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Its time to move on to Brian Brohm

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Right on finknottle. We have guys at 10 other offensive positions that we need to "develop" besides just QB. With Trent (not bashing Trent) 1 guy got to catch a TD pass in 2 games. Now with Fitz, 7 have been caught. This helps us develop our receiving corps better then putting in a guy who has played in 1 regular season game (and stunk).


Let's get some Offensive continuity in the off chance that our D can keep us in a game sometime this year.


Put Brohm in in Week 14 if Fitz doesn't get hurt before then. Brown should get nowhere near the feild. he looked in no way ready for prime time in pre season and wasn't even good enough to bring back to the practice squad when Coach Gailey mistakenly though Trent could play in the NFL.

It's worth bearing in mind that the New England and Jaguars pass defenses aren't very good right now. Fitz isn't a particularly accurate or consistent quarterback. One he plays against some better defenses, his numbers won't look as shiny as they do now. That said, I admire his willingness to take chances and throw the ball downfield. There will also be good throws mixed in with the bad. Overall, his level of play seems about right for a backup QB.

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What you guys mean when you say "Brohm needs to be evaluated" is that YOU want to evaluate him because you're a fan that only gets to watch games. It's possible the Bills ALREADY know Brohm's a worthless bum. Afterall, they see him every day.


Eh. I want to see him play, too, but the possibility exists that he just plain sucks and everyone knows it already.

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What you guys mean when you say "Brohm needs to be evaluated" is that YOU want to evaluate him because you're a fan that only gets to watch games. It's possible the Bills ALREADY know Brohm's a worthless bum. Afterall, they see him every day.


Eh. I want to see him play, too, but the possibility exists that he just plain sucks and everyone knows it already.

Well yeah - that's certainly possible - but Brohm's still here, while Edwards is gone. That should tell you that the Bills brain-trust, at least, likes Brohm better than Edwards.


It's worth bearing in mind that the New England and Jaguars pass defenses aren't very good right now. Fitz isn't a particularly accurate or consistent quarterback. One he plays against some better defenses, his numbers won't look as shiny as they do now. That said, I admire his willingness to take chances and throw the ball downfield. There will also be good throws mixed in with the bad. Overall, his level of play seems about right for a backup QB.

So, IOW, on a scale of 1-to-5 - 5 being the best - you'd give Fitz about 3.5 ??? :unsure:

Edited by The Senator
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What you guys mean when you say "Brohm needs to be evaluated" is that YOU want to evaluate him because you're a fan that only gets to watch games. It's possible the Bills ALREADY know Brohm's a worthless bum. Afterall, they see him every day.


Eh. I want to see him play, too, but the possibility exists that he just plain sucks and everyone knows it already.


Could be, but is he sucks in practice then waive him, bring in somebody else

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Lets face it Brohm is a threat to play well and this board is loaded with Locker and Luck fans. It's that simple.


Some things never change in Buffalo.

A threat to play well??







Fitz is playing better than Favre, Romo, Hasselback.....why the clamor for Brohm? The Bills before Fitz started were scoring 8 ppg, now they are scoring 20 ppg.


Draft a franchise QB next year. Bring in a decent OC and a QB coach.


For now, leave Fitz alone and let the fans have a little hope to win a game instead of bringing in the career 3rd stringer "to see what he's got".


Incredible thread.

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I guess I did miss it. Maybe I was too busy watching the TDs.


Seriously, if the coaches were to pull Fitzpatrick and put in Brohm now that would be a sign that they shouldn't be coaching in the NFL. Odds are very good that Brohm will get his chance, based on the performance of the offensive line this year. When he does, it's on him to be ready for it. But no way you pull a guy who's put up 7 TDs in 3 games.


Working out your number 2 QB's is a sign of open competition, hardly a coaching mistake.


If you want to evaluate,do this while the games still mean something.


I saw Fitzpatrick but Brohm is the key to Buffalo's first round selection in the 2011 draft

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Arent they getting a pretty good look at him in practice now that he's #2?


