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It's like crack, I tell ya

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I love how everyone in the pics look bad ass....even buddy nix....and then there is Ryan Fitzy....dont get me wrong...love the guy but haha


I agree. Buddy looks real good.


And you have to admit, Mark Anderson is a pretty cracker-ish name.

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I know what you're saying… but when you reach a certain age, you don't want to fast forward through 7 weeks of your life.


Time becomes more precious.


Just embrace the here and now and enjoy the ride till TC.


Here, here.

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I love how everyone in the pics look bad ass....even buddy nix....and then there is Ryan Fitzy....dont get me wrong...love the guy but haha


LOL.. I must admit I thought the same thing.

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Is Mario self conscious about his legs? I'm kidding of course, but it's funny he's the only one wearing pajama pants while everyone else is in shorts.

Maybe he has vericose veins and is embarrassed. Too bad Brian Campbell isn't around anymore to refer him to veinsveinsveins.com.

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I know what you're saying… but when you reach a certain age, you don't want to fast forward through 7 weeks of your life.


Time becomes more precious.


Just embrace the here and now and enjoy the ride till TC.


Agreed. Enjoy the summer folks!

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Miss the days where there would have been a picture of maybin then eight pages of discussion on his weight

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