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Koch Brothers Exposed 2014

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How pathetic:



One of the nation’s largest public-sector unions is severing its ties with the United Negro College Fund because the group accepted donations from the Koch brothers and its president spoke at a Koch-funded summit.

In a letter sent Tuesday, AFSCME President Lee Saunders wrote that the UNCF has taken actions “deeply hostile” to public employees, which he considers a “profound betrayal of the ideals of the civil rights movement,” and that the union will end its relationship with UNCF.

Saunders cited the UNCF’s decision to accept a $25 million grant from Koch Industries, Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation as a reason for the split, as well as the decision by UNCF President Michael Lomax to speak at a summit hosted by the Kochs in California.

The Kochs have donated tremendous amounts of money to advance conservative political causes in recent years, as well as well as various philanthropic efforts.

Saunders later described the Koch brothers as the “single most prominent funders of efforts to prevent African Americans from voting.”

AFSCME’s relationship with the UNCF revolved around their Union Scholars Program, in which sophomore- and junior-year college students could work with AFSCME during the summer and receive scholarship support aftwerward.

That program will cease on Sept. 1.

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I knew I stayed out of PPP for a reason. You guys think bought politicians are good? Because that is what you are endorsing when you "like" the Koch brothers.

I don't know much about them except that people I know to be shrill simpletons hold them up as boogie men regularly. Do you have a substantive reason we should despise them besides the idiotic drivel OP provided?

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Link to the page?


Just because I want to troll those idiots. "The Koch Brothers also want to repeal women's suffrage."


LoL... Go for it Tom! These tools want to close down the lock I work @. We just pushed 4,800 tons of petcoke through this morning.


These enviros are tools. There was a boating accident where a pleasure boat slammed into a 6 pack of barges... In June, they immediately came out and blamed petcoke for killing the boaters. Two days later after the USCG released the tow north and through the lock... That tow configuration was NOT pushing any petcoke @ all... Just steel and ore... We keep all the data in our Corps LPMSystem...


Absolutely shameless what these NIMBY enviros will stoop too!


Troll them good!













The fight petcoke Chicago page is run by SOAR (steelworkers organization of active retirees).


Most of their networking and fear mongering is done on facebook. They take pictures and post them. They are also attacking the railroad industry because they reactivated a rail line to move petcoke by rail cars. The biggest villains of them all though are the evil Koch Brothers. These people are really nuts.


Thanks! These guys are nuts... All backed by enviro lawyers and agitators that live many, many miles away!


I knew I stayed out of PPP for a reason. You guys think bought politicians are good? Because that is what you are endorsing when you "like" the Koch brothers.


I don't necessaily like the Koch Brothers, but they aren't in the wrong here in South Chicago... I am not just saying this because my job is to pass millions of tons of their product. Where else and how much better can they pass this stuff?

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Billionaires for Dems!



Twenty-six of the top 100 disclosing donors in America are billionaires. Democrats have gotten more money from Steyer and Bloomberg than Republicans have gotten from all 26 billionaires combined. In total, top-donating billionaires have already given $40.5 million to Democrats and $18.2 million to Republicans.


The rankings do not include so-called “dark money,” funding given to charities that in turn donate to campaigns without disclosing the money’s origins.


Republican stalwarts David and Charles Koch run Koch Industries, the nation’s second-largest private company and its 36th-largest donating organization this election cycle. Koch Industries and its employees have disclosed donations of $2.6 million so far, but that figure may underestimate the actual donations from the Kochs, who have famously given millions in dark-money to Republicans in recent election cycles.


“We get death threats, threats to blow up our facilities, kill our people, we get Anonymous and other groups trying to crash our IT systems,” Charles Koch told Forbes in 2012. “So long as we’re in a society like that, where the President attacks us and we get threats from people in Congress, and this is pushed out and becomes part of the culture–that we are evil, so we need to be destroyed, or killed–then why force people to disclose?”

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MONEY IN POLITICS: Report: AFL-CIO, AFSCME, NEA top 2014 campaign donors; Koch No. 36.


“In a major shift from the 2012 presidential campaign year, only two of the nation’s top 20 donors to federal campaigns favor the GOP, and a stunning 11 are labor unions including the AFL-CIO, and both teachers unions, according to a new report.


The highly respected Center for Responsive Politics put the pro-Democratic fundraising group ActBlue at the top of the organization donor list, coughing up over $30 million, with 99 percent going to Democrats.


