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What is the average age of the posters on TBD?


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I am 67 this year. A Bills fan from 1960. Went to my first game at the old rockpile (Civic Stadium) when my dad's company let him have the tickets. Attended the famous snow game with the Bengals...maybe 68 or 69. when I got out of grad school, I had season tickets at the Rockpile in the cheap seats...couldn't afford better. The bottle used to get passed up and down the row in that territory. I saw Chuck Forman get hit in the head with a beer can at the Rockpile, causing visiting teams to wear their headgear on the sidelines from that point on. I had initial season tickets at Orchard Park (what was the stadium called then?), also the cheaper seats. But, life intruded after a while...and I resumed season tickets when I got the opportunity to take over my employers tickets in the mid 80's, they dropped them. Have used those seats since then, original senority since 1960 priority...we are behind the visiting bench on the 45 yard line about 30 rows up. I still parking in a pirate lot, and party before the game. maybe I'll stop when I'm 90!

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I am 21 and became a bills fan when I was 8. That was in 1999 when the Bills last made the playoffs and when Smith, Reed, and Thomas were still here. I remember that season being such an exciting team to watch. Every game was an emotional rollercoaster, especially for an 8 year old just learning football. Flutie was magical, our receiving core was exciting, and our defense was solid. I recall every game either being a blowout for one team or the other, or being a nail-biter to the end.


So the Bills finished 11-5 that year. I was ecstatic to watch a playoff game. But unfortunately, we all know the end. Just an FYI, when Christie made the game winnIng kick, to this day it was the best feeling i have ever felt. I put my hands up slowly, tears of joy literally started flowing out, and I was the happiest little boy there ever was. Until..........


Then after that disaster I remember going directly downstairs (even though the bills were getting the next kickoff) and I turned on my play station 1, put in madden 2000 and played as Tennessee and my opponent was the Bills. I purposely ran backwards every play for a safety and let the Bills score every play, I was that mad.


Ever since that day, my life has been near-perfect. Except I'm missing that winning feeling. I just want a taste of that again.

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I'm 45. Went to my first Bills game with my Dad at the Rockpile. We would always go to one or two games a year. I was at the Miami game where we broke the streak and stormed the field. I still have a piece of the field goal netting and turf from that game somewhere. I actually jumped on Reggie McKenzie's back and got a quick ride towards the tunnel as the players departed at that game. What a memory!


I grew up in Hamburg and joined the Marine Corps at 18, leaving Buffalo in 1985. I still continue to be a Bills fan despite my better judgement. Though I lived for many years and have settled in San Diego, I cannot root for the Chargers, I don't have it in me. I've corrupted my kids and they are also Bills fans. I'm a pretty good Dad other than that. LOL!

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32. I've known nothing but Buffalo Bills and Sabres. Moved out of Buffalo for the first time in 2002 to WPB, Florida. Moved back in 2005. Moved away again in 2008 to Tucson, AZ, followed by VA Beach and now currently DC. Don't ever see myself moving back but no matter the city, I just don't know any other way than being a Bills fan.

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I was born in 1991, I became a fan because my dad would go every weekend to a sports bar to watch the game. I would go with him when I was young just to eat chicken wings. He would usually have to take me home at half time because I would complain so much. But then I actually started keeping up with the team. Now we have discussions on what the Bills should do. Im a bills fan for the same reason many of you guys are, because your dad was.

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I am 67 this year. A Bills fan from 1960. Went to my first game at the old rockpile (Civic Stadium) when my dad's company let him have the tickets. Attended the famous snow game with the Bengals...maybe 68 or 69. when I got out of grad school, I had season tickets at the Rockpile in the cheap seats...couldn't afford better. The bottle used to get passed up and down the row in that territory. I saw Chuck Forman get hit in the head with a beer can at the Rockpile, causing visiting teams to wear their headgear on the sidelines from that point on. I had initial season tickets at Orchard Park (what was the stadium called then?), also the cheaper seats. But, life intruded after a while...and I resumed season tickets when I got the opportunity to take over my employers tickets in the mid 80's, they dropped them. Have used those seats since then, original senority since 1960 priority...we are behind the visiting bench on the 45 yard line about 30 rows up. I still parking in a pirate lot, and party before the game. maybe I'll stop when I'm 90!

