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Patriots Claim former Bills LB Chris White


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Please try to read all the posts in a thread before responding. This has been covered on pages 1 and 2. (psst: here's a hint: White knows special teams too, and it costs Belicheat nothing to try).


Also, all the good teams do this. This is from PFT just a while ago. Packers play SF in week 1. Packers claim SF backup quarterback today to "run the scout team offense."




Again, as i stated above, Belicheat is trying to WIN THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR. Starting with game 1. And now, evidence that the Packers are trying to WIN THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR.


Are we?

I did read the posts. Please try not to be a condescending ass. I know that it probably comes naturally to you but try anyway.


I assume by your response that they didn't play special teams in the preseason. Wait, they did. Well then I guess he'll tell him all the trick plays so that NE can spend their ST practice team learning to defend a dozen plays that have a 0.001% chance of being called instead of the things that they have been doing regularly. Right. Or maybe you think he's going to run the Patriot scout team defense? Come on.


EVERYONE in the NFL is trying to win the Super Bowl so Belichick is not a genius for wanting to. You can get your head out of his a$$. Your post is honestly ridiculous.

Edited by vincec
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In the grand scheme if the pats cut Leon Washington solely to get intel on the bills you can chalk me up as happy about the irrational decision making in their front office.


Odds are though its just that they needed one more body at LB and they were familiar with him. If he gives any info that's just lagniappe.

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White better hope he's not playing in this game. Especially on ST's. He might find himself put strategically out of commission.


If you cut a guy, you don't get to complain when someone else picks him up. If you don't want people picking up your scraps, don't cut them.

LOL! Yes, they should have kept everyone.

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I'll add that I cannot believe players are dropping info about their former teams. I cannot believe it happens like that. Ross Tucker has spoke about it several times, though. Talking about how when he went to New England right after his stint in Buffalo Belicheck asked several questions about Buffalo. Also said that players there practiced while on IR. The feeling in NE was that of great fear. Players there practiced while injured and did whatever they could to keep from being cut.


I have to think, though, that it may be common to give a little but cannot imagine a player is giving that much up...

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Why? If they're concerned enough to get the NFL to schedule games against the Bills after coming off their bye, this is nothing.

This is seriously a thing?


I love a good conspiracy theory, but the Patriots have not needed much help against the Buffalo Bills.


The Bills have a schedule to play, and if they play it well they will stop being doormats. Nobody is keeping them down but themselves.

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I'll add that I cannot believe players are dropping info about their former teams. I cannot believe it happens like that. Ross Tucker has spoke about it several times, though. Talking about how when he went to New England right after his stint in Buffalo Belicheck asked several questions about Buffalo. Also said that players there practiced while on IR. The feeling in NE was that of great fear. Players there practiced while injured and did whatever they could to keep from being cut.


I have to think, though, that it may be common to give a little but cannot imagine a player is giving that much up...


Really, if the minute you sign you spill your guts on every possible secret from your last team - especially as a fringe player that isn't expected to be a long term solution - how long do you think the new team will keep you around? I know I'd be cutting them before they get their hands on my playbook.

Edited by NoSaint
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This is seriously a thing?


I love a good conspiracy theory, but the Patriots have not needed much help against the Buffalo Bills.


The Bills have a schedule to play, and if they play it well they will stop being doormats. Nobody is keeping them down but themselves.

I fully agree. However, the coincidences are just too odd. The entire schedule of the last 10 years has really reached out to favor NE in some strange ways. Big Cat maybe? someone had a list they'd made of the last 2 or 3 years showing this anomaly and it was just odd and it showed every team, too.
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This is seriously a thing?


I love a good conspiracy theory, but the Patriots have not needed much help against the Buffalo Bills.


The Bills have a schedule to play, and if they play it well they will stop being doormats. Nobody is keeping them down but themselves.

The number of times it's happened shows it's not a coincidence.

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I fully agree. However, the coincidences are just too odd. The entire schedule of the last 10 years has really reached out to favor NE in some strange ways. Big Cat maybe? someone had a list they'd made of the last 2 or 3 years showing this anomaly and it was just odd and it showed every team, too.


I highly suspect that when sitting in the schedule design meetings that the bills just get slid into holes in more prominent schedules simply because we aren't a reliable TV draw. I doubt that schedule makers are actively making ours harder as much as simply not caring much about it




The number of times it's happened shows it's not a coincidence.


Can you give any reason the nfl would want to do this?


To give the pats a double bye week?


Or is it more in the out to get us category?

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Really, if the minute you sign you spill your guts on every possible secret from your last team - especially as a fringe player that isn't expected to be a long term solution - how long do you think the new team will keep you around? I know I'd be cutting them before they get their hands on my playbook.

Or, if you're Belicheck with his ego and narcissism you just don't care. You do not let this guy near enough the playbooks to see what is going on or give him the full picture.


I really wish I listened to Ross Tucker more and read the spygate book, but it has been discussed how Belichick is a control freak. How they loop every hole they get and twist every turn just a little bit tighter. Tucker was adamant that the Patriots do dirty down low things. I cannot wait for one day when Brady turns 38 or 39 and starts to crap the bed and they cut him...bad blood comes up and he just spills everything on what this organization did.


I have no doubt that Belichick is up to no good, White included in this or not I do not know...but I just cannot trust this guy. Yes, he has Brady, but look at his success. In Cleveland he could not lead a mule. He has historically been around the best assistants. Those assistants disappear a year and he keeps going as if they never left. Those assistants fail and come back. Look at Romeo Crennell, Mangini, McDaniels, all under Belichick who comes from Parcells. You know who else was under Parcells? Jauron, Bobby Petrino, Spagnola, Sparano, Coughlin, Sean Payton, Dave Wannstadt... All no better then decent coaches. I am not buying that Payton is a top coach, nor Coughlin. Belichick is the ONLY coach to have found success.


Not to turn this on its ear, but Tony Dungy's coaching tree has found better success then Fatty Parcells.

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Please try to read all the posts in a thread before responding. This has been covered on pages 1 and 2. (psst: here's a hint: White knows special teams too, and it costs Belicheat nothing to try).


Also, all the good teams do this. This is from PFT just a while ago. Packers play SF in week 1. Packers claim SF backup quarterback today to "run the scout team offense."




Again, as i stated above, Belicheat is trying to WIN THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR. Starting with game 1. And now, evidence that the Packers are trying to WIN THE SUPERBOWL THIS YEAR.


Are we?


Please try to read all tbe posts before being a condescending ass. We covered the "The Patriots are trying to win the Superbowl...are we?" question in pages one and two. I believe tbe answer was both teams will watching the game on TV. Will you?

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