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Deadspin: Manti Te’o’s Dead Girlfriend Is A Hoax


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Another possibility in all this, one that I have yet to read, is that Ronaiah & Co thought they were playing a hoax on T'eo, but while technically not "in on it", T'eo knew the hoax was being played on him. T'eo could have then just kept playing along, letting Ronaiah think he was being played, but then turning around and using the situation for his own personal benefit.


In this case, even if Ronaiah totally comes clean tomorrow and says he orchestrated the whole hoax, this would still not prove that T'eo didn't know about it. He could have been "in on it" to the extent of playing along the whole time for his own gain, but would not have been "in on it" to the extent of planning and executing the whole fake operation with Ronaiah.


One aspect that would support this is T'eo continuous dating of other women while his "girlfriend" was dying of cancer. Who would do such a thing if they were truly being hoaxed?

Edited by kas23
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Yet again you show your inability to differentiate between statements showing a belief in the possibility of guilt and statements showing a belief of guilt.

You took a stand that this most damning scenario was "most likely". Hardly an unbiased position. You're done kid. Best for you to go into hiding like Renaiah.

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Another possibility in all this, one that I have yet to read, is that Ronaiah & Co thought they were playing a hoax on T'eo, but while technically not "in on it", T'eo knew the hoax was being played on him. T'eo could have then just kept playing along, letting Ronaiah think he was being played, but then turning around and using the situation for his own personal benefit.


In this case, even if Ronaiah totally comes clean tomorrow and says he orchestrated the whole hoax, this would still not prove that T'eo didn't know about it. He could have been "in on it" to the extent of playing along the whole time for his own gain, but would not have been "in on it" to the extent of planning and executing the whole fake operation with Ronaiah.


The dreaded double catfish!


Is there anything that would leave you remotely comfortable that teo wasn't a "bad guy" on this?

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You took a stand that this most damning scenario was "most likely".....

That's correct. It in no way says nor implies that I thought that he was guilty.....which was the point that I was making. You seem incapable of differentiating between statements showing a belief in the possibility of guilt and statements showing a belief of guilt.


....Hardly an unbiased position.....

That's the first you have brought up the question of my biases. As it happens, I had no idea who he was prior to the Deadspin article apart from that he was a high 1st round LB prospect. I do not follow college football in any way and have no affiliations with any college as I was raised and live in Australia. I have absolutely no bias in this situation at all.



....You're done kid. Best for you to go into hiding like Renaiah.

Really? Kid? I'm 42.


Simply acting like you've won an argument does not mean that you have actually won it. Unfortunately for you, you are wrong in this argument.....therefore you can't win it. Each time you have tried to add something to support what you have said, you have ended up supporting what I have said.


I think your best bet is to just drop it.....you're embarrassing yourself way too much here.

Edited by Dibs
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For me....all of the "extra" stuff is irrelevant. I honestly don't need to know the facts of every aspect of the situation. Honestly, if it is shown that MT actually had long phone conversations every night leading up to the "death"....what difference does it make as to why he might embellish the situation he was in or why he didn't jump straight in with full disclosure when he "found out".

Proof of the long phone conversations(&/or emails etc) easily provides enough doubt in my mind.

Sure, in the big scheme, it's all irrelevant. OTOH, if he (or Notre Dame) is guilty of deliberate misrepresentation of a (can we at least call it?) suspicious situation for personal gain/fame, then that's not considered real ethical by some folks. The rationalization that others have done it notwithstanding.


I agree that he seems guilty of being a naive mark, telling some whoppers, and not coming clean when he knew the truth. BFD.

He could have embellished due to embarrassment of having never met her....or embellished his level of emotional connection to her as an understandable and not horrendous mistake. Deadspin was tipped off by somebody. Maybe hoaxers figured this and irrationally owned up to it to him as a reaction to it....or maybe it was coincidence...etc. If it can be shown that he was duped into being in a "relationship" with somebody to the point of him spending countless hours on the phone etc....what difference do all the minor details make?

