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At what point do you simply decide to clean house and start over?


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Replace fitz, chan and stache. Add a couple Lbs that don't completely suck and any QB. Fitz just gets worse and worse. Yeah, the wrs dropped and fumbled away some big plays, but he's absolutely terrible. I thought he was a lower tier starter most of the season. Now I'm convinced he's the worst full time starter in the NFL. And chan isn't far behind him in the coaching rankings.

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Someone should ask Nix or Wilson this: "Do you want to be remembered as having wasted the talent of these players: Spiller, Byrd, Dareus, K. Williams, Levitre, Wood, Mario Williams, Gilmore..." I mean, can you imagine trying to justify to the money men, this offseason, spending big money on Levitre, Byrd, and then next year guys like Spiller, Carrington, etc. - my point is this, we have enough talent on this team, and we're going to have to start to pay for it, and then there is the added difficulty of letting guys hit their contracts when they want nothing more than to get to a winning team.


All this player talent - which is what all that money is going to be spent on - is not being justified on the field. It is a very critical time for the Bills franchise. Nix's words, come draft time, seem fitting here - he says there are picks that can set you back years. Well, the way this franchise has been used, a whole group of players is looking to have been wasted, unless Nix can get the right coaching staff in here, and its got to be NOW.


Think of Spiller's next team - they'll be thanking Buffalo for having just gotten him warmed up! And, from Spiller's perspective, can you blame him? He came out of college thinking he'd be the next great H.O.F. type RB, and he's been 2nd arguably his entire career! He HAS to be asking himself if Buffalo isn't holding him back.


It makes me sick to see the team run this way. This offseason will tell me all I need to know about Nix. Our positional needs can be met this offseason: QB/LB in Rd 1 and 2 of the draft. Add WR's, LBers, and another QB throughout the draft. Use F.A. to bring in a speedy TE or another LB/WR. Our roster could be as good as anyone's going into next season, and our team would be young. Think about it. Jon Gruden was said to have stated he looked at key positions when deciding whether or not to take over a team. QB, LT, DE, CB were the top 4 positions. We are set a LT, RB, our entire DL, CB is good, and Safeties are excellent. Our O-line is pretty solid, if not great. A potential coach would have a very high 2013 draft pick, the ability, via draft and F.A., to fill all the holes on the roster, and to choose his QB. The stadium lease takes some of the stress of trying to ease a prospective H.C.'s mind on our stability.


Now is the time.

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If there isn't someone better, what's the point? I mean honestly I'm getting sick of the mediocre has beens that come to buffalo. I'm not saying I like Chan, but they better have someone better lined up.


The point is business. The fans will eat it up as "hope" flock out to buy tickets and The Bills will proceed to go 6-10-8-8 the following 3 years until it's all "turned over" again. The sad fact is no gm/coach worth their salt will work for Ralph Wilson. Until there's a new owner expect the status quo

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Yeh, but.....the receiving corp is a diaster, but we did find out about Drin Dickerson...can't play adious. And, when we have to play ruvell Martin at wr, we are below the bottome of the barrell. I wonder if Kirk Morrison can suitu p at TE, we are almost out! (thats a joke) And I think guys with three years to try and play don't get a fourth shot. (Easley) Feel that way about Troup as well, only it will only be his third shot, I think. the Jets D coordinator is leaving, he's had enogh, wonder if there is enough money to get him to come to Buffalo, the Jets D has been pretty good.

As for Chan, he needs a new D coordinator, and a real O coordinator. And, some alternatives at QB, Fitz can help a year in transition, but he can't do it. He has some stuff, but not enough. All in all, got to stop paying marginal folks, and get some new guys whereever.

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