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Let the Levi Brown experiment begin now!


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i dont disagree but throwing a rookie to the wolves rarely works.... and even when it doesn it aint pretty (see manning)


Oh yeah that worked out terrible.. The guy has been the NFL's best QB for 10 years so im pretty sure it worked out ok

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Oh yeah that worked out terrible.. The guy has been the NFL's best QB for 10 years so im pretty sure it worked out ok



yea he threw 28 INTs his first year, and the team was terrible, he hardly looked like the 2nd coming. Yes we all know he has been the best QB for some time so please.


My point as you should have read it was that its ugly and you dont know what youve got right away. So it aint gonna be pretty if you throw levi on there and you wont know for some time whether you have manning or losman.

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I have zero expectations for this season. I'd rather see Levi get reps to determine if he could be our QB of the future rather than to waste anymore time with this Edwards. I can't remember ever seeing a bigger sissy than this guy and I can't wait until we rid ourselves of this jerk.

I would love to see Brown play with the 2nd team. I agree let the Brown experiment begin. He clearly had the best arm of any of the Bills QB's. He seems to be a pure passer something we haven't seen in quite sometime.

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I agree with Tipster, MattyT and FlutieFlakes. I know it was preseason, and it was garbage time, but to me Levi Brown looked the most impressive of the three QB's who played yesterday. It also seemed like he was the only one even willing to attempt a pass over 10 yards.


I want Trent to succeed because I am a true Bills fan, but yesterday he just looked like the same ol Trent. Even on the first series, yes he was 5 of 6, but it just didn't seem like he was even willing to try a throw over 10 yards, with the exception of the missed bomb. In his defense, I didn't think he had alot of time to throw though...


Fitz has heart and guts, but I think that's about it.


Missed bomb. Typical Trent.

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I would rather see anyone try to step up than watch the worlds best con man start another game. I don't know how Trent does it but he apparently plays well enough in practice, talks a good game, test well enough to fool coaches and GMs into thinking he is starting QB in this league. We are going on year 4 of seeing exactly the same thing. The bullets start flying and Edwards starts sucking. The first contact Edwards took he went into his shell and he started playing scared, throwing ill advised erratic passes behind WRs and missing wide open guys on deep routes for almost a sure TD. You only get a very small handful of those opportunities in a game and like Jim Kelly said you have to be able to take advantage of some of them.

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I am one to not throw Trent out just yet.


I believe that we finally have an offensive identity w/Gailey, Cortez, etc. It appears that our RB position is stronger than ever.


Our OL is still lacking, when will we get a Tight End that can catch and block, and where the heck is our #2 receiver?


I liked Brown last night, too. But I have always hated these can the QB posts. I honestly don't think that Fitz or TE may be able to complete the job. I don't know enough about Brohm.


But I like the idea of using Brown as an experiment, sign Garcia as #2/insurance, and keep Brohm as a developmental #3.


Could we get any worse with that?

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If we see another outing like this from Trent and Fitz on Thursday, this should happen.


1) Trent Edwards is cut.


2) Brian Brohm is promoted to starting quarterback.


3) Fitz should be alerted that he will be the no. 2 QB this year and will only play if the 1 is injured...The illusion that he can be a #1 QB in the NFL needs to stop, he is not talented enough, period. But he is a vet who can be servicable in an emergency.


4) Levi Brown should be moved to third string and developed extensivly this year behind the starter and no. 2 Ala Tony Romo.


After the year is over the coaching staff should evaluate Browns progress and Brohms progress to see if either can be the QB of the future. If the determination is that neither can be, than draft a franchise QB and start over.


But if it were up to me. Edwards would have to show me something very quickly if he wants to keep his job. He looked terrible last night and so did Fitzpatrick. BTW, I am no Edwards hater, I hope he becomes the best QB in the league, but at some point, the results have to be there.

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Expecting anything out of a rookie QB who was a 7th round pick is pure desperation. I agree with you on Trent, I said he would not make this team and he did nothing to disprove that last night.


Give Brohm a shot to play for the season. I expect him to suck too but at least we don't know that for sure. What we do know is that Trent is not a good QB and he never will be. I don't care what Bill Walsh said, I don't care how he looked 3 years ago or before the concussion. He needs to go and if Brohm sucks too, bench him and put in Levi for the last few games of the season.

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I agree...he has a great release. Can we read anything into the fact that Brohm didn't play last night?

Brohm's absence was by design. Likewise, Fitz will not see action next game while Brohm takes over for Trent.


I think what we CAN read into it is that either Brohm or Fitz will be gone before the season starts (unless one of them REALLY stands out and totally out-performs Edwards). I think the final roster will include Edwards, (Brohm or Fitz), and Brown.