BB hasnt impressed anyone anywhere at any time since joining the NFL.


"now is not the time" to "give him a look" to use the cliches.


The team is fragile right now and the coaching staff isnt going to come switch QBs with Fitz playing well - yes fitz is playing well comparatively. No i dont think hes the answer either.


I can't refute that he hasn't impressed since joining the nfl, but keep in mind that Edwards won his job based on his awesome performance in practice. We have nothing to lose by putting him in for a game or two and seeing what he's got. Wilson already broadcasted to the world that our QB's are crap and we're getting another one in the draft. Maybe Brohm will end up being the better #2 down the road.

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It's time to move on to Brohm because Fitz is not a long-term solution. Moreover, the Bills still haven't won with Fitz starting, fair or not. Brohm may not be the answer either, but no one knows that, not even the coaches who see him in practice everyday, seeing as how they misjudged Trent. Again, the worst that happens is they continue to lose and get a high draft pick next year.

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Working out your number 2 QB's is a sign of open competition, hardly a coaching mistake.


If you want to evaluate,do this while the games still mean something.


I saw Fitzpatrick but Brohm is the key to Buffalo's first round selection in the 2011 draft

Sorry, you just don't pull a guy who's performing like Fitz is right now. I don't think there's ever been a coaching staff in a professional league that would do that.

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Your not going to hear any Ryan Fitzpatrick bashing from me. We got a little more then expected in leaderhip and the guy gave it all. He is my choice for 2nd String and that is saying alot. He belongs here.


We have got to get an extented look at Brian Brohm and now is the time, I would also like to take a short look and Levi Brown.


Its the evaluation process before we invest in a drafted quarterback.....



Fitz has done a good job and deserves to be recognized for it. If Ralph wants to draft a QB, we have to look at BB and Brown. If we don't then why did we sign BB and draft Brown? It would be a very poor mgmt decision if we do not give them every chance to be the QB of the future.

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Because the Brohm boys blah blah blah blah I'm just another hater, hating ... soon.

You know, I hope you have this sh-- saved in your notepad so you can copy and paste your Brohm hate manifesto. I'd sure hate for you to waste the time writing it every day when you have so little to add to the conversation.


Your disdain for Brohm is well-documented. We get it. If you're happy with the QB play and don't think that a young guy who has been seen by at least some scouts as having some upside is worth the Bills' time, that's fine. Other people think it's at least worth exhausting the options before spending an unprecedented amount of resources on a quarterback. I don't necessarily think there needs to be a new Brohm thread as regularly as there is, but I don't see why you need to respond to every Brohm thread with the same tired spiel.

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You know, I hope you have this sh-- saved in your notepad so you can copy and paste your Brohm hate manifesto. I'd sure hate for you to waste the time writing it every day when you have so little to add to the conversation.


Your disdain for Brohm is well-documented. We get it. If you're happy with the QB play and don't think that a young guy who has been seen by at least some scouts as having some upside is worth the Bills' time, that's fine. Other people think it's at least worth exhausting the options before spending an unprecedented amount of resources on a quarterback. I don't necessarily think there needs to be a new Brohm thread as regularly as there is, but I don't see why you need to respond to every Brohm thread with the same tired spiel.

I have no disdain for Brohm. It's his moronic fans, like YOU, who I have the disdain for. So to call me a Brohm hater is totally wrong. I'm a BROHM FAN hater. I have nothing against the player who is trying his best with the limited talent that he has.

Why am I a Brohm Fan hater? Here's why:

All off season I've been told he would be starting opening day. WRONG

All off season I've heard a million & 1 bogus excuses as to why Brohm failed. BS

All preseason I heard Fitz was going to be cut & was lower on the depth chart than Brohm. WRONG

So blah blah blah go the Brohm Fans & they haven't been right once, except maybe the ones who were right he'd beat out the even more untalented Levi Brown.

By the way, I didn't start this thread-A Brohm Fan repeating all the BS I've already heard did.

