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we drafted EJ because he is a big, strong QB, right?

Tampa Bob

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I will make one attempt here to fill in between the lines, because I don’t fear human nature or discussions around how demographics influence perception. I don’t believe every insinuation that touches this facet of human nature necessarily must devolve into racism accusations.


My initial statement was made to key on the following suppositions, which I believe to be true in general:


(1) The majority of posters on the board are from a certain similar demographic. White middle class to upper middle class, with blue collar town origin. This is true of buffalo itself and the fact that basic computer literacy is a barrier to entry for this forum (as much as I hate to concede that based on some here) It pushes it up the SES scale a bit. Which is why I am going middle to middle upper class. The rest is just a mirror of b'lo


(2) The number of anti ej threads based on the board has been significantly higher than any topic in memory


(3) Those that are ready to proclaim he isn’t going to be the solution at QB are completely unable to produce statistical or historical precedent to validate this position. So it is ignored that the kid is in what has conventionally been an inconclusive phase of his career for virtually all QB’s to play the game, and has statistically performed near the top of new entrants to the role of first/second year starting NFL QB.


(4) The QB position has for a long time starkly contrasted the demographics of the league itself.


(5) the QB position is considered the face of the franchise, team leader and in most cases the player which you almost have to like and identify with to truly enjoy following a team.


(6) Here is the metacognitive human reality, one you need to accept for yourselves to not be afraid of this overall discussion. People tend to identify better with people they perceive to be like themselves and it’s an innate human characteristic people can either as a metacognitive recognize and address, be oblivious to but at the same time unknowingly acquiesce to, or embrace violently and emotionally at which point it devolves to a much uglier thing. If you don’t admit this then explain segregation, explain religion, explain political allegiance and explain why if you ask any realtor they will tell you people go with realtors they perceive to be like them. There are countless examples.


Imagine Jim Kelly, a buffalo hero, now picture him with all the same stats the same personality, the same everything- except he looks like Donovan McNabb and he comes from a rich urban east coast family. Now is he the same hero to Buffalo?


So based on this argument- yes I find myself reaching a generalized conclusion. Many here have an irrational appraisal of EJ’s future with the team. It’s not based in fact, it’s not supported with data, it doesn’t align with historical precedence and I have had discussions with bills fans (albeit boomers and older mostly which might also align with the board or not) who by their own admission just aren’t ready to see the demographic shift at the sports most iconic position particularly for their team.


SO I am not calling anyone anything. I made a postulation, then elaborated, then watched a bunch of irrational over reaction and inflammatory misinterpretation which I expect from one poster in particular who has a fallaciously inflated view of his own intellect and is clearly unable to do more than grab bits of misconstrued blurbs out of context and try to “make things more interesting”. But hey his post count is likely the most significant achievement in his pathetic little life.


And by all means would be very interested if there were more explanation as to why EJM hasn’t earned the same benefit of doubt that virtually every other QB in the franchise history has had?

Whooo, a diatribe so good it had to be posted twice. Talk About upping your post count.
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EJ plays much slower and weaker than he really is..


Slow eyes and inaccurate to a T. He has


to see guys wide open before he will deliver the ball.. Rarely throws with anticipation.. has trouble maneuvering around the pocket and avoiding any




Well said ^

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Public figures are different than sports fans on chat boards. To me chat boards should be playgrounds to discuss things and agrue with like minded folks for entertainment.


And I never said "didn't like black" I said "only like white qbs" meaning a preference of a more identifiable demographic at THAT key position. I can decide I only want a realtor that is the same age is me, but I don't think I'm ageist.


yes I could have said "prefer" to be less inflamitory.. Which I am not trying to be. Just that many people feel a need to project themselves into identifiable personalities as part of their fanhood and it may be difficult for some typical Buf fans to identify with ej. I read a similar thing about keapernick once because of his tats.


Just again trying to understand why there is so little b.o.d offered to this kid 13 games into his career, For which now you and others have offered other alternatives after dispensing with the racism thing which was never my specific intent.


But I have yet to understand how one of those offered generates such a deeply rooted emotional response such as what I've seen, but at least there are thoughts.








Since I've been off topic so much Anyway... I think schopp wrote an open letter to the Sabres hoping they blow the season for this amazing prospect..... Wtf guys? Really?

You're just a race baiter Mr Sharpton. I know it, you know it, every body knows it. Just do us a favor and lay off.
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Public figures are different than sports fans on chat boards. To me chat boards should be playgrounds to discuss things and agrue with like minded folks for entertainment.


