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If you could eliminate any insect from the planet

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Hmmm... I was thinking bed bugs since it seems NYC is being overrun by them, but I do agree with you about fruit flys.


True story : When I worked part time at the grocery store we had an aisle display of those pre-made graham cracker pie crusts. I went to put one in there that I found on a shelf somewhere else in the store, and a swarm of fruit flys came out. Looked and someone had left a banana peel in there. I got in trouble with management because rather than just throw away the peel, I threw the whole display away.

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Simple: Mosquitoes


Mosquitoes cause more human death and physical suffering than any other animal...even more than other humans (or so they say).


I can't stand the little bastards.

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I would vaporize all fruit flys. The tiny little bastards have a knack for finding my ears and eyes. # 2 mosquitoes. Worthless disease spreading parasites. Nuke em with DDT, I don't care about eagle eggs.


Time flys like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

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Hmmm... I was thinking bed bugs since it seems NYC is being overrun by them, but I do agree with you about fruit flys.


True story : When I worked part time at the grocery store we had an aisle display of those pre-made graham cracker pie crusts. I went to put one in there that I found on a shelf somewhere else in the store, and a swarm of fruit flys came out. Looked and someone had left a banana peel in there. I got in trouble with management because rather than just throw away the peel, I threw the whole display away.

I see you're in Massapequa. Is LI safe from the bedbugs or are they out there too?

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I would vaporize all fruit flys. The tiny little bastards have a knack for finding my ears and eyes. # 2 mosquitoes. Worthless disease spreading parasites. Nuke em with DDT, I don't care about eagle eggs.

A trick someone showed me about fruit flies. Take a little Apple Cider Vinegar, put it in a cup, put plastic wrap over the top (with rubber band), poke a few small holes in it, let it sit. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar, fly in, but not be able to get out. Might be worth a shot... cheap and easy at least.


Mosquitoes are good for population control. They kill a few hundred million people a year. Imagine how many more idiots we'd have on the plane without them. Plus they put food on my table. Most are resistant to DDT, so that probably wouldn't work. Interesting tidbit: mosquitoes do play a role as pollinators as the adults will rest in flowers and highly vegetated ares during the day.


Bed bugs were, at one point, nearly non-existent in the US. They've rebounded (obviously) largely due to increased ease in international travel and the banning of the pesticides that were used to control them. Today, with the products available, it's extremely difficult to completely wipe out an infestation. Hence, the current problem. Heat is probably the best way to do it now a days. Don't know of anything that eats them.


Best way to get rid of carpenter ants (or any ants) is with baits. There's quite a few commercially available that work much easier than chopping down the tree. But, I guess you wouldn't get the firewood by just killing the ants.


Not sure which insect I'd like to see eliminated. I'd probably go with all Jet fans before I would an insect species. Talk about being useless and obnoxious....

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Best way to get rid of carpenter ants (or any ants) is with baits. There's quite a few commercially available that work much easier than chopping down the tree. But, I guess you wouldn't get the firewood by just killing the ants.




I didn't cut the tree down to get rid of the ants. I cut the tree down to get rid of the tree. Now (not as much now, it's getting cold at night) they are looking for a new place to make a nest and they are all over the place. I seriously think half a million ants came out of the tree and the ground when I cut it down.

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I didn't cut the tree down to get rid of the ants. I cut the tree down to get rid of the tree. Now (not as much now, it's getting cold at night) they are looking for a new place to make a nest and they are all over the place. I seriously think half a million ants came out of the tree and the ground when I cut it down.

Gotcha. :thumbsup:


I'd bet far more than a million. Carpenter ant colonies can be extremely large.

Edited by Dan
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A trick someone showed me about fruit flies. Take a little Apple Cider Vinegar, put it in a cup, put plastic wrap over the top (with rubber band), poke a few small holes in it, let it sit. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar, fly in, but not be able to get out. Might be worth a shot... cheap and easy at least.


Ha, you must've googled the same site as me. I can verify that absolutely works like a charm.

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Simple: Mosquitoes


Mosquitoes cause more human death and physical suffering than any other animal...even more than other humans (or so they say).


I can't stand the little bastards.




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There were these tiny little black bugs at the golf course I played at growing up. They'd take over each summer and you'd pretty much have a tiny black cloud hovering around you all day. I'd get rid of them. Now if only I knew what they were.

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