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Here is what Dick Jauron said once Jason Peters FINALLY showed up for week 1 of the regular season after his long 2008 holdout:


"He's ready to go," coach Dick Jauron said following Buffalo's 34-10 win over the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday. "We just have to see how long it takes him to get into football shape."


Contrast that with what Nix says about Schobel:




Nix has it right. This move was necessary. How could Jauron say "He's ready to go" about Peters after he missed the entire 2008 training camp? Amazing. Nix & Gailey are protecting the Buffalo Bills organization and doing what is both best for the entire team and what is fair and right. Go Bills!!

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I cited your story on this thread and others.


Very important point.


The question is: why did BB.com put out the statement, found here, that the team would "explore trade options" after it became clear Schobel was still interested in playing?

i don't know about that trade exploration. it might be difficult -- if not impossible -- to do given Schobel's contract.

as for Schobel still being interested in playing ... i don't think he's made up his mind yet. and it would have to be the ideal situation for him to do so, and even then i'm not sure he would bite. this might just be the push he needed to retire.



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This is totally wrong. The Bills have decided they're not going to pay his 2010 salary and roster bonus. End of story.


There's more than a 90% chance he'll get released. He might not play (slim probability) and he might get traded (probably about a 1-in-10,000 proposition because no one is going to trade for someone priced at $8 million all-in if they can sign him to a better contract once he's released).


I know this may be difficult to comprehend, but the Bills really are so dysfunctional that we've reached this point.

You could be right, I hope you're wrong.

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it would be difficult to trade him. no one would want to take on that type of salary, given he maybe, kind or, i don't know, is coolly interested in playing one more year. i don't think the Bills can renegotiate that deal either to trade him as it goes against contract rules.

it would be quite complicated -- if not impossible -- to do so, in fact.




Great point. And that's the crux of the entire situation. There's also the fact that there are a finite number of teams playing 4-3 that have the need and I'm not sure all the 3-4 teams would be that eager for a guy who's getting up there and has never played the position.


Most importantly EVERY team has a pretty well-defined cap situation at this point. It's not like many teams can just easily slide $8m onto their books this late in the process.



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I give the Bills credit for moving forward with their vision of what this team should be. Schobel isn't holding a grudge, its not like he was a guy who practiced with the squad all offseason and suddenly decided he was unsure if he was going to play in 2010. The Bills have obviously planned for life without Schobel for the entire offseason.

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He has NO trade value. What does anyone think a team would give up for a 33 year old (on 9/1) undersized 4-3 DE who has never played 3-4 OLB before, who has missed all off-season and at least a week of training camp, and who until a few days ago was all but retired? For $6M no less? That's right, nothing.


Moreover, given the above, I don't see any team offering him more than $2M for the season. Would that be worth it for him to return?

It was obvious months ago the Schobel wanted to be released - Schobel is just like Peters except more media savvy, Peters wanted to do what was good for Peters and Schobel wants to do what's good for Schobel- and I can't blame them - Schobel would have no trade value unless he would renegotiate his contract, and why would he do that when he could shop himself to 3 or 4 teams (his greatest value is as a pass rush specialist on a 4-3 team)- if he had come to camp what probably would have happen is that unless every other OLB just sucked he would have been cut just before the season started.

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Is this scenario possible:


1. Schobel reports to the Buffalo Bills

2. Bills and Schobel renegotiate his contract down to a more palatable number -- say $4 million

3. Bills trade him to Texans for some kind of draft pick


Seems like a win-win given how the situation is playing out. Schobel gets some $ this year instead of zippo. The Bills get SOMETHING for Schobel instead of nothing at all.

