on a BUFFALO BILLS message board. Now I know you also follow the Bills, as you comment on them, too, here, unlike some of the other Pats* defenders who seemed to come out of the woodwork from nowhere this week (HOFW comes to mind) and I actually agree with you from time to time on the Bills stuff. Are the Pats* your second/mistress team or something?


I know it has always been difficult to wrap your brain around this. But I pick my arguments carefully. When people make inaccurate statements, even out of passion, it doesn't make one a "pats fan"to point out their error.


It's possible to disagree with the popular sentiment and remain a Bills fan. You aren't able to fathom that, so hence you pose your "serious question", which really isn't serious at all.

I honestly don't know enough to argue the point. I admit that freely. (I'd learn if I had to, but I'm too lazy to research it.) I can question why you are on this board and not a Pats board. Do you do the whole AFC East? Not being a jerk here, but you seem to love the Pats. Again, I'm asking a serious question. Is it dual loyalty for some reason? I respect them, but I also realize what they are. Why do you bother? Do you acknowledge that they skirt the rules even a little?

See my response to MattM. If you can't be bothered to look stuff to satisfy yourself of it's validity, what do you want from me? This "pats fan" stuff has always been the last stand of the less bright posters here. Why would you want to join them?


Deflating the balls was a clear rule violation. It clearly didn't have whatever intended effect it was meant to have.


The video taping of signals was also illegal and a rule violation.


Pretty simple.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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If you can't be bothered to look stuff to satisfy yourself of it's validity, what do you want from me? This "pats fan" stuff has always been the last stand of the less bright posters here. Why would you want to join them?

Ohhh, I see! I thought asking a question might get a thoughtful answer. That's the error we "less bright posters" make. My greater error was to read your crap in the first place, but that's my bad. I do learn, however. Belichick is smart, and I respect that. He also cheats, and I realize that. Repeat cheaters deserve justice or the whole league gets hurt. What do I want from you? Nothing. I asked polietly and you gave me zilch. Have fun out there on your island.

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Ohhh, I see! I thought asking a question might get a thoughtful answer. That's the error we "less bright posters" make. My greater error was to read your crap in the first place, but that's my bad. I do learn, however. Belichick is smart, and I respect that. He also cheats, and I realize that. Repeat cheaters deserve justice or the whole league gets hurt. What do I want from you? Nothing. I asked polietly and you gave me zilch. Have fun out there on your island.



You said you were too lazy to determine if I was right or not--yet you still assume I must "love the pats" because of the statement I made.


So, even if what I said is factual (and has been repeated by many others here and elsewhere) , I "must love the pats"? That's your "thoughtful" position?


Wow. That's pretty hard core orthodoxy.

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But I pick my arguments carefully. When people make inaccurate statements, even out of passion, it doesn't make one a "pats fan"to point out their error.


Lol so " careful" and accurate you forgot colts went thru the team that "owned them" on the way to the super bowl. Nice little refresher for you


2006 AFC Championship Battle of the Titans:

Edited by JTSP
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You said you were too lazy to determine if I was right or not--yet you still assume I must "love the pats" because of the statement I made.


So, even if what I said is factual (and has been repeated by many others here and elsewhere) , I "must love the pats"? That's your "thoughtful" position?


Wow. That's pretty hard core orthodoxy.


I'd like for my coach to be able to out-smart the rest of the league. If he cheated in doing so, I'd expect the axe to come down hard. The Patriots cheat. They have been convicted and accepted the penalty. Then they cheated again. Sometimes they out-smart, but they also cheat. Do you deny that? Pretty sure I'm done with this. There is no question they have cheated once again. Period. Bottom line.

Don't worry. The Pat's will need the red cross to get through this game. Their tiny WR's will be lucky to survive the first half.

I actually expect the Pats to win, but what do I know? Despite being critical of the cheating stuff (known and unknown), they have a great thing going there.

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