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Tea Party and their effect on the elections


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Yup...the teabagger nuts had a massive impact. That's why you see Palin's boy in Alaska, the chicken lady in Nevada, the witch in Delaware, the psycho in NY, the wwf broad in Connecticut, the richie in California etc all soon to be holding elected office. :lol:

It takes a special kind of affectation to arrive at the conclusion that the TEA party DIDN'T have a massive impact. :blink:

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it not true. It also doesn't make it disappear.


The TEA party is here, it is indestructible because it has no leaders, it will continue having massive impacts on elections, and basically there's nothing anybody can do about it. They aren't going anywhere, and the more you guys misrepresent them, as Magox said, the stronger they get.


But don't let me stop you. By all means, keep telling lies about the TEA party. Show us more FUTILITY!. :lol: We will die laughing as you refuse to stop feeding the biggest group of trolls in history, and then wonder why there are so many of them and why you lose elections.

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Yup...the teabagger nuts had a massive impact. That's why you see Palin's boy in Alaska, the chicken lady in Nevada, the witch in Delaware, the psycho in NY, the wwf broad in Connecticut, the richie in California etc all soon to be holding elected office. :lol:

Funny. I was watching CNN on Wednesday and they had a whole post-election segment on how the Tea Party successfully elected 86% of their candidates. Don't let those facts get in your way of pointing out the six losers.

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Funny. I was watching CNN on Wednesday and they had a whole post-election segment on how the Tea Party successfully elected 86% of their candidates. Don't let those facts get in your way of pointing out the six losers.

Facts? The only thing Hedd lets get in the way of his posts is his undying love for Sarah Palin

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Yup...the teabagger nuts had a massive impact. That's why you see Palin's boy in Alaska, the chicken lady in Nevada, the witch in Delaware, the psycho in NY, the wwf broad in Connecticut, the richie in California etc all soon to be holding elected office. :lol:

So in conclusion: coming up on 66 seats picked up in Congress. Seven in the Senate. Ten governorships. Nineteen state legislatures and almost SEVEN FREAKING HUNDRED state legislators.


But hey, everyone, look at the witch. Look at the cancer survivor in California. Why cancer didn't take her, Bishop will never understand.


Nice, Bishop. Real nice. Being a sore loser is completely in your scope, but picking on a breast cancer survivor? Really? Is that THAT bad for you?


I'm starting to think the only reason you don't show up here more is because you know you'd take the tiara away from conner.

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So in conclusion: coming up on 66 seats picked up in Congress. Seven in the Senate. Ten governorships. Nineteen state legislatures and almost SEVEN FREAKING HUNDRED state legislators.


But hey, everyone, look at the witch. Look at the cancer survivor in California. Why cancer didn't take her, Bishop will never understand.


Nice, Bishop. Real nice. Being a sore loser is completely in your scope, but picking on a breast cancer survivor? Really? Is that THAT bad for you?


I'm starting to think the only reason you don't show up here more is because you know you'd take the tiara away from conner.

Right, they had some success. Now do something with it!

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Not likely. And whatever they do, you'll likely disagree with anyway.

Maybe. They have all this newfound "hope" and see all this imminent "change" because of the midterms. Sounds familiar (how ironic). Reality will likely just be more of the same.


But it was a good win for the "team".

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Maybe. They have all this newfound "hope" and see all this imminent "change" because of the midterms. Sounds familiar (how ironic). Reality will likely just be more of the same.


But it was a good win for the "team".

I can't believe how bitter you dudes sound. The fact remains that the current administration mis-read its mandate. It preached "hope and change" and "it won't be Washington as usual". People said "Well, it's better than Bush," until he got into office, and people said "Damn, this is NOT what I thought they were going to do, and it is the EPITOME of Washington as usual."


All of a sudden "no red states, no blue states, but United States" immediately became "you THINK they'd be thanking me" leading up to "you must get out and vote against our 'enemies.'"


If all this mid-term does is stop this embarrassing dolt from spending our way into oblivion, that's all the change anyone could hope for at this point.


But you keep looking for irony. In fact, you should jump on the whole "we just didn't get our message out well enough" bandwagon 'cuz that's a real winner.

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Hope and change? Please! Obama's/Bush's fault? Please!


WE are where we are bacause of the citizens of the United Gutless People of ADD. Not exactly the founders on either side of the aisle.


Until this country grows up, it will continue to decline......but they will continue to proclaim they are made from the best stuff on earth.


America- Grow up or get out.

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I can't believe how bitter you dudes sound. The fact remains that the current administration mis-read its mandate. It preached "hope and change" and "it won't be Washington as usual". People said "Well, it's better than Bush," until he got into office, and people said "Damn, this is NOT what I thought they were going to do, and it is the EPITOME of Washington as usual."


