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How Do We Take 38 - 3 Win Over The Jets ??

T master

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OK i was as excited as any Bills fan to see our team deal out the whoopin they gave the Jets ! Any time we beat the Jets it is a good thing !!


But in the over all scheme of things how good of a win is this ?


It is what it is a 2-8 team going into this game with a siv for a secondary , it was a game that we should have won easily which we did but what does that say going forward ?


The rest of the way forward we play teams that are in most respects a lot better than the Jets & are any of us worried to see if our Red Zone issues are fixed & if our OC has a better handle on the offense than he did in any of the previous loses ?


Or will we see the same offensive deficiencies that we saw prior to the Jets game . Were the jets just the ugly girl that made us look like the handsome prince for the day or was this a turning point in our season & the team will come together & play up to the potential of our talent level ?


I hope this was the turning point & we come out in the rest of the season & play up to the talent that this team has & our OC has had a epiphany when it comes to seeing exactly how to use the weapons he has at his disposal ...



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Solid win over a bad team. Like someone else here said, we beat them like they deserved to be beat. Doesn't make us a Super Bowl contender but it counts for something. Could be a nice confidence boost for the stretch run.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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The Jets defense is still ranked 7th in the NFL. That's pretty impressive when you consider how many games they have lost.


What does this mean? It means our offense is starting to get into a groove. I noticed weeks ago that the offensive line started to put it together. Each week they are improving their blocking schemes. Orton may not be a top 10 QB, but he isn't doing too bad either. Sammy is drawing double coverage and other receivers are making catches, all while keeping Orton upright. Also, the run game was looking like a carcass left on the side of the road until the last couple of weeks. The offense moved the ball, on the ground against the #4 ranked rush defense. These are good things.


As for the defense, the Bills flat out destroyed a horrible offense, and this should not be a surprise.


What has me hopeful right now, is that the offense is starting to click. The defense is awesome. They are stealing the show right now, but it is the offense no one is paying attention to that folks should be watching more closely. Woods is making catches. Multiple TEs, RBs, WRs are making catches. Orton had a couple of bad games but over all he is trending upward. We all know that our defense deserves to be in the playoffs. A little more production from the offense, and this team is going places.

Edited by Rockinon
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I stay within the $40-$75 range and there I prefer The Balvenie and Macallan. My friends like Laphroaig for its peatiness. Depends on your tastes. I will have a couple tomorrow, hope you do too.


I'm sure I will. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm a newcomer to the single malt scotch world. First bottle I bought was a glen Kirk 8 year a couple weeks ago. I brought what's left to my parents house for thanksgiving and my dad also bought a glenlivet 12 for tomorrow.

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The Jets victory was nice for padding stats and thats all.Put up this score against Denver,New England or Green bay and we will know the Bills have taken a step.


I think this victory was more than just padding stats. This indeed was a complete, solid, and well-deserved victory. Given the circumstances, the lack of practice time, the having to play a home game away from the confines of the Ralph, MANY of us would have just been happy with a W, and I would even go as far as to say that many would have at the very least understood a loss.


We dominated this game in every aspect. Offense, defense, and special teams. The Bills finally got the "step on their necks" mentality and when they got up, they didn't let off the gas and slammed every nail in the Jets coffin. The Jets, as bad as they are this year, are still an NFL football team, and no game is a gimme. So with that said, there is alot positive to take away from this game and build on. We were supposed to beat the Jets, and we did that, in excellent fashion.


I am very much looking forward to the game Sunday, and I fully expect the Bills to beat Cleveland. And it is because of that Monday night showing that I feel as confident as I do about a Bills victory.

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