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Better Trilogy?


What movie trilogy is better?  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. What movie trilogy is better?

    • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
    • ORIGINAL Star Wars Trilogy

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another reason LoTR is better as a trilogy, Lucas wanted Wookies but had to settle for Ewoks.  I don't recall seeing Jackson having to settle on anything like that.  Can't afford the orcs, lets just cast some angry gnomes



If it had been wookies instead of ewoks that would have ruled.

God I sound like a geek.

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I have a love for both trilogies, that it is hard for me to choose which is my favorite. I grew up on Star Wars, and I was anticipating the Lord of the Rings movies when they made the firs press announcement in 1997.

I do agree that Jedi is the weak link of the SW trilogy, and LOTR does not have a weak film. Thus I would say that LOTR is a more rounded trilogy.

Someone suggested that the Indiana Jones trilogy should be mentioned here too. I would agree, although Temple of Doom makes me cringe a bit.

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Step 1:  Collect underpants

Step 2:  ???

Step 3:   Profit



yea but dude whats step 2?.... :lol:




-dont forget lethal weapons films...I know theres 4 but they all good


-if blade 3 had turned out good u coulda added those as well, but as we all know 3 sucked so...


-what constatutes as a trilogy?...SW had time pass between each movie while LOTR was just 1 long movie cut into 3 movies...if time passing between each movie counts as trilogy add Harry Potter as well.

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-dont forget lethal weapons films...I know theres 4 but they all good


-what constatutes as a trilogy?...SW had time pass between each movie...


LOTR was just 1 long movie cut into 3 movies...


if time passing between each movie counts as trilogy add Harry Potter as well.



A trilogy is a series of three stories with tales that are linked. If they're epochal - all the better.

If you want to list quadrologies, I'd submit the Alien series.


LOTR is a single trilogy.

Georgie Lucas invisioned SW as a set of three trilogies - a trilogy of trilogies as it were.

He's given up on bringing all nine movies to life.


Harry Potter would be septupology as JKR is bringing a series of seven books to life.

Time passing between each story is not as much of a criteria as the epic nature of each tale.

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Finally, someone with some taste!! Indy kicks the crap outta those movies!!!





Dude - not true. I love Indiana Jones, but the Temple of Doom was one of the worst POS movies of all time.

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LOTR by far. Lucas was probably shaking in a corner watching those because he finally realized how a REAL trilogy should be done.


I'm a huge SW fan, but Jedi was a complete POS. Ewoks sucked, and the story blew. Wow, another death star? How creative!


Additionally, Lucas got much of his general theme from LOTR.

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Peter Jackson did a fine job with the LOTR trilogy. I enjoyed those movies very much. But he was still mostly the beneficiary of Tolkien's creativity. It was Tolkien's world that Jackson brought to the screen - not Jackson's.


The entire framework for Star Wars begins and ends with Lucas. Yeah, he's got a massive staff of creative folks who probably design just about everything you see in the prequels now, but they are adding to the foundation that belonged to Lucas. That is not to say Lucas did not borrow from other cultures, beliefs, etc. He did. But most great artists (I'm using the term very broadly here) throughout history either incorporated or built upon their repsective influences.


Lastly, as far as overall societal impact, the LOTR films can't hold a candle to the SW films. There is no contest.

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LoTR is better literature by a long shot. Star Wars was written for the purpose of being made into a movie. Star Wars is much easier and more fun to watch as cinema though. To put it in a nutshell: LoTR is better reading, Star Wars is better to watch.

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I honestly dont think its fair to compare both these movies and ask wich is better trilogy...if both movies where made in the same year SW woulda kiked LOTR a$$ big time...imagen what the trolls/orcs woulda looked like without lucas's team helping them or giveing them ideas...a lot of crappy scifi movies come to mind trying to imagen it...without the technology that Lucas has developed over the past 20+ years LOTR would not be as awsome as it is today...


...but I do have to say, as a star wars fan, that lucas did sell out after he made SW:NH and SW:ESB...for some reason he wanted to make a more "kid friendly" movie with SW:ROTJ and kept with this theme right into SW:TPM (by the way jarjar sucked a$$ - worst charecter ever put in a movie)...and these last 2 movies seem like hes just trying to get them done and over with..I really hope episode 3 will be the best SW ever, but i doubt it...


...one last note.....Lucas sucks! ...I hate how hes so money hungry...not with just the movies but with his toys and pc games...he puts out like 5 versions of a figure and the only differences is one has a blue gun and the other has a black gun...this way he makes more money cuz he knows the fans are gonna buy everything he puts out...with the pc games he was one of the first to make you buy multiple copies in order to multiplayer...most companies like blizzard gave a multiplayer disk or multiplayer was built into the games but not lucas's games..DAMN YOU LUCAS!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: <_<

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I wish the Godfather trilogy was a choice.  I think I'd give those the nod, though it would be a hard call between them and Star Wars....



The Godfather 1 and 2 are simply imo the best movies ever made. From The doning pardon the pun of Michael Corleone in The 1st to the rise and fall of the Corleone family and life of young vito in Godfather 2. Simply put it's an epic masterpiece. I could've done without the 3rd one though. Given the two choices listed I'd chose lotr as I simply do not and have never liked star wars.

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There is no over-estimating people's appetite for CRAP!




SOMEBODY woke up on the dark side of Mordor with a horses head in the bed this morning.

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I wish the Godfather trilogy was a choice.  I think I'd give those the nod, though it would be a hard call between them and Star Wars....



Godfather gets an immediate disqualification due to the presence of GF3. It is almost bad enough to taint the first two films which are masterpieces.

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There is no over-estimating people's appetite for CRAP!





Starwars changed film making. I changed the way movies were made, heard, and watched. It had a profound impact on future generations of writers, directors, actors and special effect artists in a way that no other movie has.


Even though I agree with you that they are not the best films ever made, their impact on the industry (and audiences) cannot be denied. So I don't think it's fair to call them crap (if that's what you are refering too).


LOTR was great, but it's long term effects won't be on par with Starwars. That being said, I still prefer Starwars to LOTRs, but that's because I like Ford over "Rudy" <_<

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