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Marcel Dareus Highlights - 2011 !!

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I was over at another Bills blog & one of the posts was a article that had a link (which i don't know how to post) to " Marcel Dareus Highlights - 2011" on youtube - so i thought i would check it out :flirt: !


And what to my wondering eyes did appear ?? Enough D from some guys that Bills (player) haters might cheer :thumbsup: !


Nah after all these are Bills fans !!


There are a lot of people on this site that put a bunch of hate on a few players on this team that have & do contribute to this team with their play , they say they are paid to much or , to old (washed up) , or it was a waste of time bringing them in ! But in the highlights of Marcel Dareus , if you watch you can see evidence "your honor" that these lies can no longer be tolerated !!


If you look at said video , you will see Merriman (proving NA sayers wrong) producing pressure with his hand in the dirt on more than one play in this video which bodes well for him in Wannys 4-3 scheme & then there is more than one sighting of an over paid DE named Kelsay which meets Dareus at the QB more than once & is shown applying out side pressure to aid in Dareus getting some of his sacks ! I enter the video as exhibit "A" your honor .


Then there was a pleasant surprise !! If Wanny can't figure out how to use Moats all he has to do is watch the tape ! Moats is most always applying pressure , or close to being real close or grabbing on to the QB as he is about to get sacked by #99 .


If Merriman can finish his rehabbing back to 3/4 what he was & is feeling as good as he says , with his main issue hopefully taken care of & can stay healthy in a some what limited roll , along with the new additions (Gilmore , Carder , & the guy from FSU + our core players , K . Williams , Barnett , Wilson , Byrd , Scott) & Kelsay just being Kelsay giving his all every play (the guy never takes a play off when he's on the field) Then you throw in the rotation players we could be getting ready to witness something the NFL hasn't seen in a long time !! :worthy:


I would like to go on record as saying with Wanny at the helm of this D (stranger things have happened) if the offense (with it's new additions) could just keep from turning the ball over & do what they do , I would not be totally surprised if ---- well let's just say we are going to be very good this year :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Go Bills !!!!!

Edited by T master
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Everyone is so pumped about Mario, and rightfully so, but Marcell may end up being the best of them all


this guy also did a nice jairus byrd video:



This defense is gonna be sick… even without John Beck on the schedule.


Seriously, I think we're gonna kill the Jets.


Sanchez and Tebow are gonna implode week one and the Jets will be a sinking ship by the 4th quarter of that game.



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My 2 favorites were the goalline stop on Bradshaw, and him taking the beautiful pursuit angle on Beck toward the sideline.


One Word for this guy...NASTY!!!!




Go Bills!!!!!



The Beck play mentioned above was simply perfect. I also love the sack on Vick at 2:45. He pounced on him like he wanted to eat him. Re-watch this video and imagine these plays with pressure on the edges too. This could be a special line. You cant double all of them.

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One major difference between this defense going into camp last year and going in this year: Kyle W. went from being our best D-lineman to being our 3rd best. And assuming the talk about his recovery from injury is not just talk, it wasn't because of deteriorating play.



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Byrd + This pass rush = bad things, man.


IMO Byrd was our best defender last year. I don't think a lot of people realize how good this guy has gotten since his rookie year because our D has been so bad. The way his tackling and run support has improved has been drastic. he's the total package.

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I am a HUGE fan of Marcel Darius....and believe it or not while I love bringing in Mario and Anderson......and am excited for the return of Kyle Williams...


It is Marcel Darius that is the main cog of this defense. He is the foundation on which this defense is now set.



Now having said that


I have NO doubt that we are going to be pressuring and sacking quarterbacks this year.....but this team as a whole is going to have to figure out its chemistry makeup on STOPPING THE RUN


When Ted Washington and Pat Williams (the last time our defense was dominant) worked together......one guy was the "anchor" while the other was the one that got after quarterbacks.....meaning one guy pinned his ears back and went after QBs while the other controlled the gaps and plugged the middle of the line....


Because Kyle WIlliams is the smaller and more of a gap penetrator instead of gap controller type body (Marcel Darius is up to what.....340 pounds? I think Marcel takes on more of the run support in the middle gaps. Pass rush will come from Kyle Williams, Mario Williams, and Mike Anderson


Stopping the run is going to become ultra important now.....because opposing offenses are not going to want this pass rushing group to be teeing off on QBs......Marcel is now more important then he ever was.....and entering his 2nd year where the jump in productivity jumps from 1st year to 2nd



This realistically could be a top. 5-8 defense this year with the potential to be the TOP defense in year 2.


Its gonna be fun to watch

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Watching Marcel play at a high level does give some credence to claims that our defense will be vastly improved next year. The Defensive line is just nasty now. But this is the Bills and I am hoping we can generate consistent penetration. I can't wait for the season to start to see how this group of guys does. I definitely want to see Sanchez sandwiched between Marcel and Mario come week one. I haven't been so exited for a Bills season to start since 2005.


Go Bills!

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[turn the sound off-horrible]





Why that guy didn't put "The Night" by Disturbed in the background, I'll never know! I guess I'll just have to listen to it with this video's sound off now. Sweet highlights though!




It's all about the U.

Edited by SelmonSmith6378
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you dont need to. M.D. should do it.

Those video clips sure make me think we are getting closer. I have said i think we could have one of the best defenses this year.

When you look at individual play we have some hard working boys out there, we just gotta it coached proper and let them make plays.

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