And I never said "didn't like black" I said "only like white qbs" meaning a preference of a more identifiable demographic at THAT key position. I can decide I only want a realtor that is the same age is me, but I don't think I'm ageist.


yes I could have said "prefer" to be less inflamitory.. Which I am not trying to be. Just that many people feel a need to project themselves into identifiable personalities as part of their fanhood and it may be difficult for some typical Buf fans to identify with ej. I read a similar thing about keapernick once because of his tats.


Just again trying to understand why there is so little b.o.d offered to this kid 13 games into his career, For which now you and others have offered other alternatives after dispensing with the racism thing which was never my specific intent.


But I have yet to understand how one of those offered generates such a deeply rooted emotional response such as what I've seen, but at least there are thoughts.








Since I've been off topic so much Anyway... I think schopp wrote an open letter to the Sabres hoping they blow the season for this amazing prospect..... Wtf guys? Really?


Nobody is buying your back pedaling dude. You were the one who brought race into a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with race. You can pretend that it wasn't your intent, but we aren't stupid. You are the type of person who likely uses racism as an excuse for everything. Get over it. Times are different man.

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Yeesh, this thread got crazy...


IMO, peple aren't overly critical of EJ becase he's black, they're overly critical because we live in an age where everyone is a critic. What's worse is we live in an age where if something isn't "the best ever" instantly, it completely sucks and has no chance of growing, or growing on you (athletes, music, movies, art, whatever).


Fwiw, I've worked with professional action sports athletes for years now - guess what? They tend to get better with a little experience and time to grow. Shaun White wasn't always the best snowboarder in the world, when he first went pro he was just a kid trying to learn his way.


Obviously quite different than a high draft pick QB in the NFL, but man, the armchair Internet critics that drone on and on about how they're right, just get old, IMO.


Just because EJ isn't great now (or, more to the point, helped do us in last week), doesn't necessarily mean he's terrible or doomed to lifelong failure.



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I can't believe this turned into a race issue. I thought TB was costic (relax- TB I'm kidding as a fellow Tampa Bills fan, but you have to tone down the choice of words - FWIW - I believe your right).


The whole race issue is moot. I think there were a ton of people comparing EJ to Russel Wilson who so many wanted to draft. If this board is so prejudice, why do so many people keep clamoring over Wilson? Kelly was not loved because he was white. He was and is loved because he was a phenomenal QB who never gets the credit he deserves compared to Montana, Marino, Elway, Young and so on. He was special on the field back then, and now as a leader in the community now.


I believe the DB for Denver might have a point. Everyone talks about Luck who is amazing, but we might be watching the development of a HOF QB in Wilson. How many people would have given up their apendex for Cam Newton as our starting QB. I'm not an RG fan, and have never been, but it has nothing to do with his race. It has to do with cousins performance last week. He follows his reads better, makes better decisions, and so on.


So let's put the race stuff to bed as I know these guys, and I am the absolute furthest from racism, and don't believe these guys are making their decisions based on the color of his skin.


Now EJ can show everyone he is deserving of the starting position by showing up against Houston, Detroit, and NE in the next three weeks. The guy seems like a great guy. Just show us you can win!

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Just as good a question - how does this thread and several Tanny threads live on, but the "would you wait?" thread gets locked?


At least thread that was a different philosophical perspective on QB play... O_o

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Just as good a question - how does this thread and several Tanny threads live on, but the "would you wait?" thread gets locked?


At least thread that was a different philosophical perspective on QB play... O_o


Because it is not as awesome as my thread!

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Nobody is buying your back pedaling dude. You were the one who brought race into a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with race. You can pretend that it wasn't your intent, but we aren't stupid. You are the type of person who likely uses racism as an excuse for everything. Get over it. Times are different man.


Unfortunately... Yes, Yes you are. And this thread would have been another I hate ej because I don't know why dumbass 5 posts threads if it wasn't hijacked by a more interesting topic. Get over that.

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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Unfortunately... Yes, Yes you are. And this thread would have been another I hate ej because I don't know why dumbass 5 posts threads if it wasn't hijacked by a more interesting topic. Get over that.


So we are all racists and stupid now, huh? Boy are we lucky you graced us with all of your hate.

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I see a big QB that throws change ups while other QBs Fire fastballs more accurately past 20 yards down the field. I see a big QB throwing darts not firing the football. I see ducks, not tight spirals. Forget color, race or whatever. Watch him throw. Is this really what a franchise QB should look like throwing a football?

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Yeesh, this thread got crazy...


IMO, peple aren't overly critical of EJ becase he's black, they're overly critical because we live in an age where everyone is a critic. What's worse is we live in an age where if something isn't "the best ever" instantly, it completely sucks and has no chance of growing, or growing on you (athletes, music, movies, art, whatever).


Fwiw, I've worked with professional action sports athletes for years now - guess what? They tend to get better with a little experience and time to grow. Shaun White wasn't always the best snowboarder in the world, when he first went pro he was just a kid trying to learn his way.


