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Jonathan Martin AWOL, Incognito suspended

uncle flap

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For the people-- mostly dolphin players-- blaming Martin, what are they blaming him for? Sounded like he left pretty quietly. I am not sure how the texts were leaked, but if they were by Martina's camp, it was likely in response to Miami making a false statement that Martin was dealing with an illness, implying the guy was like Barrett robins.


I am assuming this was a typo, but this may very well be what a lot of Dolphins players are calling him.

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For the people-- mostly dolphin players-- blaming Martin, what are they blaming him for? Sounded like he left pretty quietly. I am not sure how the texts were leaked, but if they were by Martina's camp, it was likely in response to Miami making a false statement that Martin was dealing with an illness, implying the guy was like Barrett robins.

From the interviews i have seen the Phins players are pointing out that Martin never appeared to have an issue with what RI was doing.

The players are also pointing out that Martin never attempted to fit in with the team. He also did not partake in the accustomed rookie paying for a dinner.

I guess guys on the Phins are upset that Martin did everything he could to make himself an outsider and now he really is one. Martin is causing a huge issue over something that to the other players was not one.

More needs to come out for sure. Until Martin releases everything he has on the Dolphins and what they knew we can only speculate. the fact that is appears Martin was collecting evidence smells a little bad to me. Like maybe his two attorney parents coached him?

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This story gets deeper every day. Now, Ireland (the Dolphins GM) was possible aware of the situation and his alleged response was for Martin to physically confront Incognito.



Can't wait for tomorrows episode when it gets revealed that Gloria Estefan visited Martin in the hospital and was screaming at him to "Man the #$%^ up!" while squeezing his nuts in a vise-grip.

This is what i have been saving all along, Martin should have handled his business and took him in the parking lot and said lets get it on.


If he would have just did that win or lose the drama would be over.


And they would both still be on the team.

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This is what i have been saving all along, Martin should have handled his business and took him in the parking lot and said lets get it on.


If he would have just did that win or lose the drama would be over.


And they would both still be on the team.


unless he broke his hand while breaking richies jaw and itd be all over espn too. lets not act like nothing bad every comes of that. there have been some ugly injuries in the fights you guys are clamoring for, and no proof it wouldve solved anything.

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Well. What a great agent he has... and this jist gets more strange...


ESPN NFL - Jonathan Martin had issues with several Dolphins, not just Richie Incognito, his agent says


id kind of assume that to be the case. it sounds like it was a team culture issue based on the guys saying they didnt see it and him clearly feeling something was going on.

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It's sounding more & more like this is all about Martin being a fragile little flower who couldn't handle the normal back & forth that goes on in a typical NFL locker room.

More like Martin maybe set this entire thing up.

it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I bet you martin sues everyone he can and walks away a very rich man.

He will claim he can not play football anymore due to this situation and sue for potential earnings etc...

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the voice mail is stupid and unfunny.


i hate those type of guys. i honestly dont even think ritchie was trying to be a bully. i think he was trying to be funny and it just isnt. i hate those kind of wannabe funny people that use unfunny verbal abuse. that's just not funny. plain and simple. they dont stop until someone tells them straight up. YOU'RE NOT FUNNY.


some guy tried that on me a while back. after the 2nd time i told him, " i dont curse at you. dont curse at me. oh by the way I WILL ALLOW you to continue your joking fashion if it's funny"

of course since this guy is boring, he never disrespected me again.


some guys think ritchie's voice mail is amuzing. it's stupid and boring. like they say EPIC FAIL.


excuse the stupid grammar. at work. busy. gotta go.

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I highly doubt that. He'd be throwing away millions in guaranteed money for a risky lawsuit.


I truly believe he felt bullied, and maybe a fragile mental state played a role in that.

Agree to disagree.

Time will tell.

Martin comes from a very financially stable home. he also has money to hold him over during a lawsuit.

It will be interesting to see ho wit all plays out. Personally i think RI is probably not as bad as we think he is and Martin is not as weak as we think he is.


Interesting how people who where around both men seem to be taking RI side.

Everyone else just has an opinion of what is going on. The voice mail and texts are bad, but what was the relationship like? Did these two speak to each other that way?? Guys are now saying yes they did.

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Never was a Pryor fan but if he's living what he's saying, I'll give him credit for being a better person than I may have previously thought.

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