Way down at No. 36 is Koch Industries, the conservatively run company Democrats claim control the GOP. The list includes campaigns, parties, federally-focused 527s, and super PACs.”

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Billionaires for Dems!



Twenty-six of the top 100 disclosing donors in America are billionaires. Democrats have gotten more money from Steyer and Bloomberg than Republicans have gotten from all 26 billionaires combined. In total, top-donating billionaires have already given $40.5 million to Democrats and $18.2 million to Republicans.


The rankings do not include so-called “dark money,” funding given to charities that in turn donate to campaigns without disclosing the money’s origins.


Republican stalwarts David and Charles Koch run Koch Industries, the nation’s second-largest private company and its 36th-largest donating organization this election cycle. Koch Industries and its employees have disclosed donations of $2.6 million so far, but that figure may underestimate the actual donations from the Kochs, who have famously given millions in dark-money to Republicans in recent election cycles.


“We get death threats, threats to blow up our facilities, kill our people, we get Anonymous and other groups trying to crash our IT systems,” Charles Koch told Forbes in 2012. “So long as we’re in a society like that, where the President attacks us and we get threats from people in Congress, and this is pushed out and becomes part of the culture–that we are evil, so we need to be destroyed, or killed–then why force people to disclose?”


It is because Repubs are cheap-azzes. Who doesn't know a skin flint Republican?


Anyway, the Dems are in power w/the White House. That will change soon.




I better watchout so they don't blow up the 1,000's of tons of petcoke as it gets shipped through the lock. God forbid a crazy pontoon boat pulls up along side with a handheld blow torch and tries to ignite a pile in a barge! Those crazy 'toons! Hey buddy, this is a DoD site, you'll get the full force of the US Army on your butt! :-/ :-/ :-/

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It's such a surprise that the left isn't more tolerant.


Stop being partisan.


Who are you kidding... Enviros are some of the most intolerant, militant Nazis ever created. Why they are called Enviro-Nazis They don't define the left, but you want them to. I am left and can't stand those radicals. Of course I am tolerant of them... Maybe I shouldn't be.

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2) These are two friggin guys. You put them against unions which are groups of people. You could not possible see the problem there but intelligent people will.

This is all the insight you need into the liberal "mindset". Corporations, because they are some kind of radical "right wing" profit machines shouldn't have any rights compared to individuals. Unions, because they vote almost totally dummycrat, are better than individuals.

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This is all the insight you need into the liberal "mindset". Corporations, because they are some kind of radical "right wing" profit machines shouldn't have any rights compared to individuals. Unions, because they vote almost totally dummycrat, are better than individuals.


Did you hire a consultant to figure out a way a pack so much stupid into so small a space? You have no idea what I'm talking about so you just make up straw men and scream like a maniac

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Did you hire a consultant to figure out a way a pack so much stupid into so small a space? You have no idea what I'm talking about so you just make up straw men and scream like a maniac


it's easy to cram a sh!tload of stupid in so few words when so accurately describing modern leftist psychology, and you compound that stupidity by replying with semi-plagiarized insults. you say he has no idea what you're talking about, but how can anyone here know what the hell you're talking bout when you don't even know what you're talking about?

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it's easy to cram a sh!tload of stupid in so few words when so accurately describing modern leftist psychology, and you compound that stupidity by replying with semi-plagiarized insults. you say he has no idea what you're talking about, but how can anyone here know what the hell you're talking bout when you don't even know what you're talking about?

just write down the word "stupid" and look who shows up
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Did you hire a consultant to figure out a way a pack so much stupid into so small a space? You have no idea what I'm talking about so you just make up straw men and scream like a maniac

Go ahead and tell the class why it's "stupid." We're all very eager with anticipation...

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another plagiarism. how predictable. do you realize that you're paying the rest of us a compliment when you use our own insults against us?


Do you realize that you are messaging a person that often forgets (or doesn't understand the need) to unzip his pants when taking a piss?

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I talked about two really wealthy guys and you made the jump somehow to corporate personhood, a totally unrelated topic

I correlated a few of your political views into a post. The fact that you can't understand how they intersect doesn't make anyone else "stupid."


We all get that you don't like wealthy people. You "pecker checker" liberals use jealousy as the backbone to bring in the ignorant in droves. It's pretty much the best recruiting tool you have. "Come join us, we'll all be mediocre together! Let's drag everyone down to our level!"


Good for you.

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