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Yeah, that looks like a long, exhausting drive.


Queens, NY?


I would just fly from Laguardia or JFK to Buffalo.

Guffalo has mentioned before he does that, and he lives out on Long Island. One story if I remember it correctly, he was going to Buffalo, his neighbors to the Meadowlands, both 1pm games. Neighbors drive, he goes to JFK, flys to Buffalo, sits through the entire game, flys back after, and is home before his neighbors get back from the Meadowlands.

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Guffalo has mentioned before he does that, and he lives out on Long Island. One story if I remember it correctly, he was going to Buffalo, his neighbors to the Meadow Lands, both 1pm games. Neighbors drive, he goes to JFK, flys to Buffalo, sits through the entire game, flys back after, and is home before his neighbors get back from the Meadowlands.


Was this pre 9/11 though?

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I just saved a bunch a money ordering tickets on StubHub.


The good news is that I'm on a 3 game winning streak when I go to the Ralph to watch a game. I think it's ever since I bought a custom made Go Bills jersey with the number 1 on it. I will do laundry on Friday and make sure I go with the fresh smell before ketchup and beer becomes the new aroma.


I'm going with a Bills fan here in Queens. We're driving up there and driving right back the same day so 13 hours of driving BETTER result in a win at least.


Side note: The way I met this guy was another story. My car (H3 at the time) was decked out in Bills accesories (Mud flaps, decal, and logo stuck with velcro on front dash. So this dude approaches me and asks me if I'm a Bills fan (stupid question I know) but there's not much of us here in Queens so I cut the guy some slack and I say yeah blahzey blah and we been keeping in touch and sending texts to each other during games every week but we've never actually hung out and watched a game together. Now I'm about to spend 13 hours in a car with this dude.


He's been a fan longer than me and has never been to a game. I had the extra ticket so I asked him if he wants to go as long as he chips in for gas and tolls and here we are.


I hope to see you guys there man. I'm hyped to go to the game and even more excited that I can give this dude a memory of going to Buffalo.


Lets Go Bills!


I don't know, it is kind of a nice thing your doing butgoing on a road trip across state with a guy you never even met before. Only in NYC man, nobody has time in that city to make real friends. Hope it works out for you.


Quick story, every year me & the boys used to go on a Bills trip. We did this from the time we all got married(27/28) & we just stopped doing it a few years ago. There was about 8 of us. We all went to high school together. Most of the guys still stayed local but one guy moved to NYC. One year when we went to Dallas(Bledsoe played, I think we lost 10-6 in one of the most boring games I have ever seen) my friend from NYC calls us & says "do you mind if my one buddy comes." We are like yeah sure. Well we got down to Dallas & this guy my frined brought along was so arrogant & cocky noone could stand him. I mean you don't no anybody, your the outsider, if that was me I would just try to keep my mouth shut & not ruffle any feathers. Anyways after the game, the hotel where we were staying had a basketball court. So in our drunken state we decided to play a little bball. This guy from NYC is throwing elbows, giving everybody hard fouls, so my one friend had enough & as he was going up for a layup pretty much tackled him. They ended up throwing haymakers at each other & it was pretty much an all out free for all.


Later that night, we were like to my friend from NYC "why would you ever bring an ahole like this on the trip?" He was like "well in my defense I just met him last week, I really didn't know he was an ahole." Where like, "so you just met him last week & you invite him on the trip & he decides to come, who does that?" He is like "oh, people in NYC do this kind of thing all the time, and he laughed.


Your story kind of reminds me of that trip, hopefully it turns out better for you.

Edited by Gordio
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After 9/11, not sure what year though.

Definitely after 9/11 If you have the right flights, I have done it where I am home before neighbors (jets and giant fans) get home from their 1 o'clock games. The traffic at the swamp is bad, and if there are weather issues or any accidents on the various parkways (Belt, Southern, Northern), expressways (Staten Island, LIE), or games at Citi field, it can be done. It won't happen every time, but I have done it at least twice.
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6.5 hour drive from NYC to Orchard Park?


I think it's probably closer to 10 hours each way.




Well it depends who you go with. If I go with my girlfriend I would be expecting a couple of, babe I'm hungries, babe I have to pees (at least 4 piss breaks) and when I've gone with her I've made it to Orchard Park from Queens in 7 hours.


Since I'm going with another male chromosome, I'm expecting nomore than 2 bathroom breaks so as long as there's no unexpected accidents (car crash, diarrhea, speeding ticket etc.) 6 and a half hours at a average of 70-75 mph is very accurate.


i can do it in 5 1/2


Damn... that would be an average of 85-95 mph the whole way.


Coming back to Queens usually takes 7 hours cuz of stadium traffic going home and being very close to rush hour.




Yeah, that looks like a long, exhausting drive.


Queens, NY?


I would just fly from Laguardia or JFK to Buffalo.


Two things. I'm absolutely afraid of flying (I almost threw up on that small swing ride that goes round and round at amusement parks so imagine how I'll feel on a plane) and two, flying may be cheaper but then I gotta pay for a cab from the airport to the stadium and a cab back to the airport and also another cab fee going to laguardia back and forth from my house.


Plus the scenery is great. It feels good to see something else besides apartment buildings. Going to Long island is the closest thing I feel to getting away from the city.


