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Stevie Missed the Pro Bowl Cause He Missed "The Catch"


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T.O. could have put up numbers to be considered one of the greatest WR's ever to play the game, instead he will be known for what he says/does off the field.


So....your saying that a guy who will finish his career ranked 2th all time in receptions, yards and touchdowns isn't considered one of the greatest WRs ever to play the game? :blink:



I like Steve Johnson and all, but please wake up and smell the homerism. Johnson is to Owens as Ugly Betty is to a Victoria's Secret model.

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Stevie J. has Pro Bowl numbers this season, and it looks even better compared to his rookie year last season. Great break out year, great numbers and.....one real bad dropped pass.


I believe if he catches that gorgeous pass in the end zone to upset the Steelers in OT, his ticket to Hawaii would be punched.


I thought he looked like he might become a very good WR this season.


I also thought there was a good bit of room for improvement - learning to come back for the ball and to defense the ball he cant catch, improved blocking etcetera.

I'm not sure how they score 'pass dropped' but pretty sure the 8 he is tagged with are not the whole picture.


Honestly, I think it's a good thing he's not probowl bound. I think he's enough of a Diva that it would hinder his development.

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Honestly, I think it's a good thing he's not probowl bound. I think he's enough of a Diva that it would hinder his development.


Thank you.


I can't understand why people would be upset about the lack of pro bowl nods after the Jason Peters disaster.

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So....your saying that a guy who will finish his career ranked 2th all time in receptions, yards and touchdowns isn't considered one of the greatest WRs ever to play the game? :blink:



I like Steve Johnson and all, but please wake up and smell the homerism. Johnson is to Owens as Ugly Betty is to a Victoria's Secret model.


You've got a point. Let the other posters judge.




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You've got a point. Let the other posters judge.


Ugly Betty eh.

OK guys, tell me you wouldn't like to go about with this next to ya:




If she's all smiley and fun as she looks instead of high-maintenance and insecure, you can keep your VS model.

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That's it I've seen enough of your negative posts to know you are a TROLL! Go post somewhere else because you are obviously not a Bills fan and they don't need your negative vibes. Ahh that felt good. Look we get that you don't like the Bills. Go Away.


OK... the Bills really aren't 4-11, they're 11-4 and there will be a playoff game next week at the Ralph. I'm astounded that not one Bills player made the pro bowl. That's just wrong.


Look, I get it that you can't handle reality and everything must have a smiley face on it or it makes you sad. Well, why don't we just chug on over to namby pamby land and get you some self confidence. Ya jack wagon. Cry baby.


Now grow up and go away.

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While it would have been nice to see Stevie in the pro bowl I'm just not sure who, of the AFC receivers that made it, should be left off. I really believe Dwayne Bowe and Brandon Lloyd need to be in the pro bowl. Both of them made mediocre QBs look like stars this year. It's hard to keep Andre Johnson out. The only one he might have an argument against is Reggie Wayne, but I think even he belongs.

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the kid has his moments but he drops way too many passes...that pgh drop makes ronnie harmon look like roger craig. besides that he needs to quit tweeting pictures of his rooster and complaining god hates him and learn to grow up and make plays. he is no pro bowler.

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the kid has his moments but he drops way too many passes...that pgh drop makes ronnie harmon look like roger craig. besides that he needs to quit tweeting pictures of his rooster and complaining god hates him and learn to grow up and make plays. he is no pro bowler.

This sums it up better than anyone else.

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Don't forget the lack of extension for a catchable ball. He seems to be a little bit TO. That is good and bad as mentioned earlier.

I certainly want him to succeed for our sake as a team but i can safely say he does not look like someone i would invite to the pro bowl.

The kid needs to get down to work first, screw the stats.

and get a proper haircut!

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So....your saying that a guy who will finish his career ranked 2th all time in receptions, yards and touchdowns isn't considered one of the greatest WRs ever to play the game? :blink:



I like Steve Johnson and all, but please wake up and smell the homerism. Johnson is to Owens as Ugly Betty is to a Victoria's Secret model.