Given the duration of the hoax, it's actually plausible that the feelings of the perpetrator of the "scam" became more than merely playing a role. Hoax imitating life imitating hoax. It's also plausible that the real feelings that may have developed in the actual phone relationship also influenced Manti to continue to want to cover up the situation and protect the hoaxster(s). (I don't really think Deadspin had to be "tipped off" to figure out something was extremely "catfishy" when they did the slightest amount of investigation of the story. Really, the story should have never even run, but it did and that was likely because Manti was so convincing and compelling to the reporter. It really was an incredible story, though complete, weird fantasy.)
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Sure, in the big scheme, it's all irrelevant. OTOH, if he (or Notre Dame) is guilty of deliberate misrepresentation of a (can we at least call it?) suspicious situation for personal gain/fame, then that's not considered real ethical by some folks. The rationalization that others have done it notwithstanding.


I see what you are saying.....however I tend to think that if MT was legitimately duped and discovered it well after the "death", then that would most likely have severely limited the extent of his &/or ND's involvement in some form of deliberate misrepresentation. By far the biggest boost MT got in terms of gain/fame was due to the "death". If he & ND were ignorant of the situation till early December then a majority of the damage had already been done. An argument could then be made that any misrepresentation done after that could fall under "damage control" as motive.

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The dreaded double catfish!


Is there anything that would leave you remotely comfortable that teo wasn't a "bad guy" on this?


I'm not sure. I've always known that if something quacks, has webbed feet, and flies, it's likely a duck.


At this point, T'eo has done everything wrong. From the point he got that phone call from "Lennay" on Dec 6th, he has not done one single thing right. And, supposedly he had professional advice too, but still F'd everything up.


Right after ND did their Google search and his ass was handed to him by Alabama, he should have had Schaap on the phone immediately to give his interview. Instead, he continued to play his ruse right up until his time was up. What exactly was the benefit of both him and ND being silent on this? And if Deadspin sat on this (and ESPN too), he still would have been trying to continue this.

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Simply acting like you've won an argument does not mean that you have actually won it. Unfortunately for you, you are wrong in this argument.....therefore you can't win it. Each time you have tried to add something to support what you have said, you have ended up supporting what I have said.


I think your best bet is to just drop it.....you're embarrassing yourself way too much here.

And just like that *poof* you're done. Off to ignoreland. No accountability, credibility demolished, nonsensical posts. Good riddance.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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And just like that *poof* you're done. Off to ignoreland. No accountability, credibility demolished, nonsensical posts. Good riddance.

Simply acting like you've won an argument does not mean that you have actually won it.

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I see what you are saying.....however I tend to think that if MT was legitimately duped and discovered it well after the "death", then that would most likely have severely limited the extent of his &/or ND's involvement in some form of deliberate misrepresentation. By far the biggest boost MT got in terms of gain/fame was due to the "death". If he & ND were ignorant of the situation till early December then a majority of the damage had already been done. An argument could then be made that any misrepresentation done after that could fall under "damage control" as motive.

Well, it's possible that Te'o was a complete dupe and suckered all the way through. When the prank was given up with a call from a dead person, even a very stupid person would find that rather irregular. I read some article were "damage control" was more or less openly stated; however, that is also saying the "nice, naive simpleton" who was duped for 4 years without ever being suspicious was able then ran his own damage control for weeks before spilling the beans to his bishop. The real story actually turns out to be orders of magnitude more screwy than the simple "my girl and my granny both died" as the length of this thread attests. "Damage control". :lol: More like, as someone said up-thread, the hoax is on us.


I find the Notre Dame involvement totally bizarre. They hold a press conference for someone no longer on the campus and point to that person and a well-respected national investigative service, while not having any notes, and come to find out the well-respected investigators never talked to anybody involved. :blink: We can call it "damage control", but not with a straight face.

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Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o, in a TV interview with Katie Couric, reiterated that he briefly lied about his online girlfriend after discovering she didn't exist, while maintaining that he had no part in creating the hoax.




I believe part of this. I don't think we had a part in creating the hoax, but after that, I really don't know where the truth lies.

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The only thing funny or interesting about this story is the fact that despite being literally newsless, boring, stupid, uneventful, meaningless, victimless, and flat our retarted it is still being talked about to ad nauseum in the media and on this board.


