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Anyone take part in Record Store Day last friday?

The Poojer

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anyone get anything good? I picked up the Grateful Dead Family Dog vinyl...listening to it right now and man does it sound great...i know there were some good releases but my budget only (barely) allowed this one. Seemed to be a lot of buzz over the Flaming Lips, Dylan, Civil Wars releases to name a few. Interested to see if anyone got anything good..

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A place where they sell those round, black plastic thingies.... Kinda like frisbees...

I thought it was a place where the douche hipsters hang out acting smug, calling themselves 'Audiophiles' and telling everyone else how this is the only way to listen to things because the old technology provides the best sound quality?
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Yeah... But I thought it was last Tuesday... Damn, and I drove downtown in the rain too, 9:30 @ night! Boy was that impulsive/compulsive. Now you are telling me it was on Friday? Wow! Insane! I was bummed when they didn't have Smiley Smile... One of my favorite albums!


Oh well, it's a matter of instinct, conditioning, and fact w/me that I always get this sh*t wrong!



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you're weird.... B-)


Yeah... But I thought it was last Tuesday... Damn, and I drove downtown in the rain too, 9:30 @ night! Boy was that impulsive/compulsive. Now you are telling me it was on Friday? Wow! Insane! I was bummed when they didn't have Smiley Smile... One of my favorite albums!


Oh well, it's a matter of instinct, conditioning, and fact w/me that I always get this sh*t wrong!



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I wanted to go but it coincided with Beta Tape Deck Day.

Thats the only way to watch movies, all videophiles know that


Yeah... But I thought it was last Tuesday... Damn, and I drove downtown in the rain too, 9:30 @ night! Boy was that impulsive/compulsive. Now you are telling me it was on Friday? Wow! Insane! I was bummed when they didn't have Smiley Smile... One of my favorite albums!


Oh well, it's a matter of instinct, conditioning, and fact w/me that I always get this sh*t wrong!



Nice ;)
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I love records. I bought a fancy new turntable earlier this year. Somehow I missed Record Store day this year.


they just added the black friday event this year, or maybe last if i remember correct - standard is in April, i believe the 3rd saturday.


i didnt make last weeks event.

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