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Every time the Bills lose I say, I'm not watching them this Sunday

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I'm sticking to it. They have stolen many, many Sundays from me. I'm not watching them again until they're over .500. And it actually feels good to say that, to not spend 4+ hours and money on beer/food at a bar (I live out of town) to be slightly hungover and overly disappointed. I haven't missed a Bills game in years either, so I'll let you know how it goes just getting ESPN updates from the phone.

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I will be watching the game this week because I'm going to it. I'm a little disappointed that I am going now, but I bought the tickets before the season started. I was at the Cardinals/Bills game when we were 5-0 and Edwards got knocked the F@%K out! Hopefully I get a good outcome this time around. Time will tell.



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WNY, after that game, it went downhill for the Bills. Hopefully, this game is the opposite.


I have good feelings about it. Desert healing and all. Two straight weeks of humiliation.


Believe it or not, I'm actually considering starting the Bills D in my fantasy league. Fully aware of the potential stupidity of that...but like I said, call it a feeling.

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I'm sticking to it. They have stolen many, many Sundays from me. I'm not watching them again until they're over .500. And it actually feels good to say that, to not spend 4+ hours and money on beer/food at a bar (I live out of town) to be slightly hungover and overly disappointed. I haven't missed a Bills game in years either, so I'll let you know how it goes just getting ESPN updates from the phone.




I won't be watching this Sunday. And you know what? I'm kind of looking forward to doing happier things. :)




Why would you want to miss out on one of the most entertaining things on tv? There are only 16 bills games every year and i'll be dammed if i miss one of them cause i feel sorry for myself....

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I'm already there. Watching the Bills brings no joy or entertainment value. I watched ten minutes of the opener and the first quarter against the Browns and that's been it. I don't miss it a bit. Been using my Sunday's to fit in marathon training and/or hanging with my family.


I think the NFL in general is an inferior product to what it was 10-20 years ago. It's more like a 7 on 7 passing league at this point.

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I won't be watching this Sunday. And you know what? I'm kind of looking forward to doing happier things. :)


After the SF game I said to myself, "self, we're done watching the Bills this season, you have better things to do with your time."


Of course, now that Sunday is approaching I suddenly find myself hoping it rains so I can at least use that as an excuse as to why I'm still watching this dreadful franchise because I will be no matter what. Sigh.

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I don't understand how you can be a big enough fan to stalk these boards during the week, but not watch on Sundays. No matter how they are doing, I couldn't find a more enjoyable 4 hours during this time of year. Food, beer, and buffalo bills football is a great combination

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In a perverse sort of way, I feel that they do better when I don't watch. so I don't watch. That course has caused me to miss some great games where the BILLS won, but it also spares me the agony of their too frequent losses.


I live well outside WNY, and i usually work on Sunday afternoons, so I can't go to a bar, and won't spend the money for the Sunday Ticket, to see games that have already been played.


If i lived in the area, and IF I was off on Sundays maybe I'd reconsider.

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Why would you want to miss out on one of the most entertaining things on tv? There are only 16 bills games every year and i'll be dammed if i miss one of them cause i feel sorry for myself....


Dude i am so with you. I would never even consider not watching! I am already depressed only 14 games left!


BTW, I am also one who loves to be outside and enjoying the fall weather. I never watch a 1Pm game live..always DVR that puppy and watch later in the day..and if you are not in Buffalo there reall is very little chance of hearing the score. Sit down bout 5 to watch the game, do a little cooking for Sunday dinner, skip the commercials and be done at 7.


4 oclock games bout the same, start watching at 5 but usually caught up to live bout 6.30.

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Actually going to the bar helps get me through the games we do badly in as the Bills fans I watch with are fun to be around. We even laugh at the mistakes most of the time. Laughing at your team is therapeutic when you're losing.

To quote Spinal Tap. "Well that puts it into perspective....Yea too much effin perspective".

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I'm sticking to it. They have stolen many, many Sundays from me. I'm not watching them again until they're over .500. And it actually feels good to say that, to not spend 4+ hours and money on beer/food at a bar (I live out of town) to be slightly hungover and overly disappointed. I haven't missed a Bills game in years either, so I'll let you know how it goes just getting ESPN updates from the phone.

stage one of recovery and two. admitting it's a problem and doing something about it.

good luck with all that and transcending to your higher self.

I will be ready at 300 pm est with beer in fridge.

There is always a chance. when the Bills win it's an event i dont want to miss.

But i support you brother.

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I don't understand how you can be a big enough fan to stalk these boards during the week, but not watch on Sundays. No matter how they are doing, I couldn't find a more enjoyable 4 hours during this time of year. Food, beer, and buffalo bills football is a great combination


I have always seemed to notice that the food and beer taste better when the Bills win. But, that's just me I guess?

Edited by kidprison
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