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I have no disdain for Brohm. It's his moronic fans, like YOU, who I have the disdain for. So to call me a Brohm hater is totally wrong. I'm a BROHM FAN hater. I have nothing against the player who is trying his best with the limited talent that he has.

Why am I a Brohm Fan hater? Here's why:

All off season I've been told he would be starting opening day. WRONG

All off season I've heard a million & 1 bogus excuses as to why Brohm failed. BS

All preseason I heard Fitz was going to be cut & was lower on the depth chart than Brohm. WRONG

So blah blah blah go the Brohm Fans & they haven't been right once, except maybe the ones who were right he'd beat out the even more untalented Levi Brown.

By the way, I didn't start this thread-A Brohm Fan repeating all the BS I've already heard did.

Well, being the moron that I am I'd have to look at my posting history to unearth the many times I said any of these things. I hope I don't trip over my shoelaces trying to find the search button.


Most people interested in Brohm (I hesitate to call myself a fan because I can't be a fan of a guy who hasn't done anything) think they haven't seen enough to decide whether he does in fact have the talent to succeed. They think he needs live game action to show this. This is the perfect season to do so, when it's clear the team isn't going anywhere. This opinion includes many respected contributors to the board here. I guess they're all morons, too? Everyone is stupid but you? Must be an amazing life you lead, surrounded by admirers tugging at your sleeve, waiting for a morsel of your football evaluation.


You've seen enough... in preseason... in the many Green Bay preseason games you've watched... in Brohm's college career... and in his one game for the Bills after being picked up a few weeks earlier to judge him. That's great. He wouldn't still be on the roster, or have been promoted over the opening-day starter, if the Bills didn't have some interest in him, however marginal. You don't like the guy and think it'd be detrimental for some reason to give him a shot; your certainty must make you very comfortable, but keep the hate to yourself.

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the Bills still haven't won with Fitz starting

In the 3 games Fitz has started the DEFENSE has given up 38, 38, and 36 points. Fitz hasn't given up any. In those 3 weeks the highest point total given up by any NFL team with a win is 28. How in heaven's name can any QB win with this "defense" we're putting out there each week. Johny Unitas couldn't win with the "defense". The 2008 Colts offense paried with this "defense" couldn't win. Judging any Bills QB based on wins with the "defense" is just silly.


Relax, Brohm will get his chance. If he's as good as people say he won't need 8 or 10 starts to dazzle us with his touch on the ball and over all QB studliness. It'll be apparent right away. Fitz gives us a chance to evaluate everyone else besides just the QB and give the offense a chance to do something and play as a team.


I hope that Brown doesn't get in unless both Fitz and BB get hurt. OK, maybe the last game.

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In the 3 games Fitz has started the DEFENSE has given up 38, 38, and 36 points. Fitz hasn't given up any. In those 3 weeks the highest point total given up by any NFL team with a win is 28. How in heaven's name can any QB win with this "defense" we're putting out there each week. Johny Unitas couldn't win with the "defense". The 2008 Colts offense paried with this "defense" couldn't win. Judging any Bills QB based on wins with the "defense" is just silly.


Relax, Brohm will get his chance. If he's as good as people say he won't need 8 or 10 starts to dazzle us with his touch on the ball and over all QB studliness. It'll be apparent right away. Fitz gives us a chance to evaluate everyone else besides just the QB and give the offense a chance to do something and play as a team.


I hope that Brown doesn't get in unless both Fitz and BB get hurt. OK, maybe the last game.

I'm not about to defend this defense. It sucks out loud. But the D also isn't giving the opposition drive starts at the Bills' 23 or 35. All but one of Jacksonville's scoring drives started outside their 45 yard line - the rest began in Bills territory. That's the offense and special teams conspiring in the defense's demise. It's a lot easier to score points with a short field, and the Bills get stuffed on 3rd down often enough to give the other team prime field position with regularity. It sucks that the Special Teams aren't even the rock of this franchise anymore, though.

