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This starts as just another Benghazi article, but the author raises an interesting question: what about Petraeus? He's now teaching at USC. Yet this week he came out dissing the talking points.


The Washington Times author concludes:






Forget Petraeus. Do you really think that the Big Dog is going to let his wife take the fall for this?

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Forget Petraeus. Do you really think that the Big Dog is going to let his wife take the fall for this?


I feel like Obama and the Clintons hate each other deeply, but if the schit hits the fan, would she dump on Barry? I genuinely don't know the answer to that question.

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I feel like Obama and the Clintons hate each other deeply, but if the schit hits the fan, would she dump on Barry? I genuinely don't know the answer to that question.


This is where her old "who would you trust to take the call at 2AM?" comes in. There's a lot more chatter going on why POTUS was absent in all communication that night. Bill Clinton will not be silent of things start going badly for Hillary.


(queue, Pasta Joe)

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who's fault was 9/11?


thousands more died then than in Benghazi and yet you tea poopers are ok with the results while wanting to hangng Obama and Clinton


It;s time you people gave up the hatred.


Was 9/11 blamed on a youtube video by GWB?

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who's fault was 9/11?


thousands more died then than in Benghazi and yet you tea poopers are ok with the results while wanting to hangng Obama and Clinton


It;s time you people gave up the hatred.



It must be tough to wake up stupid every day.

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who's fault was 9/11?




thousands more died then than in Benghazi and yet you tea poopers are ok with the results while wanting to hangng Obama and Clinton


Bush wasn't completely mendacious about it. That's what has people pissed off. The dishonesty of "managing the communications" to present an inaccurate picture of what happened, and presumably for electoral gain.


It;s time you people gave up the hatred.


And compare that to your first statement. The irony is thick as hell...

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It's Just Partisan Politics


By Mark Steyn



Toward the end of my column on Gregory Hicks’ testimony re Benghazi, I write:

The dying
Los Angeles Times
reported this story on its homepage (as a sidebar to “Thirteen Great Tacos in Southern California”) under the following headline: “
Partisan Politics Dominates House Benghazi Hearing
.” In fact, everyone in this story is a Democrat or a career civil servant.



Mr Hicks was there in the latter capacity, and he didn’t come across as a political person. But just for the record:

A key Benghazi whistle-blower who has allegedly been punished for speaking out against the administration is a registered Democrat who voted for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama



Gregory Hicks, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are all Democrats. The only difference is that for Mr Hicks four dead colleagues trumps party.


That it doesn’t for

Obama’s court eunuchs is a comment on them.

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ASS! I almost spilled my Dr. Pepper.


I laughed hard, I'm still laughing, dammit. Because that is the perfect image.


The bedraggled, shirtless, working man, for whom Joe advocates, is ironically also one of PastaJoe's employees, who rallies him to PPP, at the slightest mention of Hillary. And with the size of that gong, Joe could be deep in the "News And Announcements" Forum, and still hear it.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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who's fault was 9/11?


thousands more died then than in Benghazi and yet you tea poopers are ok with the results while wanting to hangng Obama and Clinton


It;s time you people gave up the hatred.


You're killing yourself here. There comes a point where every fan has to admit when their beloved team !@#$ed up. That point on this topic came for you and all your liberal fanboys last week. Frankly, over the past 4+ years you should have had many of those moments. Obama and his band of dysfunctional amateurs have bumbled like the expansion Tampa Bay Bucs.


And Obama comes out today and says the Benghazi probe is a sideshow after the facts against him and his admin are piling up? He just stepped in it today.

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You're killing yourself here. There comes a point where every fan has to admit when their beloved team !@#$ed up.


Uh...yeah, okay. I don't know if you've noticed...but this is a Buffalo sports board...

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Uh...yeah, okay. I don't know if you've noticed...but this is a Buffalo sports board...


and most of us have admitted that the team has often !@#$% up....lol


Two Weeks of Obama’s Benghazi Explanations — Sans Terrorism


Critics of the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack allege that the Obama administration misled the American people both by pointing to a YouTube video as the cause and by refusing it an act of terror. Today, the president said there’s no substance to this charge, but his statements in the weeks following the attack last September suggest otherwise.


bullet_blue.gif The day after the attacks, during a September 12 interview with 60 Minutes, Obama told Steve Kroft, ”We’re still investigating exactly what happened and hesitated to ”jump the gun on this.” The nature of the Benghazi of the attack, he said, was ”not a situation as exactly the same as what happened in Egypt,” but refused to clarify further.


bullet_blue.gif During a September 18 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, the president said the ”shadowy character” behind the ”extremely offensive video” sparked the attack.


bullet_blue.gif The next week, on September 24, the president dragged himself closer to the truth, telling the hosts of The View, “it wasn’t just a mob action,” but indicated the investigation was not yet complete.


bullet_blue.gif While speaking at the United Nations on September 25, two weeks after the attack, Obama again denounced the ”a crude and disgusting video [that] sparked outrage across the Muslim world.”




