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I don't get how you could be so mad as to reach for a cellular device, unlock it, open the camera/camcorder application then begin recording, film in front of and around you while commentating at the same time whilst also slowing your vehicle to prohibit someone from getting about their day then, as they wreck their automobile, laugh and call them a foul name and then see nothing wrong with posting it to the internet in order to prop yourself off as some sort of modern day vigilante against ignorance.


Yeah, that's extremely healthy.

So, you suppose that she started recording before he started tailgating?


She was going 50. What makes you feel that she slowed down at any point?

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I don't get how you could be so mad as to reach for a cellular device, unlock it, open the camera/camcorder application then begin recording, film in front of and around you while commentating at the same time whilst also slowing your vehicle to prohibit someone from getting about their day then, as they wreck their automobile, laugh and call them a foul name and then see nothing wrong with posting it to the internet in order to prop yourself off as some sort of modern day vigilante against ignorance.


Yeah, that's extremely healthy.


I can, because you are being tailgated and want to document what this idiot will do. Good thing she did... Dude held true to form. Oh, how was your stay in the hospital? Learn anything? :D

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So, you suppose that she started recording before he started tailgating?


She was going 50. What makes you feel that she slowed down at any point?


Exactly Beer! She was going acceptable speed for the conditions. Like I said, maybe she saved somebody's life not letting him wifflully break the law by speeding and going to fast for conditions... Oh, wait, he crashed because he was going too fast for conditions... Good thing the wreck only innvolved him! Give that lady a cigar!


FWIW... You are only allowed to pass going the speed limit or under. If he couldn't accomplish that, then fall back behind her.


As I think about it, shouldn't she have stopped and made sure he was okay?


Eff that noise. Self-preservation is a powerful trait! Chalk that win up to her too!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Think about it... Maybe she did society a favor for a day (@ least) by taking this clown off the road. Say she lets him blow by 10, 20, 30 mph illegally over the speed limit and goes on to get behind a person, new driver, somebody else who can't handle it and they misjudge or can't handle this dude's obvious rage issues mixed with local road conditions. Again, he's outta the game for a day and hopefully he reflects on the karma (probably not).


Nothing wrong with watching a bully get bullied even if it is by another bully. Maybe more people should make a stand and let people self-destruct. At least it takes the a-holes off the road for a bit.

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So, you suppose that she started recording before he started tailgating?


She was going 50. What makes you feel that she slowed down at any point?

Perhaps not "slow down" but I have no doubt that she decelerated. I would have to watch again to be 100% sure, I guess I probably should do that before opening my mouth... but it is just not that worth it to an event in which I see both people being at fault of poor judgement. Of course one action causes another action and it is where you find that first action where someone is at fault which will determine your blame.


I really do not have blame to pass on either side, but I do wonder how this woman took what she claimed herself, was 3 minutes to pass two trucks. I am no rocket surgeon but if she was only going 2 or 3 mph faster then the trucks it'd take only 30-40 seconds to pass them. It just seems odd to me that this woman was in the passing lane traveling while passing a vehicle for 3+ minutes.


As a personal matter, I always take the view on the road that "you never know who you are dealing with it," so you need to avoid incidents like these. That means if some jerk is tailgating me, I let him and then try to move over as safely as I can to let him pass. And if some slow-poke won't move over when I try to pass him or her, I try to stay back and be patient.

Unless I am in a particular mood or funk I pretty much take the belief that everyone is carrying a handgun and is in a bad mood after just getting out of prison for a triple homicide and finding out their dog was hit by a drunk driver and that they just lost their job and had 3 shots of tequila.


In the last 2 or 3 years it has been a strange maturity to come about me that I just prefer to leave people alone.

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You're not kidding. I bet this is an anthem for a lot of drivers!!!


People need to chill on the road.


I agree... But it is almost impossible. Mix in 1,000 different conditions and 1,000 people see it a 1,000 different ways. I had somebody honking their horn @ me because I passed them on the other snow covered lane going 15 mph in a storm! They were going 10! I could have passed them on a bicycle in a blizzard and been fine!


Perhaps not "slow down" but I have no doubt that she decelerated. I would have to watch again to be 100% sure, I guess I probably should do that before opening my mouth... but it is just not that worth it to an event in which I see both people being at fault of poor judgement. Of course one action causes another action and it is where you find that first action where someone is at fault which will determine your blame.


I really do not have blame to pass on either side, but I do wonder how this woman took what she claimed herself, was 3 minutes to pass two trucks. I am no rocket surgeon but if she was only going 2 or 3 mph faster then the trucks it'd take only 30-40 seconds to pass them. It just seems odd to me that this woman was in the passing lane traveling while passing a vehicle for 3+ minutes.


