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Marcus Easley

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So he actually dropped about what....3 to 4 balls in the preseason? Because pass breakups dont count as drops.

He actually dropped one according to stats. Several in completes do not says whether they were drops or poorly thrown, aside from the one that said overthrown. If this guy was dropping everything last preseason this board would have been all over his case. I don't remember any bad Easley posts before he was put on IR. Let's watch the preseason unfold before we run another guy out of town.

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He actually dropped one according to stats. Several in completes do not says whether they were drops or poorly thrown, aside from the one that said overthrown. If this guy was dropping everything last preseason this board would have been all over his case. I don't remember any bad Easley posts before he was put on IR. Let's watch the preseason unfold before we run another guy out of town.

I wouldn't say there were "bad" Easley posts, but I certainly recall criticism over his not-so-sure hands. It's like anything on this board -- some overreaction, some legitimate critique. There was much rejoicing when he caught the preseason TD.


As you know, no fans are going to run anyone out of town, and Easley has certainly been given the opportunity to make this team. I'm glad he's healthy, and I'm looking forward to camp and the preseason games.

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Marcus is my big hope this year.We know he is a great athlete but has been unfortunate with injuries.The bills are looking for a no.2 wideout and he could be the man.Hopefully Graham works out too to stretch the field.Any thoughts?

is this your first day on here? weve all been saying the same thing for two years

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There hasn't been a season when he wasn't hurt. I see no reason to expect otherwise. I hope he has somehow absorbed talent by watching from the sidelines. I want to win and I would live to see him succeed. I'm just not holding my breath like some


People need to stop with the injury stuff. He got actually hurt ONCE not every year. Last year, he was starting to emerge until an undiagnosed heart ailment was discovered that had always been there. Something manageable when treated, just had been undiagnosed. It's not like he went out an got hit and his body didn't hold up. He had bad luck his rookie year with injury, but year 2 was a medical condition that will not be an issue moving forward. It's not like he tore his acl and there questions if it will hold or he will be the same. This kid has a strong frame and at this point is no less likely to be healthy than any of our other WRs going into week 1. In fact, I would argue he is more likely to stay healthy than guys like SJ who have more wirey frames and have been hurt multiple times.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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I still wonder what heart condition he had, that took 3 months for him to get clearance, but completely resolved? did he have surgery and somehow no one knew about it?

I've always wondered if other teams caught it and did not say anything. Is there an obligation to share that stuff? Why would there be a secret surgery? Who does it benefit? Who does it hurt?


This guy is a mystery!

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I've always wondered if other teams caught it and did not say anything. Is there an obligation to share that stuff? Why would there be a secret surgery? Who does it benefit? Who does it hurt?


This guy is a mystery!

Maybe not surgery, but medication?

Sometimes you can take something that can help correct an issue. This is pure speculation on my part. You got to think there are very few areas of the body that you do not play if they are not 100%. Your brain and heart being two obvious ones. Sure you can play with a sprained ankle or a broken finger. If he has been cleared there has got to be good reason.

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