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[closed]Who will be the punching bag now

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The punching bag cant be someone that actually sucks. Thats too rational for this place. Gotta go with a good, solid player who people can hate on for not being a superstar.


Im gonna go out on a limb and get a head start here...


"Batten sucks, he makes all of his tackles behind the line of scrimmage!"


There, first to say it about the new guy.


He's not new... that lazy a$$ has already been here a year and done NOTHING! Same with that waste of space Easley... ;)

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The punching bag cant be someone that actually sucks. Thats too rational for this place. Gotta go with a good, solid player who people can hate on for not being a superstar.


Im gonna go out on a limb and get a head start here...


"Batten sucks, he makes all of his tackles behind the line of scrimmage!"


There, first to say it about the new guy.

Batten qualifies as a "good, solid player"? He didn't even survive his rookie training camp!

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The punching bag cant be someone that actually sucks. Thats too rational for this place. Gotta go with a good, solid player who people can hate on for not being a superstar.


Im gonna go out on a limb and get a head start here...


"Batten sucks, he makes all of his tackles behind the line of scrimmage!"

There, first to say it about the new guy.



Will he do that for less than 7 Mil a year?

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He's not new... that lazy a$$ has already been here a year and done NOTHING! Same with that waste of space Easley... ;)


lol :thumbsup:


Batten qualifies as a "good, solid player"? He didn't even survive his rookie training camp!


Nah, that was 2 posts that got mushed up with each other. Was saying the whipping boy needs to be a good player. THEN, in my next post, I was getting a head start on saying (whoever our ILB is) makes all of his tackles 3-5 yards behind the LOS. Because that is basically where EVERY ILB makes their tackles. Its the dumbest criticism out there.

Edited by DrDareustein
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Nah, that was 2 posts that got mushed up with each other. Was saying the whipping boy needs to be a good player. THEN, in my next post, I was getting a head start on saying (whoever our ILB is) makes all of his tackles 3-5 yards behind the LOS. Because that is basically where EVERY ILB makes their tackles. Its the dumbest criticism out there.



3-5 yards would be a vast improvement.

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lol :thumbsup:




Nah, that was 2 posts that got mushed up with each other. Was saying the whipping boy needs to be a good player. THEN, in my next post, I was getting a head start on saying (whoever our ILB is) makes all of his tackles 3-5 yards behind the LOS. Because that is basically where EVERY ILB makes their tackles. Its the dumbest criticism out there.

Yeah and poz was always there, cross your fingers, not a single proven lb under 40years old (Davis)
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3-5 yards would be a vast improvement.


Correct. Poz was constantly tackling RB's as he was going backwards... gimme a LB that will be going forward when he makes a tackle and really sticking someone!

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Just wondering who everybody is going to birch about now? We got rid of two of the best tacklers of the 2000's

and everyone thinks those were good moves.

I say let's bash Kyle for not being typical size or making game changing plays or penetrating instead of occupying blockers or.....

Poz tackled like a kitty and whitner was our third best safety so who cares. (yall know what kitty is on the filter.

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