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It was obvious months ago the Schobel wanted to be released - Schobel is just like Peters except more media savvy, Peters wanted to do what was good for Peters and Schobel wants to do what's good for Schobel- and I can't blame them - Schobel would have no trade value unless he would renegotiate his contract, and why would he do that when he could shop himself to 3 or 4 teams (his greatest value is as a pass rush specialist on a 4-3 team)- if he had come to camp what probably would have happen is that unless every other OLB just sucked he would have been cut just before the season started.


only a conspiracy theorist who has had no interaction with Schobel could have concocted this scenario.


first: he's been considering retirement since the start of last season and has gone back and forth on that decision for far too many times i can count.


second: i don't think he can renegotiate his contract with the Bills.


third: if this were strictly about money (a la Peters), why not show up in March, pass his physical, attend a few mandatory minicamp sessions and training camp and collect $2 million roster bonus.


fourth: oh, screw it ...



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I don't understand why his contract cannot be renegotiated. Why is that so?

you can redo numbers, but you can't redo years, and this is where things get extremely sticky and i don't know if Schobel's got the patience for that. there's also the $2 million roster bonus that i don't think can simply go away, given the fact that it was due on March 1 (but based upon him passing a physical.)


in reality, though, i just don't know how interested Schobel is in playing, given that i do believe him when he says he hasn't made up his mind yet.



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you can redo numbers, but you can't redo years, and this is where things get extremely sticky and i don't know if Schobel's got the patience for that. there's also the $2 million roster bonus that i don't think can simply go away, given the fact that it was due on March 1 (but based upon him passing a physical.)


in reality, though, i just don't know how interested Schobel is in playing, given that i do believe him when he says he hasn't made up his mind yet.



What's that old saying?


If you're thinking about retirement then you are already retired?


...unless you're Brett Favre.

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you can redo numbers, but you can't redo years, and this is where things get extremely sticky and i don't know if Schobel's got the patience for that. there's also the $2 million roster bonus that i don't think can simply go away, given the fact that it was due on March 1 (but based upon him passing a physical.)


in reality, though, i just don't know how interested Schobel is in playing, given that i do believe him when he says he hasn't made up his mind yet.



Thanks for explanation.

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No one, Including the Bills, is going to pay Schobel 8 million. But the Bills are dysfunctional. Whatever.


Timing is everything.


Could they have trade him coming off of a 10 sack season before the draft? Bit different than trading him after it's been made clear he's going to get cut anyway.


A better run organization would have figure out a way to get something for him by trading him to a contender/Houston when such a move was possible.

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you can redo numbers, but you can't redo years, and this is where things get extremely sticky and i don't know if Schobel's got the patience for that. there's also the $2 million roster bonus that i don't think can simply go away, given the fact that it was due on March 1 (but based upon him passing a physical.)


in reality, though, i just don't know how interested Schobel is in playing, given that i do believe him when he says he hasn't made up his mind yet.




There is a contract. It obligates the team to pay Schobel a fixed amount in exchange for his services. Once that contract is terminated, Schobel becomes a free agent.


The contract can be reworked with the Bills, but as soon as the current contract is no longer binding, Schobel could instead just sign directly with whomever he wants.


So the only way to get compensation in a trade is if the trading partner accepts the existing contract.

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you can redo numbers, but you can't redo years, and this is where things get extremely sticky and i don't know if Schobel's got the patience for that. there's also the $2 million roster bonus that i don't think can simply go away, given the fact that it was due on March 1 (but based upon him passing a physical.)


in reality, though, i just don't know how interested Schobel is in playing, given that i do believe him when he says he hasn't made up his mind yet.




JW - do you think he isn't sure he wants to play, or that he isn't sure he wants to play HERE? It seems to me it's the latter, and it's been that way all along. You'd know better than I would, but the impression I get is that this is a perfect storm for OBD - they don't want to pay the guy, and he doesn't want to play for them, and the only thing that's been holding up his inevitable release is the PR blowback.

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only a conspiracy theorist who has had no interaction with Schobel could have concocted this scenario.


first: he's been considering retirement since the start of last season and has gone back and forth on that decision for far too many times i can count.


second: i don't think he can renegotiate his contract with the Bills.


third: if this were strictly about money (a la Peters), why not show up in March, pass his physical, attend a few mandatory minicamp sessions and training camp and collect $2 million roster bonus.


fourth: oh, screw it ...





This post does not leave any room for the Bills to suck, please correct this post. Thank you.

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