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You wanna know who scares the hell out of me?

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Because all these impressionable minds are soaking in all this (to my mind) ignorant blather.


It seems that whenever people start basing their life and decisions on organized religion they become just another tool for someone (like Palin or Glen Beck) to use for their own power.


And yet you go merrily off to class and sit in awe of your professors who pour a continuous stream of leftist political ideology and other drivel into the glazed-eyed students with impressionable minds.


I always think of Colleges and Universities as places of higher education where you can learn from diverse points of view. Even if that's not the de facto state of affairs today. I still think of them as places of learning, not brainwashing. Time spent there is supposed to expose one to various pints of view and provide one with the tools that will allow you to develop critical thinking skills on your own throughout your life.


It's okay to disassociate oneself with people that have views you don't espouse. Be careful though of painting them in a caricature of someone else's making. It'll make peace in your a lot harder to achieve.

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And yet you go merrily off to class and sit in awe of your professors who pour a continuous stream of leftist political ideology and other drivel into the glazed-eyed students with impressionable minds.


I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs.


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world?


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me.

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I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs.


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world?


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me.


Those who can't DO, TEACH. Never a more true statement than that. Who knows more about business? A guy running a company that employs a dozen people or a business professor? I'll talk to the business owner every day. And your claim that there's no bias at universities defies the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. here's just a small sampling: http://www.peachpundit.com/2008/10/23/57-faculty-at-georgia-colleges-and-universities-think-bill-ayers-is-just-swell/


I don't want to rule the world, and I'm a lot more flexible than a completely idologized left-winger. Seems as though you're beyond hope though, so I'll just wish you luck when you do make it into the real world, hopefully you won't be too disappointed when the rainbow-farting unicorns don't show up at your doorstep. Take care, kid.

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I am as conservative as they come and yet I hope she just goes away. When Glenn Beck asked her about her favorite founding father, and her answer was, and I quote, "all of them", that tells me that she lacks a basic understanding of American history. As a voter, that troubles me deeply. As a Republican, it tells me that she has no chance to win for the party.


As much of a dick as he is, I'd like to see Romney make it. He has the smarts and know-how to run an effective campaign against the messiah who currenly occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Sarah can barely utter a sentence that can easily be comprehended.

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If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.

See, the thing you have to recognize about your (read: our) professors is that they're basically talking from an ivory tower. Like Joe said, they aren't running a business. They're in a very protected position and are pretty much guaranteed their money every year.

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I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs. :lol:


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world? Why do liberals want to control what I eat, what I can buy, what kind of car I can drive, how much of my money I can keep, etc., etc., etc.


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal. Surrender Dorothy.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be. Me too, but professors are Doctors of Philosophy. If you want real world answers you have to go out and live in the real world outside the sheltered Zardoz world that a university campus is.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me. Me too.


If you want to really begin learning, you have to come to the realization that you've been marinating in a brew created by a leftist-led educational industry that is agenda-driven to control young minds to believe their pap. Government is a drug. Dependency on either can be fatal.

Edited by Nanker
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shouldn't you point your anger at those that are soaking it all in? I am going to assume that for the most part, those people on the NC State campus are over 18....you can't be mad at the messenger....you need to be mad at the people that take the message without thinking about it....those are the scary people...


Because all these impressionable minds are soaking in all this (to my mind) ignorant blather.


It seems that whenever people start basing their life and decisions on organized religion they become just another tool for someone (like Palin or Glen Beck) to use for their own power.


DogFish Head IPA, they have a 60 Minute, 90 Minute and 120 Minute...all get progressively stronger....the 60 is in the top 5 of my beer preference....


What's a 60 minutes?

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And yet you go merrily off to class and sit in awe of your professors who pour a continuous stream of leftist political ideology and other drivel into the glazed-eyed students with impressionable minds......




Be careful though of painting them in a caricature of someone else's making.

Oh, the irony... :lol:



I don't want to rule the world, and I'm a lot more flexible than a completely idologized left-winger.

Yes, ideologized right wingers are soooo much more flexible..... :lol: :lol:


If you want to really begin learning, you have to come to the realization that you've been marinating in a brew created by a leftist-led educational industry that is agenda-driven to control young minds to believe their pap.

You should also never forget that these biases do not end in college and that the mindless brew of rightist parrots who squawk their company line is equally agenda-driven and utterly incapable of viewing reality outside the prism of their dogmatic preconceived notions.