Literally, who freaking cares...someone made up a girl...a kid bought it (and others allegedly)...the media ate it up as it was a story of pain (things they love to talk about)...he found out it was fake...was embarrassed and didn't want it to distract from National Championship run and kept it up rather than out it...been outed by a stupid article now. So, now who really cares about this? Why is this so intriguing? Go watch Catfish on MTV then, its the same stories just doesn't involve a high profile athlete.


At the end of the day, at the draft, and in the NFL...NO ONE is gonna care other than some locker room hazing. I can not believe this thread is 56 pages...its a 2 page thread at best LMAO. There is more real news in a sham magazine like the Inquirer than this story. I mean my god, the country is wasting so much time, media attention, reporters, etc on literally the dumbest story of the year...I mean seriously people.


He will still be a lock for the first round and probably top 15 or 10 still. Thats what is so annoying, that after all of this, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing, will come of it. No one stole anything, no one robbed or hurt anyone, no one is doing any time or breaking any laws, Teo's future is still as bright as ever.


Although it is mildly funny watching so many people here and in the media carry on over such a childish and lame story

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The only thing funny or interesting about this story is the fact that despite being literally newsless, boring, stupid, uneventful, meaningless, victimless, and flat our retarted it is still being talked about to ad nauseum in the media and on this board.


Literally, who freaking cares...someone made up a girl...a kid bought it (and others allegedly)...the media ate it up as it was a story of pain (things they love to talk about)...he found out it was fake...was embarrassed and didn't want it to distract from National Championship run and kept it up rather than out it...been outed by a stupid article now. So, now who really cares about this? Why is this so intriguing? Go watch Catfish on MTV then, its the same stories just doesn't involve a high profile athlete.


At the end of the day, at the draft, and in the NFL...NO ONE is gonna care other than some locker room hazing. I can not believe this thread is 56 pages...its a 2 page thread at best LMAO. There is more real news in a sham magazine like the Inquirer than this story. I mean my god, the country is wasting so much time, media attention, reporters, etc on literally the dumbest story of the year...I mean seriously people.


He will still be a lock for the first round and probably top 15 or 10 still. Thats what is so annoying, that after all of this, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing, will come of it. No one stole anything, no one robbed or hurt anyone, no one is doing any time or breaking any laws, Teo's future is still as bright as ever.


Although it is mildly funny watching so many people here and in the media carry on over such a childish and lame story


I got something out of it: a woman didn't die. Sometimes the prize is truth itself (as trivial as that truth may be relative to other things).

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The only thing funny or interesting about this story is the fact that despite being literally newsless, boring, stupid, uneventful, meaningless, victimless, and flat our retarted it is still being talked about to ad nauseum in the media and on this board.


Literally, who freaking cares...someone made up a girl...a kid bought it (and others allegedly)...the media ate it up as it was a story of pain (things they love to talk about)...he found out it was fake...was embarrassed and didn't want it to distract from National Championship run and kept it up rather than out it...been outed by a stupid article now. So, now who really cares about this? Why is this so intriguing? Go watch Catfish on MTV then, its the same stories just doesn't involve a high profile athlete.


At the end of the day, at the draft, and in the NFL...NO ONE is gonna care other than some locker room hazing. I can not believe this thread is 56 pages...its a 2 page thread at best LMAO. There is more real news in a sham magazine like the Inquirer than this story. I mean my god, the country is wasting so much time, media attention, reporters, etc on literally the dumbest story of the year...I mean seriously people.


He will still be a lock for the first round and probably top 15 or 10 still. Thats what is so annoying, that after all of this, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing, will come of it. No one stole anything, no one robbed or hurt anyone, no one is doing any time or breaking any laws, Teo's future is still as bright as ever.


Although it is mildly funny watching so many people here and in the media carry on over such a childish and lame story


Interesting you think this is such a boring story, couldn't care less for it, but this is your second post (of actually a handful in this thread) about how boring this story is. You then write a dissertation expousing this view.


No offense, but that's more pathologic than the people enjoying and posting in this thread. You say you don't, but your action show that you actually care a great deal about this thread/topic.

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