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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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$20 an hour might be sweet for the few people that still have jobs. For the majority of minimum wage earners, who went from $7 an hour to $0 due to the subsequent job shortage, the raise in the minimum wage would be decidedly bitter.


As for paying everyone $20 an hour, regardless of employment status, that also might be sweet for 2 weeks, until business after business shuttered their doors and there was no one left to tax.


Why don't the Occupy Wallstreeters just stop beating around the bush and declare it the year 0 already. Forced relocation to the country to grow food will be the order of the day. Purification through hard labor will cleanse our souls and clear our corrupted capitalist minds. The New People will lead us to a golden age of agrarian self sufficience. Casualties will be high, but progress has its price.


And when you pay someone $20 an hour to wash dishes in a restaurant your buger now becomes $30. And that $20 an hour with the inflation it caused is actually worth $8 today. Which is today's minimum wage. :wallbash:

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..... I didn't put their fingers in vice grips and make them login to Monster dot com and submit their resumes.

To what end? Consider for a second what any small business technology/engineering CEO would do to a recruiter who sent them a bunch of (Insert Identity Here) Studies and other Bachelor of Arts/"I made up my own major" resumes, that have 0 "I worked for free in my profession cause that's how serious I am" examples?


What % of those protesters do you think has a 4-year BoS degree or would sign up to be plumber's apprentice? Hence: they sit on their asses waiting for a government job to come along, so that they can propagate said government. No Monster, certainly no interview, and definitely no cleaning up their act: these are the future "political appointees" of the Democratic party. They are simply making their bones. Now, they can say they have "been in the streets", "fighting for the rights of working families"....doing yoga, the whole 9 yards!. :lol:


Buddy, this is their "internship". "Pretty soon they will make community organizer...and that's when the big bucks start rolling in". :lol:

exactly. It blows my mind how much media coverage the Tea Party gets and how they are portrayed juxtaposed to the occupy Wall Street movement

There's that word again. I doubt that there is a single word in the language that instantly let's you know exactly who you are dealing with more than "juxtaposed".


A grown man wearing a scarf like he's 6 and/or auditioning for a role in Mary Poppins(Chim-Chiminey Chim Chim Chiree), or worse, a grown man wearing a women's scarf, shoulder bags for men, and...grad students...all images that are now inseparable from that word.


What's that DC_Tom quote? Something about hiking and camping making you erudite? Add the constant, feigned casual use of the word "juxtaposed" to that. "Sorry, but not everybody can be F. Scott Fitzgerald. Have you considered teaching?"

That is my dream team right there! Nader and Paul are the only politicians I have any respect for

OK. You respect people who honestly and openly support policies that are FAIL, rather than those who cover FAIL with "hope and change" and call it "smart". Well, that's something I suppose.

Racist thought. Incompetent but black- O.K.

Sorry but you are thinking again. You are not supposed to think about this, you are supposed to feel. Don't you feel better about finally having an African American President? Don't your feelings about that subsume(see liberal, scarf-wearing d-bags? I can do it too!) your rational observations vis a vis(now I'm on a roll!) Obama's incompetence?

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What % of those protesters do you think has a 4-year BoS degree or would sign up to be plumber's apprentice? Hence: they sit on their asses waiting for a government job to come along, so that they can propagate said government. No Monster, certainly no interview, and definitely no cleaning up their act: these are the future "political appointees" of the Democratic party. They are simply making their bones. Now, they can say they have "been in the streets", "fighting for the rights of working families"....doing yoga, the whole 9 yards!. :lol:


Where's Buddy the Wonder Dog? He did a great job with the Star Wars Convention - but at least a lot of SW fans have high paying jobs. I want to see Buddy go to Occupy Wall Street and have some fun!!!

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Where's Buddy the Wonder Dog? He did a great job with the Star Wars Convention - but at least a lot of SW fans have high paying jobs. I want to see Buddy go to Occupy Wall Street and have some fun!!!

Here...I am juxtaposing this


and this....




The above looks like a 70s Super model. All he needs is huge bangs...and that jacket to be corduroy. I understand fashion...but fashion is not looking like a woman from 40 years ago...that's just looking...bizarre.