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In the 3 games Fitz has started the DEFENSE has given up 38, 38, and 36 points. Fitz hasn't given up any. In those 3 weeks the highest point total given up by any NFL team with a win is 28. How in heaven's name can any QB win with this "defense" we're putting out there each week. Johny Unitas couldn't win with the "defense". The 2008 Colts offense paried with this "defense" couldn't win. Judging any Bills QB based on wins with the "defense" is just silly.


Relax, Brohm will get his chance. If he's as good as people say he won't need 8 or 10 starts to dazzle us with his touch on the ball and over all QB studliness. It'll be apparent right away. Fitz gives us a chance to evaluate everyone else besides just the QB and give the offense a chance to do something and play as a team.


I hope that Brown doesn't get in unless both Fitz and BB get hurt. OK, maybe the last game.

They will not put Brohm in until the last 4-5-6 games of the season.



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They will not put Brohm in until the last 4-5-6 games of the season.




Seems about right to me, though I'd say last 4-7 games. One thing to consider is how the rest of the players on the offense would feel about making a switch at QB right now? I would guess most of the players on the team are frustrated by what's going on so you've had a players-only meeting and lots of talk about how players need to step up their game. This offense is struggling to find some consistancy and rhythm but shows signs of improvement since Fitzy took over. Put Brohm in vs Baltimore and would the offense really go all out for him or come in resigned to the loss? Also, I still feel it's unfair to put Brohm in right now with the state of our offense. Putting a very green and unsettled quarterback into an unsettled offense seems pointless to me.

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Can he play defense?


Agreed and baffled we're not seeing more threads on defensive discussions. I think Fitz is doing a decent job of keeping us competitive, but you're not going to win any games with the D giving up 30 pts + a game. With our opponents killing us in time of possession and our offense putting up a decent amount of points in the time they're actually on the field, think of the opportunity for offensive production if the Defense could make a stop on 3rd down and get of the f#@kin field, even forcing a couple 3-and-outs would be nice.


For once our immediate needs are not the QB or even OL


I like the idea of 3-4, but run the freakin 3-4 with a coordinator that is EXPERIENCED in a 3-4, oh ya and 3-4 players would be nice too.

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In three games Fitz has a 99.9 QB rating (compared to Trance's 58 for two games. Based on QB rating Fitz is currently ranked 6th best in the NFL. Kind of hard to bench a guy under those circumstances no matter how much you want to see what Brohm can do. He is also tied for 11th in the league for TD passes yet everyone else ahead of him or tied with him has played in two more games. Every QB misses a few throws, Fitz isn't doing it any more than anyone else. He's over 60% in completions just like 2/3 of the guys in the league. the bulk of the league falls in the 61-65% range where Fitz is. 12 guys are worse than him in that category and only a few have exceptionally higher numbers. Drew Brees is the only guy over 70%.


Seems about right to me, though I'd say last 4-7 games. One thing to consider is how the rest of the players on the offense would feel about making a switch at QB right now? I would guess most of the players on the team are frustrated by what's going on so you've had a players-only meeting and lots of talk about how players need to step up their game. This offense is struggling to find some consistancy and rhythm but shows signs of improvement since Fitzy took over. Put Brohm in vs Baltimore and would the offense really go all out for him or come in resigned to the loss? Also, I still feel it's unfair to put Brohm in right now with the state of our offense. Putting a very green and unsettled quarterback into an unsettled offense seems pointless to me.


They won't consider putting Brohm in until the team is officially eliminated from playoff contention. It feels that way to us fans right now but technically speaking they could still end up 9-7 and get a wild card. NO I DO NOT THINK THIS WILL HAPPEN. But the team won't do any drastic moves like benching a QB who is playing effectively to look at a prospect until that point. unless Fitz either gets hurt or starts playing terribly for several weeks in a row, don't expect Brohm to see the field. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get a start until maybe the second to last game if at all. Fitz is playing well, they won't waste their time with Brohm if Fitz is playing effectively.

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