2nd in receptions, and how many championship teams has the guy been a part of? How many teams has he helped to get to the next level? So what if he has the 2nd most receptions, the guy is a me first guy who teams had to throw to all the time to keep happy. Jerry Rice was one of the greatest, TO is good, but had the skills and ability to be one of the greatest.....

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2nd in receptions, and how many championship teams has the guy been a part of?

Riiiight, cause every great player has carried 52 other guys to a Super Bowl. I guess we better add Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith to the list of guys that can't be considered among the greatest, huh?


How many teams has he helped to get to the next level?

What does "next level" mean? He's been a major part of several very good teams. Apparently you missed his game winning catch in double coverage against the Packers in the '99 playoffs and his 177 yards against the Giants in the 2d biggest playoff comeback ever in '03. He has been a consistent performer in the playoffs as well as in the regular season.


TO is good, but had the skills and ability to be one of the greatest.....

Yes, he did. And he is, even if you want to stomp your feet about it because you don't like his antics.

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I'm sure the way the pro bowl has been going, that 2 or 3 of these guys will skip the event and Stevie will be in there as a 1st or 2nd replacement (Mike Wallace of Pittsburgh deserves some recognition with his 1,152 yards, 20.2 yards/rec and 9 TDs.


The guy I think is pretty overrated is Brandon Marshall. He is a physical speciman and he only averages 11.3 yards/rec and has just 3 TDs.

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the good news about the drop is that is has absolutely changed how stevie approaches each catch. watch him closely, he now keeps his eyes on the ball ALL THE WAY INTO HIS HANDS, even turning his head downward while he transitions from a catch to a cradle. he has obviously taken that huge mistake directly to heart and has been coached up to do it properly and probably will never forget that painful lesson


see what you can learn when you listen to god

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Stevie missed the Pro Bowl because:


He led the league in drops

Only had 3 games over 70 yards

Got half his TD's in just 2 games

Plays on a bad team


Wayne, Lloyd, AJ and Bowe all had better years, not to mention less drops and they played on better teams. Stevie didnt get screwed, those 4 were clear cut choices over SJ. I would have loved to see SJ go, but he didnt deserve it over those 4.


Kyle Williams got screwed with Wilfork being selected over him. He had way more tackles than Wilfork who also had zero sacks compared to Kyles 5.5 sacks. Seymour and Ngata deserved to go, so I dont have a problem with those, but Kyle should have been chosen over Wilfork. Hell Kyle had the best individual year out of all 3 of them.

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It's just God getting back at him.


In retrospect, God may have caused Stevie to drop the ball so the Bills would be better-positioned in the 2011 draft, thus improving the team's future. Additionally, Stevie got to eat a big piece of humble-pie; he's going to spend more time improving his receiving skills. The 2010 season was already long-over for the Bills by the Pittsburg game. It's all good . . .



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Stevie J. has Pro Bowl numbers this season, and it looks even better compared to his rookie year last season. Great break out year, great numbers and.....one real bad dropped pass.


I believe if he catches that gorgeous pass in the end zone to upset the Steelers in OT, his ticket to Hawaii would be punched. Instead, his fellow players from the NFL watched his drop over and over on ESPN all week after, and that stuck in their minds more then all of the good things he accomplished.


Of course the Bills sucking this season played into it too, but that fact hurt Kyle Williams much more then Stevie. Let's face it, the WR's are the divas of the NFL, and Stevie likes to act out like a diva when he gets into the end zone. Diva's need to make more plays then quiet subdued WR's and Stevie hopefully learned a tough lesson....catch the easy passes in the end zone to win games! :doh:


As for big Kyle, nobody is going to vote in the nose tackle for the worst run defense in the NFL for any Pro Bowl. End of story. :w00t:


As a die hard Bills fan, I like both those players and think they both did have Pro Bowl type seasons. Stevie needs to work hard this off season and make even more plays next year to repeat since defenses will start doubling him next year. Williams on the other hand needs some real NFL caliber linemen and linebackers to play with him much more then he needs to improve his own game for next season. If there is a next season, that is.

This just raises the question of what honors to bestow upon Lee Evans since Stevie Johnson wouldn't have put up any numbers at all without the great one scaring NFL defenses sh**less. :devil:

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