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Joe B WGR: Did Trent turn down the Dolphins?

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The Miami Dolphins made Trent Edwards(notes) an offer after working him out earlier this week, but the quarterback turned it down.


I assume he saw state of their Offensive Line and decided it was better for his health and career to wait and take a chance of playing some other time. I think 'unemployment' is author's hyperbole rather than actually collecting since he would need to justify turning down offer.


This guy was never the same after he suffered a concussion against Arizona. He can't assess the play situation as it develops fast enough to both be effective and prevent getting pummelled. He had his run in the NFL. It's time for him to take what he has, and move on with the rest of his life. Hey - Stanford degree (if he has it, or will get it) is nothing shabby.

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Wait, no State Income taxes, and great weather...Either Edwards wants to really put his Stanford degree to use, or he has lost his mind. On second thought, he probably asked Miami if he could sleep on it, and awoke in the middle of the night with visions of Dareus, Wilfork and Gang Green pummeling him to the turf.


Here is the precise moment he lost his mind.......


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Nope. If you don't remember


"well, I'm not a Bills fan. I'm a football player. I happen to be a Bills player."



Yes - One of the dunmbest quotes from the aloof one.


He turned down a job in the NFL, this means he does not want to play anymore.

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Which always explains why the best game of his career was the next game after the Arizona game.



It is truly Sisyphean to try to use facts against this particularly tenacious myth....


As a poster above quoted, Trent survived the hit in Arizona... it was the three weeks after the SD game, in which the bills lost to Miami, the Jets, and NE*, that did him in.

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Fwiw, David Garrard also turned down a contract offer from the Dolphins, citing the money which showed him Miami was not committed to keeping him on the roster for the duration of the season.




Also, !@#$ Trent Edwards.

Edited by Punch
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