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Kolb plays scared and is too Fragile for the NFL.


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Also, when it's dark ghosts are very hard to see. You think you see something but you're not sure.


On a different subject, is a huge kitty better or worse than a "glove-wearing mary?"


Can we have a ruling on this?

Compare this all maybe with being a richard.

You have to be careful of a richard he is out there all the time just waiting to get hit or kicked or concussed.

Here is a pro and cons I found on the interwebs

Pros for Richards:

Its much easier to go pee behind a bush when your in the middle of nowhere and get desperate

Its far far easier to get an orgasm (about 20 seconds usually does it !)

Orgasms are more intense.

It doesnt need much looking after

Its a lot less messy


Pros for Kitties:

They don't demand attention when you wake up in the morning

They look a whole lot better in a swim suit or tight dress

You don't have to compare them (or size) to your friends :)

They don't fill your body with testosterone

They can keep going & going



What do my concussions have to do with Kolb playing football with mind numbing fear?

So you are saying Kitties (or women as we know them better as and yes I do mind you using a sexual objectification/symbolism on a thing of great beauty, to refer to a some what fragile athlete), are cowards? Maybe it is your concussions speaking. I am sure your Mother had to be brave to get your wiggling little head thru her kitty.


EDit: that wasn't worded so well but I am tired and I am sure you get the point. And I agree with the basic premise that Kolb seems easily injured, I never wanted the guy in the first place.

Edited by bowery4
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I have had a bunch and wasnt fun but I played through them. I see where your coming from. Kolb gets injured way to easy. Hes just not built tough thats all.


Played through concussions? This explains so much.



1. Man named Nancy

2. Glove Wearing Nancy

3. Fancy Lad

4. Huge Kitty Cat


You should quit while you're behind. Calling someone like TE, who is scared to play the game, a kitty is one thing. Calling a guy who tries to play and gets injured often a kitty just speaks poorly of you.

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Played through concussions? This explains so much.




You should quit while you're behind. Calling someone like TE, who is scared to play the game, a kitty is one thing. Calling a guy who tries to play and gets injured often a kitty just speaks poorly of you.

I actually ended up doin pretty good for myself so what ever. Its easy for someone to hide behind a computer. Yes i sure did play thru them both in football, hockey and also got a few during my 21 year stint in thr Marines. And if you want to have a scientific conversation about concussions feel free to message me. Im in my third year of med school...just sayin. BTW im disabled too. Some people just dont have a clue. As for callin someone a kitty isnt my style, take that up with the OP. Edited by billsfan_34
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Let's not get carried away now. :lol:


But get Kolb out the door ASAP, he is complete trash.


I can honestly say that I can't recall Bills fans ever being fed a bigger load of sh*t than Kevin Kolb.


Proven failure......check


Injury prone to the point of useless.....check


mediocre talent to begin with.......check


anemic production.......check


far more opportunities than he deserved......check


THE laughingstock QB of the entire NFL.......check :thumbdown:


There have been so many encouraging things done this offseason but this acquisition was very troubling. It's been said many times before but they had a perfect backup for this offense in TJack and they let him go for a guy everyone else in the NFL knew was complete garbage.


You should quit while you're behind. Calling someone like TE, who is scared to play the game, a kitty is one thing. Calling a guy who tries to play and gets injured often a kitty just speaks poorly of you.


Trent Edwards and Kevin Kolb are both scared to play the game. You act like Trent isn't still trying to collect an NFL paycheck. I am not sure if you actually watch football, but Kolb simply won't stay in the pocket. That's how he got hurt last year against the Bills and how he got hurt yesterday. So you are right about them being scared to play the game but it's not like Kolb is standing tall in the pocket and taking punishment.....not even close.


A thread dedicated to mocking a NFL player is stupid and serves no purpose for any forum.


I think it really is more about attacking the team for signing the turd in the first place.......but the honeymoon is still on with Marrone and Hackett so people want to voice their great displeasure without asking why in the hell the team acquired such a POS quarterback and why Marrone gave him an opportunity to compete for the most important position on the team.

