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Will you watch the CFL or UFL?


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the owners hold all the cards. they are just waiting out the players. the owners have other sources of income. the NFL is just something they mess with. the players have nothing other than the game. the owners come out on top no matter what happens. the players just haven't figured it out yet. everyone gets rich, so not a big deal. the offseason is boring anyway.

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Yeah...there's a great idea...besides hurting the teams' bottom lines, a boycott will hurt a lot of businesses that rely on the fans on Sundays to survive...there's businesses in Western NY that are taking a big hit as it is because of that stupid Toronto series. Anyone in support of any kind of a boycott like this shows how short-sighted and narrow-minded he/she is and THAT's the bottom line!

I'll continue to buy tickets, since I have seasons. If I were to stop the payment, i'd lose my seats and senority.

Even if the whole idea of a boycott weren't totally asinine, there's that as well...this will be my 16th year with seasons...but I support anyone who wants to give up their seasons....makes an upgrade easier for those of us who are true fans

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Again, you obviously are too stupid. A portion of your cable bill goes to the NFL, both players and owners. By not watching, ratings go down, which costs the network millions in advertising revenues. If the networks aren't making money, then they can't pay the NFL big money for the TV contract. If the league doesn't have the money, then they can't pay the players. You do have the power to hurt both the league and the players financially and the very fact that I have to explain it to you means that both you and the others are too stupid to understand the financial power that you possess. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with my opinion. That is your right and I spent 23 years defending it. If fans do not let players and owners know that we sign the checks, then they will always take us for granted and treat us like dirt. I can not believe the ignorance that people on this board display every single day. It makes me laugh. And yes I do value my own opinion, just as I value yours if it has any logic to it. Yours didn't and neither did any of the others. Mine on the other hand is well founded and makes good financial sense.

The contracts for next year already have been negotiated. If no one on earth watched, nothing would change. The games are paid for. Only the network might suffer--but then again, by that point, the advertising has already been sold, so they are paid too.


Given this, you may want to rethink your upcoming protest. If you want to go forward despite knowing it can have absolutely no impact, then you are free to do so. But don't denigrate the rest of us who don't go along.

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Again, you obviously are too stupid. A portion of your cable bill goes to the NFL, both players and owners. By not watching, ratings go down, which costs the network millions in advertising revenues. If the networks aren't making money, then they can't pay the NFL big money for the TV contract. If the league doesn't have the money, then they can't pay the players. You do have the power to hurt both the league and the players financially and the very fact that I have to explain it to you means that both you and the others are too stupid to understand the financial power that you possess. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with my opinion. That is your right and I spent 23 years defending it. If fans do not let players and owners know that we sign the checks, then they will always take us for granted and treat us like dirt. I can not believe the ignorance that people on this board display every single day. It makes me laugh. And yes I do value my own opinion, just as I value yours if it has any logic to it. Yours didn't and neither did any of the others. Mine on the other hand is well founded and makes good financial sense.


correct me if im wrong, but if im not on a monitored TV, i have no effect on the ratings of a TV show personally.


in this case boycotting merchandise in general, and concessions at the game would make far more sense then anything you have proposed (still enjoy the game since every avenue youve mentioned is already bought and paid for, and would just punish fans), and as someone else pointed out, this would still hurt tens of thousands of everyday americans immensely to get even with a handful of people that will barely notice even if you somehow, by some miracle get even a small percentage of fans on board.

Edited by NoSaint
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In light of the millionaires and billionaires being unable to come to agreement on how to split up over 8 billion dollars in revenues, I propose a boycott of NFL games for the upcoming season. Once the agreement is reached, don't buy any tickets, don't go to any games and don't watch the ones on TV. That is the only power we as fans have. Let both owners and players know that it is we the fans that are making them both rich, while we struggle to pay our own bills. I would be willing to sacrifice an entire season of football to send a powerful economic message to both groups. If they lose millions next year, both parties will think twice about ever putting us through this again. Thoughts?

I am sorry dude. What is it we are going through again? I think the Japanese and Libyans are going through some things too. Perhaps it is your perspective that is out of focus.

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In light of the millionaires and billionaires being unable to come to agreement on how to split up over 8 billion dollars in revenues, I propose a boycott of NFL games for the upcoming season. Once the agreement is reached, don't buy any tickets, don't go to any games and don't watch the ones on TV. That is the only power we as fans have. Let both owners and players know that it is we the fans that are making them both rich, while we struggle to pay our own bills. I would be willing to sacrifice an entire season of football to send a powerful economic message to both groups. If they lose millions next year, both parties will think twice about ever putting us through this again. Thoughts?


Instead of a boycott, I'd like to see some renegade start a new football league, or have the current UFL lure over some NFL players who will break from the union (e.g., Cromartie).

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But...but...I thought the NFL was God and can part the Red Sea...but but...we cant live without the NFL...but but we NEED fantasy leagues and to bet and to drink....but but...I worship the ground these owners walk on.....but but...they created the heavens and the earth...


How can this happen??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::doh:


Instead of a boycott, I'd like to see some renegade start a new football league, or have the current UFL lure over some NFL players who will break from the union (e.g., Cromartie).


You mean a Child Support League? (CSL)

Edited by RaidersEast
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All you can do is vote with your feet. I am not renewing my season tix, but they were also Club seats and way too expensive for what you get. But I'm not doing Sunday ticket either. It's just my way on punishing those who are counting my dollars as their own. People will never boycott the NFL games, but we could spend less on NFL licensed stuff. That's big business.

