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Why are some of you so Pessimistic?

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Tim Graham who follows the AFC East for ESPN predicted a 5-11 record for the Bills. He has no axe to grind. His job is to objectively assess the teams and give his views. Few people can make the claim that he isn't fair minded in covering the NFL.


For those fans who seriously believe the Bills are a playoff contender this year you are fooling yourselves. Being a loyal fan doesn't mean that you have to be blinded to reality.

I can't speak for the OP, but I think there's an incredible amount of negativity about the team and organization that got old long ago. What rankles my ass are the death wishes on Ralph. I won't tolerate that.


Now, I don't believe we'll have a winning record this year either, but for the first time since Wade was shown the door, I believe The Bills are headed in the right direction. It's not going to happen overnight, but any sane person has to recognize that the last three HCs were a bad joke. Hell, Dickless Jauron is now a Position Coach. He couldn't even get a sniff as a DC. That's pathetic. And he's the guy that drove the franchise into the ground. I think Albany hit the nail on the head a few posts ago. We're building a winner in Buffalo.

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).




Well, for one it's not so important and I'm not so fragile that I need to lie to myself about how they will perform.


For all the so called negativity I portray, I can honestly say I haven't been sorely disappointed by a result of a Bills game since Bledsoe and the Bills got choked out by Pittsburgh's second string with the playoffs on the line. Disgusted by the decision making, yes. But when you aren't a contender all results are meaningless and I haven't believed in their playoff viability since then. Which is why the Jauron era was such a terrible step back. He was about the appearance of competitiveness as opposed to building a champion. But I digress.


It's just a game but the objective of the game is to win and the slightest bit of research will tell you that they don't do what it takes to deserve to win. They don't draft well, they make bad decisions in FA and they make poor coaching hires. The reason they can't make parity work in their favor like some teams is because of consistently poor decisions.


And nothing they did this past offseason deviates from their "defiance of the odds" approach of the past decade. Nix is a man well past retirement age yet has no experience at the job and Gailey has been fired twice in the past 3 years, once by a college program and once as an assistant in the NFL. Like everyone else, I hope they outperform their pedigree. But in 4 years we will probably look back at these hires and say it was a repeat of the hiring of a tired old Marv Levy(no NFL experience as a GM) and undeserving Dick Jauron. I'm not saying it can't work, but the odds are way against it succeeding.

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).



I think I am one of the more cautiously optimistic fans on this board. I like the moves we have made in the offseason. But we still have big question marks at QB and O line. This is where I think our new head coach will put a much better scheme together that will give the players we do have a much better chance of succeeding. (I think many of us fans have forgotten or failed to realize how very bad our offensive game planning, coaching and teaching was under Dick Jauron) If nothing else there should be much more cohesion, purpose and direction under Gailey. This guy has always been a winner, and will get whatever talent we do have to play up to its potential. Barring a severe rash of injuries as we have had in years past, I see us competing for a wild card spot late into the season.


A big test for this team will be week 2 in Green Bay. For the opener, we will be obviously jacked playing our hated rivals at home. They do not have much offense, so a strong defensive performance with a solid conservative gameplan that minimizes mistakes should get us a victory. But the following week going on the road against a VERY good offensive team, we will need the offense to play lights out to have a chance. In past years, this was the kind of game we absolutely got smoked in. Jauron never had the team in any frame of mind to compete against a juggernaut offense. (We never had the mentality to compete matching point for point) The weather will still be good in Wisconsin in September, so I will be very interested to see the scheme we come up with that gives us a chance to win. That is always the mark of any good coach, giving your team a chance to win. I hope Gailey is that guy, because Jauron and his predecessors certainly were not.

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As I've said before, Herm Edwards had it all wrong, you don't "play to win the game" you play to win the Championship.

While I understand your point, championships are won, one game at a time. Playing to win the championship is fine as a greater goal, as long as your immediate focus is on the game you are playing right now.


Build to win the championship, play to win the game.

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I honestly think age has some factor in all of this.


If you've been following this team long enough to have been a serious football fan when this team was very good some 20 years ago and not just a little kid who kind of remembers it or went to a game or two back then youunderstand just how far this organization has fallen. You also understand that while other organizations have risen and fallen in most cases many times during that period, Buffalo never seems to have been able to rebuild. I'm not saying that it's easy to get to a level of the Super Bowl Bills in the era of free agency, but to come nowhere close for such a long time really wears you down.


To flip it around, I'd ask the optimists what makes them think that any of the changes we've seen this year make you believe the team is finally on the right track?


New coach? Been there - before they were run out of town people felt Wade/Greggo/Mularkey/Jauron was the fresh faced guy who could get the most out of the talent and pull something together. Excuse me if I'm not buying it with Chan until I actually see it.


Front Office changes? Been there - remember when Ralph finally gave in and gave controll to Tom Donahoe and everyone thought we would soon be back on top because he was a real GM who could evaluate talent - how'd that work out? Excuse me if I don't give Buddy Nix a pass until he shows me something.