I'm SOOO sick of TE's post-game interviews -- like a broken record (reminds me of Bledsoe's interviews) -- "blah...blah...Look at the tape...blah...blah...Got to fix that...blah...blah". It's just a bunch of meaningless BS. You don't fix anything by sitting and watching tape. You FIX something ON THE FIELD with winning performance. No, I'm not saying players shouldn't study tape. I'm just saying I'm tiring of TE's BS.

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I agree with the last few posters completely. I could end up pleasantly surprised but Trent keeps showing us the same thing over and over and over again. The lovers keep trying to blame everything else in the world BUT Trent. The team has issues yes indeed but people need to wake up and realize Trent IS ONE OF THOSE ISSUES not just a poor victim of them. I would rather watch an unknown with potential to see what they have than to watch a guy with a proven 3+ year record of suck.


I found it quite interesting that Trent was spared any negative criticism in Gailey's half time interview. It was obvious to see that Trent didn't play well and I would have expected some honesty from the coach. Perhaps he was just trying to show support in his starter in spite of the fact that his starter sucked.

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If Gailey plays our starting O-linemen against Indy and if Trent still sucks as bad as this game, then I might be all for Levi taking over. Can he do any worse? It's probable he could learn and get better than Trent. At this point almost anyone could do better than Trent. We'll see what he can do next game.

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Lets Dump Trent and Fitz. Get a third guy in here who has potential, Thigpen maybe. Then let Levi, Brohm and new guy battle it out for 1, 2 and 3. I think the Trent experiment is about over. Fitz really shouldnt be in the future plans for even backup. Best thing to do since we are rebuilding AGAIN.

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Edwards has not improved, and is a kiss-a***. Our line, although limited, is not that bad. A decent QB could make a huge difference. Fitzpatrick is a backup, period. You need a starter. Jeff Garcia is out there, and would be a significant upgrade over Trent. Give Levi every opportunity to show what he has. He did look good, and he threw the ball down the field.

The sooner Trent is gone the better.

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People here seem to know nothing about Brohm. The reason he was never seen previously in the pros is because he was stuck behind the beloved aaron rodgers in Greeb Bay.

Brohm threw for 4024 yds, 29 TD's, 12 INT, with a 65% completion percentage for Louisville in a BCS conference in his senior season.

Brown threw 200 yds more and 6 TD's less in his senior season at Troy in a FBS conference.

Brohms in his 3rd year and has had 1 game of regular season experience. Give him a chance to be the starting QB for the Bills

Brohm's college game does not translate to the NFL. I'm not giving him a chance because he's already proven that he's a bust. If he was any good, at least one team would have claimed him when GB waived him last year. Instead, they all passed. Do you really think the reason that nobody wanted him was because all the other teams were set at all 3 QB spots?

I have a lot more respect for those who are calling for Brown than for Brohm. At least Brown hasn't flamed out of the NFL already like Brohm did.

Nothing against Brohm personally, but I can't wait until the Bills cut him so all the people still pointing to his college days & making every possible excuse for the guy will STFU.

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If Gailey plays our starting O-linemen against Indy and if Trent still sucks as bad as this game, then I might be all for Levi taking over. Can he do any worse? It's probable he could learn and get better than Trent. At this point almost anyone could do better than Trent. We'll see what he can do next game.

Other than Wood, our "missing starters" were Bell and Green. What are you expecting to change with those two suspects in there?

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I think Nix and Gailey are looking at the season like this:


Trent Edwards is either the starter, or he's cut. Giving him anything less than first team reps will not help evaluate this. If TE starts, Fitz is gone, unless Brohm looks absolutely atrocious against the second stringers. Brown is a project and if they see something in him, I doubt they try to sneak him onto the practice squad.


Last season's coaching staff did this franchise a huge disservice by not finding out who could play when the season was clearly over midway through. A few less wins and we have our LT. Give Brohm a few more reps behind center and we have a better idea if he can play. Based on their comments about only one first round QB talent, I don't think we would have gone after a QB any sooner than we did in this years draft. They reportedly had some interest in the only QB worth bringing in, and that was McNabb, and he would have given them probably 3-4 years to develop someone behind him. Bringing in a stop-gap like Garcia or some other 1 year band-aid only hurts this team's development. Nix and Gailey know we're in player evaluation mode, and they know who is likely to be availabe at QB in next season's draft and as a free agent. They also know that if none of the current QBs step up we will be in a position to draft one of them, even if they'd never say it publicly.


I fully expect the start of this season to be really painful to watch. I hope they start to show improvement by midseason. You can turn a team around quickly in this day and age, but those teams that do rarely show consistent success. We've had 10 years of futility, and we all want this to change today. However, I don't think that's how these guys operate, and honestly the quick way is usually not the right way.

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