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Thanks for the great posting everyone!


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With all the craptacular Bills seasons we have had back-to-back-to-back and now the latest one, which might be a step above craptacular; we'll call it stinky.


Anyway, I am amazed at how this board has had some of the best conversations, arguments and threads in the last two or three weeks that I can remember having over the last 5 or 6 years. I know I do not just speak for myself since I have spoke with a few in PM's about how great its been and many thought it was going to be doom and gloom and burn it down content. So, thank you everyone for contributing to the best Bills board around.


Also, thank you to the moderators who do such a great job, including moving this to OTW in 2.3 minutes. But, I hope they realize I put it on the front page because I wanted everyone to see it.

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Hey I've only been here a little while but I think the chatter is pretty good. Lots of good opinions except for all you guys who disagree with me and deserve to be B-slapped regularly.....(sarcasm of course)


Good Bills talk here without a doubt.

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I agree JBoys. Considering you're pushing 14,000 posts that's saying something.


And think my mom said I sucked at everything I ever did. (that's why I had my 'MOM' tattoo removed and replaced with MOorMan") I'm gonna go back and send her my Draft Ngata Now post again just to show her I'm not such a bumbling fool.

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Well said jboyst. I actually come to this board before anything else. They say laughter is the best medicine and there is an amazing mix of sound football discussion and hilarious dialogue/banter. A lot of funny people on this board. Haven't met any of you but consider a lot of you guys friends. Go Bills...Superbowl 2034 here we come!

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With all the craptacular Bills seasons we have had back-to-back-to-back and now the latest one, which might be a step above craptacular; we'll call it stinky.


Anyway, I am amazed at how this board has had some of the best conversations, arguments and threads in the last two or three weeks that I can remember having over the last 5 or 6 years. I know I do not just speak for myself since I have spoke with a few in PM's about how great its been and many thought it was going to be doom and gloom and burn it down content. So, thank you everyone for contributing to the best Bills board around.


Also, thank you to the moderators who do such a great job, including moving this to OTW in 2.3 minutes. But, I hope they realize I put it on the front page because I wanted everyone to see it.


Here, here! I couldn't agree more.


Even the posters here who I get the most annoyed at often contribute interesting and well constructed points, or seem to be generally good blokes......or both.


For somebody like myself who lives outside of the USA, TBD is a Godsend. I too would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody(especially the mods) for helping make my love of the Bills more enjoyable. :thumbsup:

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Here, here! I couldn't agree more.


Even the posters here who I get the most annoyed at often contribute interesting and well constructed points, or seem to be generally good blokes......or both.


For somebody like myself who lives outside of the USA, TBD is a Godsend. I too would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody(especially the mods) for helping make my love of the Bills more enjoyable. :thumbsup:

the fact that you used the term "Blokes" makes this the best post I've ever read in this site.


Just sayin

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don't tell the revenuers but I'm working on some now...


Received a mason jar stuffed with marichino cherries for Xmas. Makes for a great KICK in a Manhatten!


Agreed, Jboy! Thanks all! It has helped that many of you report unsavory posts and actions, as we can't follow everything.

Let's keep it up!



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