I threw this in just for fun. "Hey buddy, you already look like a complete dork, why not throw in a schit eating grin and a 1950s thumbs up while you're at it? Why not go for the whole ensemble?"



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What the !@#$ is wrong with wearing a scarf? You people are !@#$s.

You know it's interesting, because there are very few instances where the phrase "do I need to draw you a picture"? does NOT apply.


I don't need to draw you a picture of what the !@#$ is wrong with wearing a scarf....because I already provided 2 of them.


You think it's ok to look like a 70s super model? Like you and Cheryl Tiegs? are about to go cruising in your multi-colored jeep down the PCH. Dude...the guy from "3's Company" wouldn't wear that f'ing girl's scarf, think about that. Welcome back Kotter wore a scarf(I don't know how I remember stuff like this from when was a baby, I just do)...but he didn't wear it like he was a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins.


You think that's fashionable? What the !@#$ is wrong with you? You are an !@#$.

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You know it's interesting, because there are very few instances where the phrase "do I need to draw you a picture"? does NOT apply.


I don't need to draw you a picture of what the !@#$ is wrong with wearing a scarf....because I already provided 2 of them.


You think it's ok to look like a 70s super model? Like you and Cheryl Tiegs? are about to go cruising in your multi-colored jeep down the PCH. Dude...the guy from "3's Company" wouldn't wear that f'ing girl's scarf, think about that. Welcome back Kotter wore a scarf(I don't know how I remember stuff like this from when was a baby, I just do)...but he didn't wear it like he was a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins.


You think that's fashionable? What the !@#$ is wrong with you? You are an !@#$.

I didn't even look at your pictures. I figure one's probably from a GQ cover and one is just some (*^*&%^$^#on the street posing for his Facebook profile picture. No. You, sir, are the !@#$. Are you talking about Gabe Kaplan? Why the !@#$ would I want to look like Gabe Kaplan?


Do you know who this guy is?




That's Gary mother!@#$ing Cooper. In a mother!@#$ing scarf. Do I think it's ok to look like him? Hell yes.


How about this piece of badassery?




That's Clark "I'm about to put it in your wife" Gable. In a mother!@#$ing scarf.


In case you haven't noticed, I'm putting this in terms you old doddering jackasses can understand.


Who's next?




Oh, right. That's Marlon "the Godfather" Brando in a hanging paisley scarf.


Don't talk to me about scarves.

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Holy !@#$ing hell. I think you two hit two polar opposite nerves when it comes to scarves. But you gotta admit Levi the one of Gary Cooper is kind of gay. :lol:

Maybe a little :lol: but I think that's also a product of the angle and lighting. I mean, this is Gary Cooper we're talking about.

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I didn't even look at your pictures. I figure one's probably from a GQ cover and one is just some (*^*&%^$^#on the street posing for his Facebook profile picture. No. You, sir, are the !@#$. Are you talking about Gabe Kaplan? Why the !@#$ would I want to look like Gabe Kaplan?


Do you know who this guy is?




That's Gary mother!@#$ing Cooper. In a mother!@#$ing scarf. Do I think it's ok to look like him? Hell yes.


How about this piece of badassery?




That's Clark "I'm about to put it in your wife" Gable. In a mother!@#$ing scarf.


In case you haven't noticed, I'm putting this in terms you old doddering jackasses can understand.


Who's next?




Oh, right. That's Marlon "the Godfather" Brando in a hanging paisley scarf.


Don't talk to me about scarves.


And what's this? Clint Eastwood, not wearing a !@#$ing scarf.


And Bruce Willis not wearing a !@#$ing scarf.


And Steve McQueen not wearing a !@#$ing scarf.


Or Ol' Blue Eyes, not wearing a scarf.

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Rock Hudson, Notoriously gay

Errol Flynn, rumored to be gay

Snoopy. C'mon dude, him and Woodstock host dinner parties for Bert and Ernie


I know. I conveniently ignored the fact that he's been seen humping the leg of both males and females. I just couldn't come right out and call him that. He did have a bi-plane though and was always chasing the Red Baron's tail.

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