All of a sudden "no red states, no blue states, but United States" immediately became "you THINK they'd be thanking me" leading up to "you must get out and vote against our 'enemies.'"


If all this mid-term does is stop this embarrassing dolt from spending our way into oblivion, that's all the change anyone could hope for at this point.


But you keep looking for irony. In fact, you should jump on the whole "we just didn't get our message out well enough" bandwagon 'cuz that's a real winner.

I'm more bitter about how the past couple of years have gone than who won the midterms. Congress has been a joke ever since the Dems took over, so change was needed. I don't agree with a lot of what the Tea Party is about, but there are some solid candidates within their ranks it seems. I like some of what some of them are saying.


Now show me it wasn't all just BS and politics. You've got the chance, now do something to turn it all around. That's not bitter, though it does depend on politicians living up to their hype, which doesn't happen too often.


At times like this, it occurs to me that this two (one) party system of ours simply cycles between one side and the other, back and forth. This seems to almost always be driven by incompetence on the other side of the aisle, drawing the independents and non-die-hard partisans. Of course, that doesn't apply to you.

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I'm more bitter about how the past couple of years have gone than who won the midterms. Congress has been a joke ever since the Dems took over, so change was needed. I don't agree with a lot of what the Tea Party is about, but there are some solid candidates within their ranks it seems. I like some of what some of them are saying.


Now show me it wasn't all just BS and politics. You've got the chance, now do something to turn it all around. That's not bitter, though it does depend on politicians living up to their hype, which doesn't happen too often.


At times like this, it occurs to me that this two (one) party system of ours simply cycles between one side and the other, back and forth. This seems to almost always be driven by incompetence on the other side of the aisle, drawing the independents and non-die-hard partisans. Of course, that doesn't apply to you.

First, it's imperative that the people who worked to get these new voices into Congress hold the new members accountable. Every rally I have ever attended included speakers reminding candidates that they're on probation. I agree that this must be part of the process and not just "my team won, so bite me."


While it's easy to say "I like what some of them have to say," the reality is that WHAT you like is relevant. The primary goals right now are to cut spending, pare back entitlements, reduce taxes as well as the size of government. If those are the things you like to hear, then you should be in a good mood. If what you liked was their stance on, say, stem cell research or gay marriage, I wouldn't hold your breath because that crap is on the back burner until the current mess is at least partially cleaned up.


And I'm not saying they will accomplish those things, especially if we find out Pelosi is back as leader of the Dems because she'll do nothing but keep pushing the administration to dress like Maddow, talk like Olbermann and yell like Huffingtonbut, but they're going to try.


And if you pay close attention, you'll find I'm not as hard core a partisan as you think. If you're judging this on my criticisms of this administration, then of course I'm going to come across that way because Obama and his crew are the polar opposite of everything I believe in, and the only chance we'd have to agree on something is by pure accident. And I wouldn't count on that because I don't even like Slurpees.

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Exactly... It is comical the way things are playing out.


In my opinion... the only thing comical is all the people who voted for Obama who had no clue about him but for whatever reason (main stream media rockstar hype / he wasn't Bush / a deep seeded urge to show you aren't racist / it's change and hope etc...) But all the people who voted for Obama without realizing what they were actually voting for are disgusted with the Obama / Reid / Pelosi government basicaly running politics worse than "as usual" continously ramming unpopular legislation down our throats with no one to hold them in check.


2 years later at the first chance to do something about it there is a fucillo sized HUGGGGE pushback against the current administration from main stream America. The every day people of this country are disgusted and trying to fix the mess they created starting back in 08 and adding to it in 10.


In one aspect I blame current pop culture. most americans could tell you more about dancing with the stars or jersey shore than about the people who run our country and thats pathetic. When for whatever reason the mainstream media had a libeal agenda to push, unsuspecting millions too lazy to decide on their own just got caught up in the hype and voted these leaders into office and this is the result.


I can't wait to see how the tea party continues to evolve and take shape leading up to the 2012 elections. It is going to have a huge impact and anyone who doesn't think so is kidding themselves.

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In one aspect I blame current pop culture. most americans could tell you more about dancing with the stars or jersey shore than about the people who run our country and thats pathetic.


That gives me an idea. Remember all the talk of replacing Biden with Hillary on the ticket in '12? How about they replace Biden with Snooki


Smoosh Smoosh!