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and most of us have admitted that the team has often !@#$% up....lol


Two Weeks of Obama’s Benghazi Explanations — Sans Terrorism


Critics of the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack allege that the Obama administration misled the American people both by pointing to a YouTube video as the cause and by refusing it an act of terror. Today, the president said there’s no substance to this charge, but his statements in the weeks following the attack last September suggest otherwise.


bullet_blue.gif The day after the attacks, during a September 12 interview with 60 Minutes, Obama told Steve Kroft, ”We’re still investigating exactly what happened and hesitated to ”jump the gun on this.” The nature of the Benghazi of the attack, he said, was ”not a situation as exactly the same as what happened in Egypt,” but refused to clarify further.


bullet_blue.gif During a September 18 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, the president said the ”shadowy character” behind the ”extremely offensive video” sparked the attack.


bullet_blue.gif The next week, on September 24, the president dragged himself closer to the truth, telling the hosts of The View, “it wasn’t just a mob action,” but indicated the investigation was not yet complete.


bullet_blue.gif While speaking at the United Nations on September 25, two weeks after the attack, Obama again denounced the ”a crude and disgusting video [that] sparked outrage across the Muslim world.”


Why did your article use the word "allege", and then go on to provide 4 bullets of undeniable fact/quotes? Habit? :lol:


I mean, is there a jury/fair trial concern here?


This whole thing is just going to keep grinding and hitting them, like Kaleta, until President Petulant comes out and takes responsibility for his role in this, and finally tells us where the hell he went that night.

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Why did your article use the word "allege", and then go on to provide 4 bullets of undeniable fact/quotes? Habit? :lol:


I mean, is there a jury/fair trial concern here?


This whole thing is just going to keep grinding and hitting them, like Kaleta, until President Petulant comes out and takes responsibility for his role in this, and finally tells us where the hell he went that night.


The author's use of 'alleged' clearly showed a concern with leaving himself some wiggle room, should the IRS suddenly decide to audit him for speaking out against the Chosen One's regime... er I mean an IRS computer "randomly" select his returns for a very thorough colon-cleansing audit.

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and most of us have admitted that the team has often !@#$% up....lol


Have you SEEN all the "But this time it's different!" posts on the man board? For the 13th year in a row?


Two Weeks of Obama’s Benghazi Explanations — Sans Terrorism


Critics of the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack allege that the Obama administration misled the American people both by pointing to a YouTube video as the cause and by refusing it an act of terror. Today, the president said there’s no substance to this charge, but his statements in the weeks following the attack last September suggest otherwise.


bullet_blue.gif The day after the attacks, during a September 12 interview with 60 Minutes, Obama told Steve Kroft, ”We’re still investigating exactly what happened and hesitated to ”jump the gun on this.” The nature of the Benghazi of the attack, he said, was ”not a situation as exactly the same as what happened in Egypt,” but refused to clarify further.


bullet_blue.gif During a September 18 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, the president said the ”shadowy character” behind the ”extremely offensive video” sparked the attack.


bullet_blue.gif The next week, on September 24, the president dragged himself closer to the truth, telling the hosts of The View, “it wasn’t just a mob action,” but indicated the investigation was not yet complete.


bullet_blue.gif While speaking at the United Nations on September 25, two weeks after the attack, Obama again denounced the ”a crude and disgusting video [that] sparked outrage across the Muslim world.”


So the final determination that, yes, it was a terrorist attack, was made by...Candy Crowley?

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many of you won't like the source for the link and a few more might not like the speaker but it makes sense to me: http://www.dailykos....The-Press-VIDEO.


and pickering was clearly p$$ed. and directly contradicted his allegation on his lack of congressional testimony. now issa wants him to testify privately. hmmm...



Edited by birdog1960
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many of you won't like the source for the link and a few more might not like the speaker but it makes sense to me: http://www.dailykos....The-Press-VIDEO.




He's inaccurate. Both a CIA compound and a diplomatic consulate (i.e. a State Dept. building) were attacked. That fact alone blows a giant hole in his entire thesis.


AND it doesn't change the fact that, whatever other finger pointing happens, the "talking points" were changed a dozen times at a high, political level to misrepresent events.

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