I'm 45. Went to my first Bills game with my Dad at the Rockpile. We would always go to one or two games a year. I was at the Miami game where we broke the streak and stormed the field. I still have a piece of the field goal netting and turf from that game somewhere. I actually jumped on Reggie McKenzie's back and got a quick ride towards the tunnel as the players departed at that game. What a memory!


I grew up in Hamburg and joined the Marine Corps at 18, leaving Buffalo in 1985. I still continue to be a Bills fan despite my better judgement. Though I lived for many years and have settled in San Diego, I cannot root for the Chargers, I don't have it in me. I've corrupted my kids and they are also Bills fans. I'm a pretty good Dad other than that. LOL!

i hate to be an accuracy police guy, , but both of those games: foreman being hit with a snowball, and the miami streak ending were at rich stadium. i sincerely mean no disrespect, but thought i should point it out.. Edited by dwight in philly
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I'm 53. Grew up in Cheektowaga but moved away when I was 18. Before I moved away, I was as much a Browns fan as a Bills fan. The first game I saw on TV was a Browns game and being a Bills fan was too cliche. After moving away, though, my Bills fanaticism grew and the Browns faded from my consciousness.


I'm wondering if I'll ever witness a Bills Super Bowl win in my lifetime. If I live another 32 years, the statistical probability is the Bills will win just one Super Bowl. But the Bills have been trending below random chance. I might be doomed.

Edited by hondo in seattle
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Im currently 19 years old. I was only 6 when the music city miracle happened and frankly I would be lying if I said I remembered it. My Dad was never a big bills fan growing up just because his father worked all the time. My dad for the longest time always liked hockey more so naturally I became more of a sabres fan then bills fan. During the early 2000's (I have always been one to go against the grain) I began my love for football which has never wavered since. I fell in love with the Eagles of the early 2000's because I was fascinated how a Q.B (McNabb) could take his team to the conference championship every year with such mediocre wide receivers and running back play (pre westbrook). Then in 2003 I went to my first Bills game which was Eagles, BIlls. I remember telling my dad before I didnt know who to root for and he said that that was okay and I could make my decision there. I remember getting there and just seeing the passion of the fans and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I had went to plenty of playoff hockey games at that point but this was just surreal. My fandom was cemented in that 23-13 loss and since then I have converted both my brother and father into die-hard fans. We got season tickets in 2006 and after hating them at first I know it is one of my dads favorite things in the world to go with me and my brother. I am at college now at Michigan State but im going to the patriots, jets, and maybe titans game this year. I made it to 5 last year and once I get out of school I hope to be able to make it to a couple a year and eventually pass the fandom down on my children.

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33. First game was the 1985 season opener against the Chargers in the drizzling rain with Vince Ferragamo at the helm. I was 6 and sat in my Dad's Channel 4 box. I still remember it. They lost, of course. Had season tickets from 87-94 so I saw it all. Of course those seats were outside.


OK random sidebar- from someone who's actually been to all these games that are now legendary, people love to throw around fake temperatures at games they went to. The coldest game I ever went to was a December regular season game against the Raiders when it was 8 degrees. I hear people throw around "below 0" all the time. Never happened* Does anyone else remember that Raiders game?


Edit: *1985-present

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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49 - started with the Bills watching them lose (in the playoffs?) to the Steelers with my uncle telling me "that's OJ Simpson, the best running back in the league".


I've mostly lived in Maryland - both parents from Amherst though.


I've inflicted the Bills on my now 19 year old son who has never even been to Buffalo. I once refused his request to let him be a Ravens fan. I am a cruel father.



Been paying for DirecTV for since Gregg Williams started coaching. My father, son, and I wasted a lot of Sundays watching them since, but those were good wasted hours spent together.


Dad didn't live to see them win again, but as such things are cyclical I am confident my son and I will see them rise to the top again. Despite last week's fiasco, I am still expecting some good things this year.

Edited by BobChalmers
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