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Cugalabanza has won Last Post Wins! All hail Cugalabanza

Just Jack

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I blame last night's loss on Cuggles. If he had been willing to sacrifice himself to the football gods the Bills would have won, instead he declined and the Bills lost.


I am sorry. It's true--the stink of loser death is upon me. Everything I touch turns to stevestojan. But the Football Gods refuse to take me. They insist that I continue to walk the earth as a painful reminder to all that They are cruel and merciless overlords.

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I blame last night's loss on Cuggles. If he had been willing to sacrifice himself to the football gods the Bills would have won, instead he declined and the Bills lost.

And you want to trade ME to a Pats Forum???

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No travel day today.


Bills in CLE last Thursday.


Boys awaiting Peyton and his group for Sunday.


Positive thoughts for Mama CGF today!!


Thank you!


Surgery went well but she really hasn't woke up and her respiratory

stats aren't what they like so she is in ICU.


More positive thoughts would be appreciated.

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No travel day today.


Bills in CLE last Thursday.


Boys awaiting Peyton and his group for Sunday.




Thank you!


Surgery went well but she really hasn't woke up and her respiratory

stats aren't what they like so she is in ICU.


More positive thoughts would be appreciated.


Positive thoughts go your way.

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Positive thoughts are working well.


Way more awake today!!


They have her on a sleep apnea type machine to add more

oxygen to what she already has to better her breathing. This

machine makes it hard for her to talk but we did get some angry

no's out of her today!


Fingers crossed that she goes to a room mid day on Monday!

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Best wishes and positive thoughts for a full recovery coming from this direction.






Each day will find her getting stronger and closer to being well.


Thank you!


Positive thoughts continue.


She is talking more and had

her first food since surgery.

But still on the oxygen mask

because she doesn't' breathe

deep enough.

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