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In my opinion... the only thing comical is all the people who voted for Obama who had no clue about him but for whatever reason (main stream media rockstar hype / he wasn't Bush / a deep seeded urge to show you aren't racist / it's change and hope etc...) But all the people who voted for Obama without realizing what they were actually voting for are disgusted with the Obama / Reid / Pelosi government basicaly running politics worse than "as usual" continously ramming unpopular legislation down our throats with no one to hold them in check.


2 years later at the first chance to do something about it there is a fucillo sized HUGGGGE pushback against the current administration from main stream America. The every day people of this country are disgusted and trying to fix the mess they created starting back in 08 and adding to it in 10.


In one aspect I blame current pop culture. most americans could tell you more about dancing with the stars or jersey shore than about the people who run our country and thats pathetic. When for whatever reason the mainstream media had a libeal agenda to push, unsuspecting millions too lazy to decide on their own just got caught up in the hype and voted these leaders into office and this is the result.


I can't wait to see how the tea party continues to evolve and take shape leading up to the 2012 elections. It is going to have a huge impact and anyone who doesn't think so is kidding themselves.

While I agree with you that many voted for Obama for that reason, the President HAS to have a certain level of charisma if he is to influence people. He can't be mechanical. John Kerry had zero charisma and would have made a terrible president, as would McCain. Nothing against either of them- they probably are great people and have done a lot for their country without being president.


Having a ton of great ideas is of little value if you can't convince or reassure people of things.


First, it's imperative that the people who worked to get these new voices into Congress hold the new members accountable. Every rally I have ever attended included speakers reminding candidates that they're on probation. I agree that this must be part of the process and not just "my team won, so bite me."


While it's easy to say "I like what some of them have to say," the reality is that WHAT you like is relevant. The primary goals right now are to cut spending, pare back entitlements, reduce taxes as well as the size of government. If those are the things you like to hear, then you should be in a good mood. If what you liked was their stance on, say, stem cell research or gay marriage, I wouldn't hold your breath because that crap is on the back burner until the current mess is at least partially cleaned up.


And I'm not saying they will accomplish those things, especially if we find out Pelosi is back as leader of the Dems because she'll do nothing but keep pushing the administration to dress like Maddow, talk like Olbermann and yell like Huffingtonbut, but they're going to try.


And if you pay close attention, you'll find I'm not as hard core a partisan as you think. If you're judging this on my criticisms of this administration, then of course I'm going to come across that way because Obama and his crew are the polar opposite of everything I believe in, and the only chance we'd have to agree on something is by pure accident. And I wouldn't count on that because I don't even like Slurpees.

I am for pushing back retirement/social security by at least 10 years, getting rid of all of the Bush tax cuts and cutting defense spending by at least 25%. The deficit won't pay itself off. We all have to tighten our belts for awhile, like it or not.


Personally, I think there is some benefit from the health care bill- forcing everyone to have it before they gets sick will help to lower costs. They should have opened state borders to create competition though. Instead of looking to repeal the bill, they should be looking at doing something like that.

Edited by Adam
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This is a group that is largely comprised of a bunch of political neophytes. As Karl Rove stated, they are a group that is "not sophisticated", but he didn't infer that they themselves aren't sophisticated (because as polls show they are more affluent and more educated than most other voters by a wide margin) but that they are new to the game, a new grassroots movement that lacks structure.





However, they do have core values that most Americans share. Which is that they are for lower taxes, less government spending, a leaner government, less regulations and more personal freedoms. But other than these core beliefs what they do have is tremendous energy that is difficult to match and it is a group that is growing by the day. Polls show that women and independents have been flocking to the tea party, as many Americans are feeling tremendous anxiety over the national debt, the economy and the government's overreach.


Considering this movement is largely comprised from a bunch of political newbies, they lack structure and discipline specially when it comes to vetting the proper candidate.


There is no doubt, that Angle, Buck, ODonnell and Miller were flawed candidates that were prone to a number of gaffes that a more disciplined and seasoned politician would most likely of avoided and it did cost them those seats. But then again, there was Toomey who knocked of Sestak, Ron Johnson who defeated Feingold in the liberal state of Wisconsin, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio who all won their elections. There were also a number of Tea Party backed candidates that won house elections, I know in my district african american ALAN WEST crushed Ron Klein, and my district is largely made up of jewish voters, and he was all about the TEA PARTY.


I remember having a conversation with a moderate to left leaning good friend of mine back around in the middle of 2009. This is when it was cool for the liberals to call this group a bunch of "teabaggers", and this was right around the time when all the accusations from liberal journalists of racism were beginning to surface. I remember telling my friend that this was a bad idea and that it would backfire. As a matter of fact, I told my friend I was 100% sure that this wouldn't work, which was the liberal medias attempt to caricature this group as a bunch of racist, bigoted and extremist group of people. The reason why I told him that this wouldn't work is because these people, are every day American middle of the road people. They are your next door neighbors (assuming you don't live in a large city), they are the epitome of middle America.