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In light of the millionaires and billionaires being unable to come to agreement on how to split up over 8 billion dollars in revenues, I propose a boycott of NFL games for the upcoming season. Once the agreement is reached, don't buy any tickets, don't go to any games and don't watch the ones on TV. That is the only power we as fans have. Let both owners and players know that it is we the fans that are making them both rich, while we struggle to pay our own bills. I would be willing to sacrifice an entire season of football to send a powerful economic message to both groups. If they lose millions next year, both parties will think twice about ever putting us through this again. Thoughts?

I am with you 100%...providing the upcoming season is altered significantly. There's still time for them to come to their senses. If I can watch real NFL players for 16 reg season games, I will forgive the greedy buzzards.

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Yeah...there's a great idea...besides hurting the teams' bottom lines, a boycott will hurt a lot of businesses that rely on the fans on Sundays to survive...there's businesses in Western NY that are taking a big hit as it is because of that stupid Toronto series. Anyone in support of any kind of a boycott like this shows how short-sighted and narrow-minded he/she is and THAT's the bottom line!

Come on Phil, think about this a little.

Even ignoring Toronto, you are talking about 10 days (including preseason) out of a 365 day year, or 2.74% of possible business days. You are trying to tell me businesses (and I am talking about businesses that decide peoples livelihoods, not someone allowing people to park on their lawns) need these extra 10 days or they will not "survive". You are being a tad over dramatic, don't you think?


I'm not saying anyone should boycott, not boycott, go to the games, or not go to the games. It's (for the most part) a free country. But this local businesses going under angle is a bit much.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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In light of the millionaires and billionaires being unable to come to agreement on how to split up over 8 billion dollars in revenues, I propose a boycott of NFL games for the upcoming season. Once the agreement is reached, don't buy any tickets, don't go to any games and don't watch the ones on TV. That is the only power we as fans have. Let both owners and players know that it is we the fans that are making them both rich, while we struggle to pay our own bills. I would be willing to sacrifice an entire season of football to send a powerful economic message to both groups. If they lose millions next year, both parties will think twice about ever putting us through this again. Thoughts?

I hate to be the one to break the news to you but your boat has already sailed. The time for a stand was before the season ended leading up to this. What you propose is shutting the barn doors after the horse has left. Once an aggreement has been reached life will go on as usual.

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Everyone has the option not to give your money to super rich owners and their rich employees. I opt to not feed the greed.

We must consider, however, the thousands of non-super rich that earn a living off the NFL...from the guy throwing the peanuts to the dude printing the tee shirts, to the skilled camera men. My buddy bets this will be resolved in August. If he's right, I'll jump right back in.

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I'll continue to buy tickets, since I have seasons. If I were to stop the payment, i'd lose my seats and senority.

And your point?


I hate to be the one to break the news to you but your boat has already sailed. The time for a stand was before the season ended leading up to this. What you propose is shutting the barn doors after the horse has left. Once an aggreement has been reached life will go on as usual.

Brilliant. The IQ level on this board never ceases to amaze me. What I am proposing is to punish the owners and players for what they are doing right now. The way to do that is not to watch the games or buy tickets or merchandise. Any time a group of people does that,it sends a powerful economic message. Once they see the result of what they have done and how it has hurt them economically, they will think twice about ever having a work stoppage again.

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And your point?



Brilliant. The IQ level on this board never ceases to amaze me. What I am proposing is to punish the owners and players for what they are doing right now. The way to do that is not to watch the games or buy tickets or merchandise. Any time a group of people does that,it sends a powerful economic message. Once they see the result of what they have done and how it has hurt them economically, they will think twice about ever having a work stoppage again.

Okay, I'm in. I will attend no games next year. watch no tv next football season, not eat out or drive a car on Sunday, I also will not go to church where I pray the bills will not suck. Please tell me what else I can do to support your initiative? I agree everyone else on this board is soooo stupid.

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the only thing happening to us is that we have to turn the channel or find something else to do on Sundays if nothing is worked out. as much as i love football, i think i can deal with that.


Nobody who truly loves football would be able to deal with that, man...





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And your point?



Brilliant. The IQ level on this board never ceases to amaze me. What I am proposing is to punish the owners and players for what they are doing right now. The way to do that is not to watch the games or buy tickets or merchandise. Any time a group of people does that,it sends a powerful economic message. Once they see the result of what they have done and how it has hurt them economically, they will think twice about ever having a work stoppage again.


His point was that he wants to buy his seasons due to losing his seat/seniority. It was written very clear.


I don't want to punish the players or the owners. They both have interests they are trying to protect. Don't tell me not to watch my favorite team because of a work stoppage that is 24hrs old either. This affects me in no way, shape, or form. Go Bills.

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Come on Phil, think about this a little.

Even ignoring Toronto, you are talking about 10 days (including preseason) out of a 365 day year, or 2.74% of possible business days. You are trying to tell me businesses (and I am talking about businesses that decide peoples livelihoods, not someone allowing people to park on their lawns) need these extra 10 days or they will not "survive". You are being a tad over dramatic, don't you think?


I'm not saying anyone should boycott, not boycott, go to the games, or not go to the games. It's (for the most part) a free country. But this local businesses going under angle is a bit much.


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