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Seahawks vs Falcons Game Thread

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Can you be in the middle of the field and running and then just kneel and have the officials stop the clock? They would have to make a very quick call on that, and you would have to be open by 5 yards. That's still a huge gamble. The 4 yarder didnt do much i agree. I thought they could go 8 or so.


Couldn't he just catch it and call timeout immediately, even if he's in the middle of running?

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Carroll wasn't arguing about the TO, he was pissed that Bryant got a kick off. Carroll called the TO well before the ball was snapped. Bryant smartly took a practice kick. Carroll is indeed a d-bag.

That's what I thought too.


How's this for a totally ridiculous FG defense? Don't call the TO but have your defense completely relax just before/at the snap as though you did. The kicker isn't looking over at the ref, so you might fool him into thinking it's not a live kick.

Edited by KD in CT
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I don't know if he's like that all the time but during the last 5 minutes of that game he made more senseless comments and inane suggestions than I think I've ever heard from any broadcaster.

It was like somebody secretly glued a microphone to Buffalo Barbarian.......



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I don't know if he's like that all the time but during the last 5 minutes of that game he made more senseless comments and inane suggestions than I think I've ever heard from any broadcaster.

It was like somebody secretly glued a microphone to Buffalo Barbarian.......


What's crazy is they see him as atleast the "B team" if he had a game this weekend.... Unless they thought his relationship with smith would give keen insights.


It still surprises me that teams playing Atlanta and being covered by billick let him into anything the week before.

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That's what I thought too.


How's this for a totally ridiculous FG defense? Don't call the TO but have your defense completely relax just before/at the snap as though you did. The kicker isn't looking over at the ref, so you might fool him into thinking it's not a live kick.

That might work, but just one time like Marino faking the spike against the Jets. Then again, he may just drill a line drive through the uprights w/o a rush.

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Carroll wasn't arguing about the TO, he was pissed that Bryant got a kick off. Carroll called the TO well before the ball was snapped. Bryant smartly took a practice kick. Carroll is indeed a d-bag.

I thought the Falcons should have been given a delay of game penalty for that. No different than the player throwing the ball somewhere they shouldn't when the play is dead.

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Doubt it. The ball has to be down for you to call timeout.


Ah, that is probably a good point. But I suppose he could kneel down and call the TO immediately.

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you can take a knee and then call TO.

I think it would be extremely risky if not highly unlikely to throw a pass over the middle and have the WR make sure no one is near him to hit him, run 10+ yards, take a knee and call TO and have the official call it within 6 seconds. Plus, it could easily be closer to 5 seconds.

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I think it would be extremely risky if not highly unlikely to throw a pass over the middle and have the WR make sure no one is near him to hit him, run 10+ yards, take a knee and call TO and have the official call it within 6 seconds. Plus, it could easily be closer to 5 seconds.

If someone's near him he's simply tackled and you call timeout.


Throwing 3 yards and running 15 to the sideline is no better an idea. Your concerns are valid on either call. Atleast by pushing up field you might get a positive outcome. The play went absolutely as well as it could and accomplished nothing but risked turnover, penalty (and a 10 second runoff), and the tackle in play that you are worried about.


If you are running a play there and have a timeout it has to go vertical not horizontal. A throw to the 35/30 atleast has potential to put you in fg position, get a PI call etc.


They would've been better off going straight to the Hail Mary than the 4 yard out.

Edited by NoSaint
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As I saw it, Atlanta won because of the following:


1. Someone did their homework and knew that Seattle can't stop a good run game. So they ran it down their throats knowing Seattle was expecting pass pass pass.


2. Someone did their homework and knew that Seattle's secondary was huge and good and jump ball passes wouldn't work. They did hit some tight coverage stuff but a lot of it was hitting guys on the run.


3. The Atlanta WRs and TEs had a great game catching everything in sight.


4. Atlanta did not get pulled into Seattle's cheap shotting, late hitting, pushing and shoving, trash talking BS and just took care of bidness. I've watched a lot of Seatle game this year and a lot of teams have fallen for it and been too concerned about retaliating and stuff to play football. Examples: Green Bay, Bills, Rams, Deadskins.


5. Pete Carrol tried to be too cute and went for it with a run to the FB on 4th down instead of taking a chip shot FG in the 1st half. They lost by 2.


6. Atlanta totally took away Sidney Rice.


7. Pete Carroll got out coached.

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Here's one for the Marshawn Fan Club: 16 carries 46 yards 2.9 yds/carry 1 fumble (3rd straight game with a fumble).

Ahhhhh yes, here it is, Bills fans wallowing in their misfortune find solace in putting down a former player. Great.


2. Someone did their homework and knew that Seattle's secondary was huge

Sorry, I'm suffering with the flu so excuse my snarkiness...exactly how much homework did Atlanta do to make that determination?

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Carroll wasn't arguing about the TO, he was pissed that Bryant got a kick off. Carroll called the TO well before the ball was snapped. Bryant smartly took a practice kick. Carroll is indeed a d-bag.

I'm actually pretty sure he yelled "who called timeout?" Then when he realized how stupid that would look, he went to the "he took a practice kick" defense. Which is almost as ridiculous. What that means is that the kicker can't go on the field in between periods and take a practice kick, not that you can call a timeout and hope to nail the kicker for going ahead and kicking it anyway.

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I'm actually pretty sure he yelled "who called timeout?" Then when he realized how stupid that would look, he went to the "he took a practice kick" defense. Which is almost as ridiculous. What that means is that the kicker can't go on the field in between periods and take a practice kick, not that you can call a timeout and hope to nail the kicker for going ahead and kicking it anyway.


its technically not a penalty, but the refs arent supposed to let him take practices during timeouts and that had a longer than average gap between the whistle and the kick.


like i said, no penalty though so its really not much to get upset about and every team should practice until the refs politely ask them to stop and the nfl changes the rule.


I find this interesting in light of Billick's many questionable comments during the Fox broadcast yesterday:


Eagles interview ex-Ravens coach Billick




i cant imagine hes a serious candidate

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Ahhhhh yes, here it is, Bills fans wallowing in their misfortune find solace in putting down a former player. Great.

Every time Marshawn has a great game with 150+yds rushing we have to listen to the lamentations and whines about what a terrible trade our front office made. I think it's only fair to point him out when he stinks it up in a big game. I'm not trying to put Marshawn down, just the local chapter of his fan club.

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