Remember that they are not the "opposite" of leftist ideologues, but just the identical mirror image of what they claim to hate. It's kind of sad but also kind of funny how they can't even see it because they're so wrapped up in their own self-righteousness.

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I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs.


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world?


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me.


As someone who worked/taught in the English department of Oklahoma State for a few years I can assure you the whole leftist brainwashing conspiracy is absolute nonsense.

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I don't agree with everything she says, and yes she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, BUT there is so much frustration among people, who are being taxed into oblivion, just to support more; Bail Outs, "Stimulus" and various other Entitlements, that she seems to come across with more sincerity than almost any other Politico, and that's where her popularity comes from.


I personally witnessed ALL the 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates and I will say that, OFF CAMERA, she is the most sincere and caring of the bunch. She can look you in the eye and there's no evidence of the insincere sneer that was so prevalent among all the other Candidates.


Finally, The B*tch has papers! No question of eligibility, where, when she was born, went to school, Tax records, School Records, etc. etc.

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You mean, that those impressionable minds that are exposed and soak up humanist-marxist-socialist blather from the average college professor are any better off? Sorry, I'm not buying that argument. I mean, they're just becoming tools for Olbermann or Madcow, ready to be swayed into believing in a community organizer.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you're either still a teenager or just barely not. You don't have much of a well of experience in the real world to draw out of. But, I've got some bad news for you. While liberalism (I'm avoiding the ridiculous term "progressivism" as there's nothing progressive about leftism) sounds great when Professor Snottynose expounds on it in the classroom, in real life it is failed philosophy. Less regulation is always more effective than more. Smaller government is always preferable to improve the human condition than larger. Likewise, freer speech is ALWAYS preferable to more controlled.


What is offensive to you is sensible to others, and vice versa. Tell me that someone who resides in the midst of "enlightened" academia isn't really advocating muzzling FREE SPEECH? Tsk.


I'm curious Joe, how many semesters of college do you have under your belt? Did you actually have professors that bombarded you with "humanist-marxist-socialist blather" or is this just you repeating the standard talking points?


I feel cheated! I've got two bachelor's degrees and 1/2 of my MBA and I've never got my education in Marxism. Maybe I should write my former schools and complain!


I also find the demonization of education to be particularly interesting. What exactly is so evil or so wrong about being educated? I don't think that higher education automatically turns you into a far left winger any more than dropping out of school makes you a right winger.


I'm not sure ignorance is something you should cherish or strive for.


I don't know if Palin is dangerous but she is dumber than a box of !@#$in rocks. Anyone that klings to the idea that the earth is 6000 years old is either retarded or delusional. Both conditions probably mean you shouldn't be President.

Edited by Mike in Syracuse
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I'm curious Joe, how many semesters of college do you have under your belt? Did you actually have professors that bombarded you with "humanist-marxist-socialist blather" or is this just you repeating the standard talking points?


I feel cheated! I've got two bachelor's degrees and 1/2 of my MBA and I've never got my education in Marxism. Maybe I should write my former schools and complain!


I also find the demonization of education to be particularly interesting. What exactly is so evil or so wrong about being educated? I don't think that higher education automatically turns you into a far left winger any more than dropping out of school makes you a right winger.


I'm not sure ignorance is something you should cherish or strive for.


I don't know if Palin is dangerous but she is dumber than a box of !@#$in rocks. Anyone that klings to the idea that the earth is 6000 years old is either retarded or delusional. Both conditions probably mean you shouldn't be President.






Edited by Bluesky
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I think it's when people use terms like: "wanna"



I wonder what you think about the way Palin talks


I don't agree with everything she says, and yes she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, BUT there is so much frustration among people, who are being taxed into oblivion, just to support more; Bail Outs, "Stimulus" and various other Entitlements, that she seems to come across with more sincerity than almost any other Politico, and that's where her popularity comes from.


I personally witnessed ALL the 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates and I will say that, OFF CAMERA, she is the most sincere and caring of the bunch. She can look you in the eye and there's no evidence of the insincere sneer that was so prevalent among all the other Candidates.


Finally, The B*tch has papers! No question of eligibility, where, when she was born, went to school, Tax records, School Records, etc. etc.



I respect your opinion, but I literally see this the EXACT opposite way. She seems like the obvious one who is a complete lie and is just playing with the ignorant rednecks minds.






Ironic that you bring up spelling: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=okidoki

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