Unless I am in a particular mood or funk I pretty much take the belief that everyone is carrying a handgun and is in a bad mood after just getting out of prison for a triple homicide and finding out their dog was hit by a drunk driver and that they just lost their job and had 3 shots of tequila.


In the last 2 or 3 years it has been a strange maturity to come about me that I just prefer to leave people alone.


There really is no "passing lane." Sure it is common courtesy... BUT show me along that road where a sign says: "Stay in right lane unless passing." There are sign like that on roads. NYS Thruway is one road that has them.

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There really is no "passing lane." Sure it is common courtesy... BUT show me along that road where a sign says: "Stay in right lane unless passing." There are sign like that on roads. NYS Thruway is one road that has them.

It is a courtesy sign. It is a respect to other people and yourself to realize you're not the center of the universe. And, most importantly, it is defensive driving 101.


It's not written law everywhere but it is proper to stay in the travel/cruising lane.

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There really is no "passing lane." Sure it is common courtesy... BUT show me along that road where a sign says: "Stay in right lane unless passing." There are sign like that on roads. NYS Thruway is one road that has them.


In some states it's a matter of law.

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In some states it's a matter of law.


Understandable. That is what I am getting at. If it is not matter of law, she has a right to be there and not impede LEGAL speed traffic. What was she impeding besides a guy looking to break the law?


Now of course the path of least resistance is to just let him blow by. Like you said, both were idiots. One idiot just happen to out do another idiot. I don't understand why people have heartburn with that.


It is a courtesy sign. It is a respect to other people and yourself to realize you're not the center of the universe. And, most importantly, it is defensive driving 101.


It's not written law everywhere but it is proper to stay in the travel/cruising lane.


Is defensive driving mandated by law?


Now we are getting into words like "proper." Oh boy! Why should she be indtimdated by somebody riding her azz while she is doing proper speed. Would it have been proper for her to go over the speed limit and faster than conditions dictated? You see what happens when one goes to fast for conditions. They crash, as in the truck.

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Understandable. That is what I am getting at. If it is not matter of law, she has a right to be there and not impede LEGAL speed traffic. What was she impeding besides a guy looking to break the law?


Now of course the path of least resistance is to just let him blow by. Like you said, both were idiots. One idiot just happen to out do another idiot. I don't understand why people have heartburn with that.




Is defensive driving mandated by law?


Now we are getting into words like "proper." Oh boy! Why should she be indtimdated by somebody riding her azz while she is doing proper speed. Would it have been proper for her to go over the speed limit and faster than conditions dictated? You see what happens when one goes to fast for conditions. They crash, as in the truck.

If we are getting that far in to semantics then I am fairly sure there is a law against using a cellular device, or any other device to record an event.


In other words, if she got in a wreck she would be charged with distracted driving/reckless operation or potentially manslaughter.


Why are we trying to lessen one side or another?

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If we are getting that far in to semantics then I am fairly sure there is a law against using a cellular device, or any other device to record an event.


In other words, if she got in a wreck she would be charged with distracted driving/reckless operation or potentially manslaughter.


Why are we trying to lessen one side or another?


No... That falls under distracted driving... Now FLA I THINK doesn't have a law on the books about cell phone use. OR, it may be going into effect? YET, I think I heard where in FLA, they can only charge you with the offense for being on a cell phone only if something else is being done wrong. Don't quote me on it... I have to look it up. NOW, in Illinois since January 1st, they can pull you over for cell phone use being the primary offense... Same as it has been in NYS for a while.


I would say with almost certainty that she was not violating any FLA law. She wasn't distracted. NOW, he was distracted by flipping the lady out... For a good spell there, he took his eyes off the road. For all we know, the lady could have had the camera in back camera mode and had her eyes on the road the whole time.


Look up the FLA law... I think it may go into effect next year or so??

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No... That falls under distracted driving... Now FLA I THINK doesn't have a law on the books about cell phone use. OR, it may be going into effect? YET, I think I heard where in FLA, they can only charge you with the offense for being on a cell phone only if something else is being done wrong. Don't quote me on it... I have to look it up. NOW, in Illinois since January 1st, they can pull you over for cell phone use being the primary offense... Same as it has been in NYS for a while.


I would say with almost certainty that she was not violating any FLA law. She wasn't distracted. NOW, he was distracted by flipping the lady out... For a good spell there, he took his eyes off the road. For all we know, the lady could have had the camera in back camera mode and had her eyes on the road the whole time.


Look up the FLA law... I think it may go into effect next year or so??

Uh. She got her cell phone, unlocked it, opened the video recording app, pointed and got the guy framed up in each shot perfectly but was not distracted and didn't look away for a second. Got it


They're both idiots and if they could have had a head on collision with each other I would have been much more satisfied with the outcome.