Obviously quite different than a high draft pick QB in the NFL, but man, the armchair Internet critics that drone on and on about how they're right, just get old, IMO.


Just because EJ isn't great now (or, more to the point, helped do us in last week), doesn't necessarily mean he's terrible or doomed to lifelong failure.


First off, good post. Secondly, the bolded section might be my new favorite phrase. "Professional Action Sports Athletes" absolutely sounds like the most badass profession on the planet. :beer:

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So we are all racists and stupid now, huh? Boy are we lucky you graced us with all of your hate.


What are you talking about? What kind of crack are you smoking man? By you I mean YOU. Many if not most posters are great fans intelligently conversant and able to exchange ideas and discuss. Why you keep getting fixating on your loony paranoid extrapolation is beyond me. It's like you are trying to compensate for some personal guilt or something. Odd

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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The guy was kidding about the racist crap. And you geniuses just ran with that. 60-70 pages of that "to all the EJ bashers" thread, and now, what do we have? 9 pages of this garbage thread. The stadium wall used to be knowlegable people with interesting takes on, gasp, football. Man, this board is as unreadable as Schoop is unlistenable.


Buffalo used to be such a great little sports town...



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The guy was kidding about the racist crap. And you geniuses just ran with that. 60-70 pages of that "to all the EJ bashers" thread, and now, what do we have? 9 pages of this garbage thread. The stadium wall used to be knowlegable people with interesting takes on, gasp, football. Man, this board is as unreadable as Schoop is unlistenable.


Buffalo used to be such a great little sports town...

The debate makes this a great sports town. Not indifference or lack of opinions.

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The debate makes this a great sports town. Not indifference or lack of opinions.


The fact that we have two pro sports teams is what makes this a sports town, but with fans turning on our players after a handful of games sickens me. I listen to Scoop an BD for 10 mins a day on my way to work and its whining, "EJ cant do this, Ej dont do that" i come here to hear peoples takes and its posters jumpin down a guys ass because he jokingly threw out a "you dont like him cuz hes black" comment.


Now im not gonna engage in an endless debate over this issue because its pointless, but just let the team play, let EJ play. The idea of throwing Orton in there is just preposterous.


13 games, were 2-1 and just lost to a team that will go deep into the playoffs. Ej lost a head to head duel with Rivers who might be having a career year this year, just get off his back, let him play. Show the kid a little support, hes friggin 22, he will learn. Let him play


That is all

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The fact that we have two pro sports teams is what makes this a sports town, but with fans turning on our players after a handful of games sickens me. I listen to Scoop an BD for 10 mins a day on my way to work and its whining, "EJ cant do this, Ej dont do that" i come here to hear peoples takes and its posters jumpin down a guys ass because he jokingly threw out a "you dont like him cuz hes black" comment.


Now im not gonna engage in an endless debate over this issue because its pointless, but just let the team play, let EJ play. The idea of throwing Orton in there is just preposterous.


13 games, were 2-1 and just lost to a team that will go deep into the playoffs. Ej lost a head to head duel with Rivers who might be having a career year this year, just get off his back, let him play. Show the kid a little support, hes friggin 22, he will learn. Let him play


That is all

I agree completely, except he's 24 :-)

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First off, good post. Secondly, the bolded section might be my new favorite phrase. "Professional Action Sports Athletes" absolutely sounds like the most badass profession on the planet. :beer:


Trust me it is - great people, awesome contests, they're all a little crazy and definitely like to have way too much fun. Plus some of them make in the millions these days.


If only I were younger and, you know, way better at riding my bike, skateboard or snowboard that'd be my career choice. And I'd have fun - no matter what my hometown fans thought of my performance ;):beer:

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The fact that we have two pro sports teams is what makes this a sports town, but with fans turning on our players after a handful of games sickens me. I listen to Scoop an BD for 10 mins a day on my way to work and its whining, "EJ cant do this, Ej dont do that" i come here to hear peoples takes and its posters jumpin down a guys ass because he jokingly threw out a "you dont like him cuz hes black" comment.


Now im not gonna engage in an endless debate over this issue because its pointless, but just let the team play, let EJ play. The idea of throwing Orton in there is just preposterous.


13 games, were 2-1 and just lost to a team that will go deep into the playoffs. Ej lost a head to head duel with Rivers who might be having a career year this year, just get off his back, let him play. Show the kid a little support, hes friggin 22, he will learn. Let him play


That is all


I'm not so sure it was a joke. He never claimed he was joking and nobody but you seemed to have picked up on this gleefully humorous bit. But thanks for taking the time to pop in to condescend from atop your high horse. I'm sure we'll all be better off for it.

Edited by Rob's House
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