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Pet Peeves- List them


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- "I could care less". The correct phrase is "I COULDN'T care less". If you COULD care less, then you obviously care about the issue!


- Anyone over 16 with a faux hawk.


- "everything happens for a reason". No ****! Just say that you have nothing significant to say or don't reply at all.


- people who bring their baby to work to show their coworkers. I don't want to deal with your kid crying and/or running around while I'm trying to get work done. I get it, you procreated just like millions of others. Your baby is only interesting to you and possibly your close friends and family. To everyone else it is just another baby.

1. "I could care less". and I used to teach English. I never understand why everybody thinks it has to be so effing perfect. Did you know it wasn't even taught in most schools until about 100 years ago. People used to just spell however they thought it was spelled. Puts it in perspective when you think about it.

4. You would not adjust well to working in Thailand.


People that don't like babies.

Babies are cool, especially mine.


Yup. When people ask "didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after you pee?" And I say "no, she taught me not to pee on my finger."


Now coming from a chef that is scary. :D

Yes it is but I pretty much agree.


You touch anything they touch afterwards and touch your fingers to your mouth you may have well have gotten on your knees and sucked their dick. That is why I will NEVER touch a restroom door with my bare hand. That's disgusting.

I try not to touch much of anything, I like the ones with the right kind of paper towel dispenser so if I have to at least it is not direct contact.


Pet Peeve = when my dog farts and then suddenly leaves the room thinking I caused the stench.

Sure blame the dog.

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I don't like when people say "come with," as in "do you want to come with?" Is it too uncool to add the "me" on the end?


Ironically, if somebody were to say that to you & you then explain your pet peeve in this regard.....they likely would apologize by saying "My bad.".


- "I could care less". The correct phrase is "I COULDN'T care less". If you COULD care less, then you obviously care about the issue!



You Sir deserve a chicken dinner for that one. :thumbsup:

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I'm finding that a little ambiguous.


Do you mean that the room where the toilet is in, is called a toilet......or the room with the bath in it(and no toilet), is called a toilet?

They are all called toilets. The toilet is a fixture in the bathroom not the room itself. I grew up in Bflo but I never heard people saying, "I'm going to the toilet." and if they asked me "Where is the toilet?" I would have said "It's in the bathroom".

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They are all called toilets. The toilet is a fixture in the bathroom not the room itself. I grew up in Bflo but I never heard people saying, "I'm going to the toilet." and if they asked me "Where is the toilet?" I would have said "It's in the bathroom".


What if the toilet is not in the bathroom.....but is in a small room all to itself?


What do you personally call that?


Common names being:-

The toilet.

The WC.

The small or little room.



Edit....and if somebody asked me where my "bathroom" was I would say...."Are you after the toilet?".....and point them in the right direction, rather than send them to the room in my house which has a shower, bath & basin but no actual toilet.

Edited by Dibs
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Spreadable butter...how n the hell can they call that chit butter?

They don't really, do they?

How's the food??

I am pretty much sick of it. It is typical of a hot weather places in a lot of ways, I like more temperate diets. I love a lot of food (and liked it here in the beginning) but after almost 7 years here everything just has been bothering me lately and food might be number 1.

Tell me more about this..

No, that was a Crayons moment putting that in there.


And I don't complain that much about stuff here but I could (to whoever said living somewhere else and then complaining about the different culture). It is kind of unavoidable after a while, I tried for years not to say too much, just happens after a while.


Well for one thing I don't fit in a toilet and second hey! it's my pet peeve!

Edited by bowery4
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With your hand which you wash with soap and water after. :wallbash:

I always have a problem unless they have a modern automatic tap.


How do you turn the tap off without putting not only your own germs.....but everyone else's germs, back on your hands.

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Flushing-- use foot for stall flush. Don't flush urinal (most are auto flush anyway). Stall door I actually do touch, now that I think about it. No way around that, unless you use your shirt.


But what's critical is not touching anything after you wash your hands. don't touch faucet, towel dispenser, or door. sounds Howard Hughes-ish, but I think CDC recommends that, as well.


I'm not a germophobe by any means, but the washing hands, etc. in the bathroom, I am OCDish about. I wish all bathroom doors had the handle on the outside and then you just push the door to go out (with your shoulder).

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Yeah, because their fingers are the only place their ****/piss will end up. Everybody...wash your damn hands.



Yep. The same nasty Fers will dig their hand in office party or restaurant/bar chips or pretzels and spread their bacteria. No thanks.


But how do you open the door? Put on gloves?


With paper towels.

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I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I'm sick of you fuggin people and your stupid smartphones. I wish all cellular phones still weighed 14 pounds and came with a shoulder strap. The next geek who asks me to check out their new "app" gets a :censored: corkscrew to the eyeball!!


My first cell phone was a bag phone.

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So am I if I had to wash my hands 30x a day and live in constant paranoia of germs. God damn amazing I lived to 56 with out bringing a bottle of bleach and rubber gloves everywhere I go.


You piss 30 times a day? Man, you might want to check with your doctor about that!

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You piss 30 times a day? Man, you might want to check with your doctor about that!

No I don't. How can you people live with accepting change at a store? Can you imagine the filth that money has been exposed to? Do you have the clerk drop it in a bag till you can take home and sterilize it?

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I'm not speaking for anybody else, because I'm not germophobic, but that kind of stuff doesn't bother me at all.........Washing your hands when you go to the bathroom is just plain hygiene - they have signs all employees must wash hands, not must do the crap you're talking about.


And, yeah - the human body can withstand all kinds of **** for 56 years.

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I'm not speaking for anybody else, because I'm not germophobic, but that kind of stuff doesn't bother me at all.........Washing your hands when you go to the bathroom is just plain hygiene - they have signs all employees must wash hands, not must do the crap you're talking about.


And, yeah - the human body can withstand all kinds of **** for 56 years.

I'm not making someones sandwich. the signs are posted where the customers can see them for PR reasons.

Went to John & Mary's on Abbot Rd 20 years, never saw a glove. Just bare hands putting meat on a roll. I must be a medical miracle.

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