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Uh. She got her cell phone, unlocked it, opened the video recording app, pointed and got the guy framed up in each shot perfectly but was not distracted and didn't look away for a second. Got it


They're both idiots and if they could have had a head on collision with each other I would have been much more satisfied with the outcome.



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Uh. She got her cell phone, unlocked it, opened the video recording app, pointed and got the guy framed up in each shot perfectly but was not distracted and didn't look away for a second. Got it


They're both idiots and if they could have had a head on collision with each other I would have been much more satisfied with the outcome.


And somehow she managed to do all that without weaving out of her lane, much less off the road entirely. :lol:

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Lost in all of this... driving recklessly, or trying to "get even" with somebody on the road is dangerous, and can have repecussions you never expected. This video is archival proof of that. It is never a good idea.

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And somehow she managed to do all that without weaving out of her lane, much less off the road entirely. :lol:


You are absolutely right. Who lost control here... The lady with the camera or the guy with both hands on the wheel?


Because maybe she had it in back camera mode so she was able to do both and not be distracted from the road. That is all she'd have to do for the behind shots... Like looking in a rear view mirror. Pretty smart thinking on her part.


To bad she didn't have the Go Pro dash cam on a swivel... Would have been way cooler video of him crashing.


Lost in all of this... driving recklessly, or trying to "get even" with somebody on the road is dangerous, and can have repecussions you never expected. This video is archival proof of that. It is never a good idea.


Shoulda, woulds, coulda... Perfect safety is for the ones that don't have the balls to live in the real world. I mentioned what you said early on... She took a risk, she didn't lose. He took a risk, and he lost. Karma caught up w/him. Who knows, maybe next time karma catches up with her. I hope I am not around. IMO, we can't worry about this for now. You gotta hand to her, she's a better driver. She didn't bite it.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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man in truck certainly responsible for his actions, but it appears obvious woman provoked the situation and made play of it taking video of it. Clearly she was teasing him and did get his goat. Shame police if they seen video could not find cause to charge her with a harassment offense. She was no innocent.

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You are absolutely right. Who lost control here... The lady with the camera or the guy with both hands on the wheel?


Because maybe she had it in back camera mode so she was able to do both and not be distracted from the road. That is all she'd have to do for the behind shots... Like looking in a rear view mirror. Pretty smart thinking on her part.


To bad she didn't have the Go Pro dash cam on a swivel... Would have been way cooler video of him crashing.


Shoulda, woulds, coulda... Perfect safety is for the ones that don't have the balls to live in the real world. I mentioned what you said early on... She took a risk, she didn't lose. He took a risk, and he lost. Karma caught up w/him. Who knows, maybe next time karma catches up with her. I hope I am not around. IMO, we can't worry about this for now. You gotta hand to her, she's a better driver. She didn't bite it.

For a good portion the image was mirrored, meaning it looked like she was driving on the left hand side of the car.


then the image flipped to normal as she pointed the camera out her passenger window and then the subsequent crash.


easy enough to do on a smart phone .... if you take your eyes off the road long enough.


had she been the passenger I'd have no issue in what she'd done. had she crashed ..... I believe we all (95%) would agree that she deserved it too.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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man in truck certainly responsible for his actions, but it appears obvious woman provoked the situation and made play of it taking video of it. Clearly she was teasing him and did get his goat. Shame police if they seen video could not find cause to charge her with a harassment offense. She was no innocent.


Maybe true Mill... But what did she break under FLA law? I don't even think it is illegal in FLA to work the device like she did. She was going just under the speed limit... She was breaking no law. Heck, what was the speed limit? If it was 55, she was going 50 in wet conditions. Is that unreasonably slow? Goading? Probably not.


Again... Glass half-full... Yes, she took the dude outta the game... Maybe she saved a life? Who knows who he would have harrassed later down the line. Let's look @ this in a positive light. Put things into game theory... He got his worst possible outcome trying to get his best possible outcome and in turn gave the best possible outcome to her. If you want to call what she got as being her best possible outcome, satisfaction over some tailgating douchebag I guess is karma... Hence the title to the thread. Middle outcome? Stay in line behind her given the wet conditions and don't tailgate! The dumby that pushed the game (truck) is the problem... She pushed/goaded nothing... Outside of speeding up to film the flipping the bird scene? She just filmed it. Why was he riding her azz to start?


For a good portion the image was mirrored, meaning it looked like she was driving on the left hand side of the car.


then the image flipped to normal as she pointed the camera out her passenger window and then the subsequent crash.


easy enough to do on a smart phone .... if you take your eyes off the road long enough.


had she been the passenger I'd have no issue in what she'd done. had she crashed ..... I believe we all (95%) would agree that she deserved it too.


Teenage girls can text behind their back blindly 180 words a minute and not make a mistake... What are you trying to say? She can't drive safely, use the camera in "back cam mode." She didn't have to take her eyes off the road.

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