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Woodward's new book on debt deal collapse puts the onus on Obama

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How is Barry not full of ****? If the past 4 years have proven anything, it's that he's full of ****.


I agree


My question was posed to TheNewBills who made an assertion that Romney was full of **** while demanding proof that Obama was full of ****. Before he demands proof why Obama is full of **** he needs to offer up proof why Romney is full of ****

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Romney is full of **** for sure. In what way is Obama full of ****?


Easy. This is the latest "Obama is clueless and his own words prove it" video making the rounds, and it perfectly answers your question. Worth every one of the 13 minutes. This is probably where you complain that the Rs were obstructing him even though he had full control of Congress, Senate and WH for two full years.





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I agree


My question was posed to TheNewBills who made an assertion that Romney was full of **** while demanding proof that Obama was full of ****. Before he demands proof why Obama is full of **** he needs to offer up proof why Romney is full of ****

My response was directed at TNB, not you. You're **** when you have ****ty ideas that fail and you can't even be a man and take ownership of them.

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Stop posting in this thread unless you've got something that's even remotely on the topic of Bob Woodward's book and/or the debt deal.


Word is that Moody's has a negative outlook and will join S&P's decision to downgrade America's credit rating if no debt deal is in place by the time of the so-called "fiscal cliff" on 2 January. Link.


At this point, the sides seem to be dug in. Boehner said he had the votes at spending cuts and $800B in tax increases, but who knows about that now. Will Obama keep his new goalpost at $1.2T or move it even further?

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Woodward will be interviewed on Sirius/XM's POTUS station this afternoon between 12-3 on the show, Press Pool. It's channel 124.


That station is by far my favorite politics talk station. They are balanced, and although that makes for less arguing, it is nice to hear both sides. The hosts aren't as entertaining as Limbaugh/Hannity but the content is much better.


Another interesting radio listen today might be Michael Lewis on Fresh Air. [Looking that up, maybe that's not today.] Lewis spent 6 months with Obama in the last year. He is the author of Liar's Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side, and The Big Short.

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Woodward will be interviewed on Sirius/XM's POTUS station this afternoon between 12-3 on the show, Press Pool. It's channel 124.


That station is by far my favorite politics talk station. They are balanced, and although that makes for less arguing, it is nice to hear both sides. The hosts aren't as entertaining as Limbaugh/Hannity but the content is much better.


Another interesting radio listen today might be Michael Lewis on Fresh Air. [Looking that up, maybe that's not today.] Lewis spent 6 months with Obama in the last year. He is the author of Liar's Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side, and The Big Short.


I also like POTUS. Although it is clearly left leaning but not in an obnoxious way and not in a "trying to program people way"

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Reading this book now. If you can read it and vote for any of the main characters in the book, you're crazy.


But I do think that once Obama wins, he and the Reps team up and get the debt/budget deal done. Obama wants heathcare and debt reform to be his legacy and he won't have to worry about another term. The leading Reps want to be able to say they did it too so they have something to run on in 2016.

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You know who comes across really good in this book? Biden.


The truth behind the almost-deal and Simpson Bowles is that both sides had to gore their sacred cows. The Dems needed to slash their pet programs--even SS and Medicare. The Reps needed to cut defense and allow taxes to be raised. Biden (and Cantor) did a good job at getting there. It was not always smooth but they worked the other side until they had deals they could live with. Boehner and Obama look worse--for appointing their general to get a deal done then undermining them. Still not done with the book but I'm surprised at how sympathetic it is to Biden and how much good work Biden was doing to cut spending and address the budget woes.


Pelosi and Kyl look like complete partisan asses.

Edited by John Adams
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You know who comes across really good in this book? Biden.


The truth behind the almost-deal and Simpson Bowles is that both sides had to gore their sacred cows. The Dems needed to slash their pet programs--even SS and Medicare. The Reps needed to cut defense and allow taxes to be raised. Biden (and Cantor) did a good job at getting there. It was not always smooth but they worked the other side until they had deals they could live with. Boehner and Obama look worse--for appointing their general to get a deal done then undermining them. Still not done with the book but I'm surprised at how sympathetic it is to Biden and how much good work Biden was doing to cut spending and address the budget woes.


Pelosi and Kyl look like complete partisan asses.


Thanks for the insight Mr. A.


I suppose being a creature of Congress for so many years, deal-making is exactly where Mr. Biden would do well, its certainly not in the administrative side.



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