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Pats: Bad winners, even worse losers

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They have impressively adapted and found new ways to win. I think the 49ers might be most impressive to me, personally, because they changed QBs and still won another title. If not for Favre's meteoric rise and Young's concussion issues, they might have won more.


It will be one of the most interesting developments in football to see what happens to the Pats after Brady. Hopefully, the result is complete and utter destruction and not something like Favre's transition to Rodgers.


Good teams know when the end is near and draft accordingly or get lucky. The packers were good to nurture a Rodgers for three seasons while the Colts got lucky with a 2-14 season that ensure that they will have a franchise QB for 20+ years run. The Bills, 49ers, Cowboys who built strong contenders in the 90s did not do the same and have suffered for the past 15+ seasons.

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Good teams know when the end is near and draft accordingly or get lucky. The packers were good to nurture a Rodgers for three seasons while the Colts got lucky with a 2-14 season that ensure that they will have a franchise QB for 20+ years run. The Bills, 49ers, Cowboys who built strong contenders in the 90s did not do the same and have suffered for the past 15+ seasons.

There was no free agency then.


And did you just insinuate the Bills 49ers and Cowboys should have planned to get lucky? ;)

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Good teams know when the end is near and draft accordingly or get lucky. The packers were good to nurture a Rodgers for three seasons while the Colts got lucky with a 2-14 season that ensure that they will have a franchise QB for 20+ years run. The Bills, 49ers, Cowboys who built strong contenders in the 90s did not do the same and have suffered for the past 15+ seasons.

Well, yes, especially the lucky part.


I mean, the Bills drafted a respected Michigan quarterback, and he was efficient if not spectacular in college. They obviously could have done a lot more there. I think scouting is where you've really got to determine the work ethic, mental acuity, and adaptability of a player. I don't even know if the Patriots did that, considering they drafted Brady in the 6th. Right time, right place. It's like firing darts. You can get pretty good at it over time, but you're just never going to hit the target every time.


It's why a lot of us like the idea of drafting two, and why the Redskins' drafting of RGIII and Cousins looks innovative now when it looked baffling on draft day.

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I strongly disagree. Like many fans I like/admire others winning teams, like the Steelers and Ravens and Packers. It's the cheating and sore loser attitude (and their insufferably arrogant coach and fans) that make me loathe them. I suspect I'm not alone in that...


You are not alone with that. That's why I hate them. Their know-nothing fans, arrogant coach and QB are too much. Went to school w/ a bunch of Pats* fans from 2000-2004. They prob couldn't even name the QB before Brady. I admire teams like the Steelers, Packers, Ravens, 49ers that can win w/o being douschbags.

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The packers were good to nurture a Rodgers for three seasons

The Packers were lucky too, though. They wanted to draft JP Losman, but Buffalo traded to jump ahead and grab him. If the Packers had drafted Losman, the Bills might've drafted Rodgers the following year.... Funny how things work out.

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The pats have sold out every home game since Kraft bought them in 94. Tha includes seasons of 6-10, 8-8, 5-11.


And just before that in the early '90's (when I lived there) they sold 19k season tix, in a city multiple times the size of Buffalo....

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The Packers were lucky too, though. They wanted to draft JP Losman, but Buffalo traded to jump ahead and grab him. If the Packers had drafted Losman, the Bills might've drafted Rodgers the following year.... Funny how things work out.


yet every Bills fan knows who that QB was..

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Former Sports Illustrated writer Joe Posnanski attempted an approximation of a Steve Tasker-Bill Bellichick postgame interview from last night's game had it occurred:


Steve Tasker: "Bill, obviously that was a tough loss."


Bill Belichick: "True, Steve. But it is so important to remember that to fall from a great height,

you must first climb to that great height. I believe it was Steinbeck who wrote that it's so much

darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone."


Tasker: That was "The Winter of Our Discontent" wasn't it?


Belichick: Yes. I find that Steinbeck comforts me in times like these. He had a deep understanding

or losing. Also, now I think of the words of Anais Nin, whose journals I keep close for moments like

these. I believe she said that we put off dying by living and risking and losing ...


Tasker: Well, to be precise, I believe she said, "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error,

by risking, by giving, by losing."


Belichick: Yes, that's the wording.


Tasker: "Dreams are necessary to life." She said that too.


Belichick: True words, Steve. Very true words.


Tasker: What would you say to Ray Lewis right now?


Belichick: I think instead of C.S. Lewis who said, "We cannot understand.

The best is perhaps what we understand least."


Tasker: Thank you Bill for your time and wisdom.


Belichick: Of course Steve. And please tell Shannon Sharpe to $^&% #$*&.
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This is why everyone hates them outside of New England. Because their owner, coach, QB and fans are sore winners and even sorer losers.

They remind me of the kid next door that would pick up his football and walk home every time he was losing. Pats are classless and might I add gutless yesterday.

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There was no free agency then.


And did you just insinuate the Bills 49ers and Cowboys should have planned to get lucky? ;)


I wish Kelly :D

Again simply the proof that if you don't have a franchise QB, you don't have a chance at the SB


yet every Bills fan knows who that QB was..


We got short changed quite a bit in drafting QBs.


Similarly, Jacksonville wouldn't trade with us so that we could get Bib Ben, simply because they were afraid the Jets would then get the big WR Reggie Williams...Reggie lasted in the NFL for a few years and went into obscurity.


The best shot for the bills was to have drafted Cutler, because he was available and they chose to ignore and go with Lynch. The other one would be Flacco,

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All this talk of Belicheat and how can we forget the allegations that he was screwing someone else's wife while a Giant assistant. Gave her and her hubby Super Bowl tickets, as I recall, so maybe he has a softer side....

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Again, Patriots are dropping out of the Pro Bowl with Marcia Brady being the latest. I rembember a few years back when the Pro Bowl was after the Super Bowl and the Patriots lost. Almost all that were selected for the PB dropped out. I know the ProBowl is a mere vacation and there's no real effort put in by the players but this just shows what arrogant snobs the Cheatriots really are.

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They just played 18 games is 20 weeks. Most players get atleast a couple weeks to heal up and relax before the game. I wouldn't set foot on the field with even the slightest injury if I were them.

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I would say Parcells' arrival probably had the most to do with the enthusiasm.


And Drew Bledsoe... Early on that is...


The best shot for the bills was to have drafted Cutler, because he was available and they chose to ignore and go with Lynch.


No. The Bills drafted Donte Whitner before the Broncos took Cutler a few picks later. Could at least accept Lynch... But Whitner! Yeah... We had a guy named JP on the roster... LMAO... My brother was screaming bloody murder watching the draft... He wanted Cutler all along...

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