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I actually ended up doin pretty good for myself so what ever. Its easy for someone to hide behind a computer. Yes i sure did play thru them both in football, hockey and also got a few during my 21 year stint in thr Marines. And if you want to have a scientific conversation about concussions feel free to message me. Im in my third year of med school...just sayin. BTW im disabled too. Some people just dont have a clue. As for callin someone a kitty isnt my style, take that up with the OP.


So in your expert medical opinion, you recommend players play through concussions? Also, what is your disability and how does it pertain to this discussion?

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So in your expert medical opinion, you recommend players play through concussions? Also, what is your disability and how does it pertain to this discussion?

Absolutely not. Back when I played there wasn't emphasis on concussions. If a player comes to me concussed that's it for him. That being said, if I am a player in the NFL who wants to stay in the league, sometimes you have to play through things and keep your mouth shut. Players have been using that tactic for years. Its a brutal contact sport my friend and Kolb just doesn't have the toughness like others. 5 bucks says Kelly played through them and the list most likely goes on and on. When you feel the need to personally attack someone for no reason, I most certainly let you know the person typing at the other end suffers from a myriad of disabilities. It really isn't relevant to the discussion, just your personal attack. Enjoy your day man. I am off to golf its too nice out.

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Some absolute F grade trolling in this thread by multiple posters including the OP.


One point i agree with wholeheartedly though, is that sack on the first drive. That's your #1 A+ reference to a shell-shocked QB who has played behind too many bad OLs and is afraid to step up into the pocket after years of being physically punished for doing so. See: David Carr

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I had a few concussions in HS. You know with people hitting me that were roughly my size and not 300 pound lineman going full speed. I'm 25, have headaches at least 3 days a week and forgot stuff ALL THE TIME. It isn't funny. It's downright scary.


I love football, but concussions are scary.


That they are. I had a ton of situations in HS where I probably should have gotten a concussion and didn't and then finally got a bad one. Unconscious for I don't know how long, head ache for weeks, memory loss, never really got my ability to memorize things back. Sucked, but the upside was that I actually had to LEARN how to do things rather than just memorize them. Maybe Kolb can learn how to do something else for a living now.


I kid, but they do suck. After you get one, it gets much easier to get headaches and subsequent concussions.

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Sorry for venting the joke may have been in worse taste that I originally thought.

People took what I said and ran with it.


I did not mean Kolb is a Kitty cat because he got concussed.

Kolb plays scared.


And righteous indignation on a message board is not a good look for anyone.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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That they are. I had a ton of situations in HS where I probably should have gotten a concussion and didn't and then finally got a bad one. Unconscious for I don't know how long, head ache for weeks, memory loss, never really got my ability to memorize things back. Sucked, but the upside was that I actually had to LEARN how to do things rather than just memorize them. Maybe Kolb can learn how to do something else for a living now.


I kid, but they do suck. After you get one, it gets much easier to get headaches and subsequent concussions.


I got one playing pickup tackle football in the snow between my junior and senior HS seasons. Knocked out cold from taking a head to head hit around my ear. Struggled with PCS symptoms until graduation (roughly 15 months) because I didn't recognize at the time that I had a serious concussion and never got proper rest and what have you. Daily headaches, light sensitivity, irritability, nausea, etc. And that was probably my second or third concussion, though the others were mild.


Now all it takes is a nice rap to the head and I'll get a migraine. Last time I got one was from hitting my head on the "Oh s**t handle" getting into a truck. Concussions are definitely no joke.

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Some absolute F grade trolling in this thread by multiple posters including the OP.


One point i agree with wholeheartedly though, is that sack on the first drive. That's your #1 A+ reference to a shell-shocked QB who has played behind too many bad OLs and is afraid to step up into the pocket after years of being physically punished for doing so. See: David Carr


The thing about David Carr is that he blows Kolb's numbers out of the water. That's sad.

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