I told him that if the liberal media continues to falsely characterize these people that even those that don't consider themselves tea partiers that have a next door neighbor that is a tea partier will also become enraged with these false depections of this group because they happen to know these tea partiers. And they know that tea party neighbor isn't a racist, and he knows that he isn't a bigot, and he knows that his neighbor is a good, decent person that deeply cares about his country and the direction that we are headed.


I don't consider myself a tea partier, but I support what they are trying to do.


This is a group that is committed to becoming more organized and I am 99% sure that they will be even more energized, structured, larger and disciplined by the time the 2012 elections come around.


Because of some of the poor vetting that occured, they lost some races that they could of won, but it is nonsense to try to make the argument that they were a group that cost them some seats. Because without this grass roots movement, the GOP wouldn't of won nearly as many seats as they did, they brought tremendous energy to these midterms. You take the good with the bad.


All in all, they were a huge plus for the conservative movement. I am confident that over the next few years they will hold the establishment GOP to their core principles of smaller government, lower taxes, less spending, less regulations and more personal freedoms. Because if they don't, they will throw those bums out and bring a primary challenger that will represent their values.



I am glad I am a Democrat who is also for lower taxes, less government spending, a leaner government, less regulations (except when needed - ie: Wall St. and Health Insurance Industry) and more personal freedoms (just like a women's right to have an abortion).

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However, they do have core values that most Americans share. Which is that they are for lower taxes, less government spending, a leaner government, less regulations and more personal freedoms.

I welcome the Tea Party because their values are very closely aligned with my own. Personal freedom, fiscal responsibility and limited government are my primary motivators also. I look forward to them addressing issues that are important to me as well.

For example, in the realm of fiscal responsibility, I am eager to see them take on the most bloated entity in the federal government. Defense spending from both the Dept of Defense and related entities has been estimated by some to have reached the trillion dollar mark. Trillion. I love the fact that the Tea Party's platform will make it inevitable that they are going to stop this idiocy.

I'm also a huge believer in personal freedoms and limited government and as such I look forward to the Tea Party addressing an issue that effects a sizable percentage of Americans. I don't see how it's any business of any state or federal government who you love and marry. Government sticking its noses in people's private affairs is in direct contradiction to the Tea Party's stated principals. I'm looking forward to seeing them address this issue of personal freedom and limited government intervention.

Finally, I'm especially excited to see them go on the offensive to stop a practice that has huge implications regarding all the issues previously mentioned. The federal government's wasteful and unconstitutional war on drugs personal freedom is a criminally anti-American enterprise. Since this misguided and absurdly costly initiative is exactly the kind of thing that directly contradicts with all the major tenets of the Tea Party's stated values, I'm sure they will immediately go after it in the interests of supporting limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal freedoms.

Kick some expensive and intrusive government ass Tea Partiers, we're behind you all the way!

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I welcome the Tea Party because their values are very closely aligned with my own. Personal freedom, fiscal responsibility and limited government are my primary motivators also. I look forward to them addressing issues that are important to me as well.

For example, in the realm of fiscal responsibility, I am eager to see them take on the most bloated entity in the federal government. Defense spending from both the Dept of Defense and related entities has been estimated by some to have reached the trillion dollar mark. Trillion. I love the fact that the Tea Party's platform will make it inevitable that they are going to stop this idiocy.

I'm also a huge believer in personal freedoms and limited government and as such I look forward to the Tea Party addressing an issue that effects a sizable percentage of Americans. I don't see how it's any business of any state or federal government who you love and marry. Government sticking its noses in people's private affairs is in direct contradiction to the Tea Party's stated principals. I'm looking forward to seeing them address this issue of personal freedom and limited government intervention.

Finally, I'm especially excited to see them go on the offensive to stop a practice that has huge implications regarding all the issues previously mentioned. The federal government's wasteful and unconstitutional war on drugs personal freedom is a criminally anti-American enterprise. Since this misguided and absurdly costly initiative is exactly the kind of thing that directly contradicts with all the major tenets of the Tea Party's stated values, I'm sure they will immediately go after it in the interests of supporting limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal freedoms.

Kick some expensive and intrusive government ass Tea Partiers, we're behind you all the way!


Paper or plastic?



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I am glad I am a Democrat who is also for lower taxes, less government spending, a leaner government, less regulations (except when needed - ie: Wall St. and Health Insurance Industry) and more personal freedoms (just like a women's right to have an abortion).


It's funny how many Democrats are against the Democrats...

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