Probably cheaper then driving in an H3


Haha... The H3's lease was up 3 years ago. Now I'm in a Jeep Grand Cherokee (which is not that much greater on gas).




I don't know, it is kind of a nice thing your doing butgoing on a road trip across state with a guy you never even met before. Only in NYC man, nobody has time in that city to make real friends. Hope it works out for you.


Quick story, every year me & the boys used to go on a Bills trip. We did this from the time we all got married(27/28) & we just stopped doing it a few years ago. There was about 8 of us. We all went to high school together. Most of the guys still stayed local but one guy moved to NYC. One year when we went to Dallas(Bledsoe played, I think we lost 10-6 in one of the most boring games I have ever seen) my friend from NYC calls us & says "do you mind if my one buddy comes." We are like yeah sure. Well we got down to Dallas & this guy my frined brought along was so arrogant & cocky noone could stand him. I mean you don't no anybody, your the outsider, if that was me I would just try to keep my mouth shut & not ruffle any feathers. Anyways after the game, the hotel where we were staying had a basketball court. So in our drunken state we decided to play a little bball. This guy from NYC is throwing elbows, giving everybody hard fouls, so my one friend had enough & as he was going up for a layup pretty much tackled him. They ended up throwing haymakers at each other & it was pretty much an all out free for all.


Later that night, we were like to my friend from NYC "why would you ever bring an ahole like this on the trip?" He was like "well in my defense I just met him last week, I really didn't know he was an ahole." Where like, "so you just met him last week & you invite him on the trip & he decides to come, who does that?" He is like "oh, people in NYC do this kind of thing all the time, and he laughed.


Your story kind of reminds me of that trip, hopefully it turns out better for you.


Haha. Nah this guy is definitely nowhere near that type of attitude. I didn't meet him recently. I met him about 3 or 4 years ago and we shoot texts to each other during games every week like oh my God Spiller's a BEAST or oh my God good old Sh-tzpatrick back at it again and stuff like that but we never actually sat down together and watched a game together.


He lives in Yonkers and me in Queens plus he's a family man like myself. Can't really go out every weekend and leave the kids behind you know?


But you're right about the NYC state of mind where people who just meet do crazy stuff like go on trips and that kind of stuff. Me personally, I have enough "friends" and as you can tell I use that word lightly cuz it's hard to sustain friendships for more than 10 years out here for some reason.


This is not really a situation like yo this guy is going to be my best friend, but more of a, he's never been to a game ever and I wanted him to experience that. I have friends that are Giants fans that would have easily made the trip with me but I wanted to go with a fellow brother who I know for SURE is going to lose his voice like I am...




This a-hole from New York City sounds exactly like most of the students at Syracuse University. The SU students from the NYC are all like this.


In their defense, I think they come across like A-holes cuz they were raised to not trust anybody. I have no excuses for this new generation because NYC is one of the safest places to live now a days. But growing up in the 80's here (I was born in 78), I couldn't even go trick or treating past 7 o'clock cuz the crime was so bad. I've seen people get stabbed, shot, countless fights (with weapons) and overall you just had to have tough skin.


Students nowadays going from NYC to syracuse and acting like A-holes have no excuse to act that way. Gotta put the blame on their parents for that one.

Edited by DefenseWinzChampionshipz
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Haha. Nah this guy is definitely nowhere near that type of attitude. I didn't meet him recently. I met him about 3 or 4 years ago and we shoot texts to each other during games every week like oh my God Spiller's a BEAST or oh my God good old Sh-tzpatrick back at it again and stuff like that but we never actually sat down together and watched a game together.


hey man, more power to you.


i golf with random people all the time, watch bills games at bars with random people (i live out of market), will see people wearing bills gear and stop traffic to start a conversation about the bills... all in all, a personable guy who can talk with other bills fans.


but 13 hours in a car with a guy i barely know? id pass. id have him over to my apartment and watch a game or 2 first, maybe even meet him out at a bar.

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I'm hyped to go to the game and even more excited that I can give this dude a memory of going to Buffalo.


Good luck with your man date. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Just remember to keep the chit-chat during the drive to politics and religion and you're sure to get lucky.

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You're right!


I did a mapquest direcitons from Queens, NY to Orchard Park, NY and it returned an average time of 7 hours and 15 minutes. When I drive I like to take major highways. What's the trip like from Binghamton to Orchard Park? It looks pretty exhausting to drive. Route 17 from outside NYC to Binghamton looks rough, too.


Where I Live: Syracuse to Orchard Park - piece of cake on the NYS Thruway.


You could take 81 N from Binghamton to the Thruway by Syracuse. That's the way I went when I lived in Binghamton.


This a-hole from New York City sounds exactly like most of the students at Syracuse University. The SU students from the NYC are all like this.


hey, not all SU Students. Perhaps ones from NYC and Boston, but not all.

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hey man, more power to you.


i golf with random people all the time, watch bills games at bars with random people (i live out of market), will see people wearing bills gear and stop traffic to start a conversation about the bills... all in all, a personable guy who can talk with other bills fans.


but 13 hours in a car with a guy i barely know? id pass. id have him over to my apartment and watch a game or 2 first, maybe even meet him out at a bar.


You know what we say when we're in a threesome on the course and see a single coming up behind us?


"Find some friends."

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