Young players with potential? Seen plenty of these over the years, too - from consensus picks at positions of great need (Mike Williams) down to talented guys at positions where we seemed to be OK (McGahee) to guys who we seemed to value more than other organizations (Losman, McCargo, Whitner) - how'd that work out? How many Pro Bowlers have we drafted in the past decade vs. how many guys when cut from the Bills can barely scrape a roster spot from another team in the league? You'll have to excuse me if I want Spiller to show me something before I'm ready to call it a great pick.


Point is, every year I see the same thing - optimists go around and slam people for being pessimistic while they tout all the reasons why "this year it's going to be different - we're going to surprise". Their reasons are straight of ouf a Mad Libs fill in the blank sheet. Then the Bills actually start playing games and get overmatched by stronger organizations and they slowly progress from cheeleaders to suicide hotline callers and end up being some of the most miserable amongst use when the team loses to Cleveland in a 6-3 home game stinker.


When the season ends, the only game the Bills are playing in January is golf and people are screaming that we need a new coach/GM and more talent on the team. In the offseason we'll make some moves - maybe replace the coach, maybe bring in a free agent who has nowhere else to go, draft some new kids with potential and it starts all over again - the circle of life is complete for Bills fans.


Personally I've learned that it's better to be a realist (you call it a pessimist) as I take another ride of this same damn broken merry-go-round and understand that when the season's over I'm pretty sure I'm going to get off the ride just about where I got on it rather than think it was actually going to take me Pasadena/Miami or where the Super Bowl was held. I still enjoy riding every Sunday and cheering for the team but I have my expectations in order that that makes the experience better overall. I'd love for things to get better and to change my approach as a fan, but at this point I'm not going to do that based on the promise of change or potential - somebody's actually got to SHOW ME SOMETHING.


I'd also kindly ask all the optimists to quit questioning whether realist/pessimists are "true fans" - nothing worse than a punk who was in diapers in 1990 questioning the 40 years I have invested in this team because he feels it appropriate to appoint himself some sort of Bills Taliban because he's a "diehard fan", but that's a whole separate rant....

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Some people are just really unhappy with their lives. They haven't made the best choices and are stuck in a poor job (Would you like fries with that?) or they don't have connections with other people so they need to act out. It's not that they are purposefully trying to be debbie downers. They don't know how to be anything else. They only understand disappointment so they latch onto a football team, not as a fan, but as way to find some sort of meaning they lack personally. If the team doesn't win or have success then there right back where they started.


They can't by definition be a 'fan' of the team because they're not watching the team as entertainment. They have a deeply vested interest int he team's success and it is a harsh reminder of their lack of control in their own lives when the team makes a decisions that doesn't pan out.


It also helps to find an easy target. No one makes fun of the most popular kid. They will gang up on the weak link and make fun of the shortcomings. It's easy to always say the Bills will lose than crow when they do suffer a loss. That moment is the highlight of their life. They were 'RIGHT'! It's a brief moment in a depressing series of days where they feel like they are unable to do anything. However, the Bills lack of success if a salve for their wounds. They PREDICTED they would lose because THEY are incompetent. It's much easier to deal with one's own lack of success when you can point to the failings of others. A sports team is a focal point for that and provides an audience of other fans who they can point out just how RIGHT they were about the team.


Posts like this only inflate their sense of ego.


My advice is to be fan and stop worrying about the personal problems of others. They're not paying you by the hour to counsel them.


The Bills could lose for the next fifty years. I'll still be a fan, I'll still watch the games. That is what being a fan is about.

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Nice World Cup article in ESPN by Bill Simmons... but take a look at this part... it made me laugh.


Question No. 11: What was the funniest thing you've read about the World Cup this month?


I liked Michael Davies' take on England's demise: "Americans will never completely understand how crap it is, most of the time, to be English. We might have cute accents and be good at cocktail parties. But we are mostly losers." That slayed me. England's fatalistic, self-loathing, S&M-style attitude toward its national team tops Buffalo Bills fans, Minnesota Vikings fans or even Cleveland fans.

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Some people are just really unhappy with their lives. They haven't made the best choices and are stuck in a poor job (Would you like fries with that?) or they don't have connections with other people so they need to act out. It's not that they are purposefully trying to be debbie downers. They don't know how to be anything else. They only understand disappointment so they latch onto a football team, not as a fan, but as way to find some sort of meaning they lack personally. If the team doesn't win or have success then there right back where they started.


They can't by definition be a 'fan' of the team because they're not watching the team as entertainment. They have a deeply vested interest int he team's success and it is a harsh reminder of their lack of control in their own lives when the team makes a decisions that doesn't pan out.


It also helps to find an easy target. No one makes fun of the most popular kid. They will gang up on the weak link and make fun of the shortcomings. It's easy to always say the Bills will lose than crow when they do suffer a loss. That moment is the highlight of their life. They were 'RIGHT'! It's a brief moment in a depressing series of days where they feel like they are unable to do anything. However, the Bills lack of success if a salve for their wounds. They PREDICTED they would lose because THEY are incompetent. It's much easier to deal with one's own lack of success when you can point to the failings of others. A sports team is a focal point for that and provides an audience of other fans who they can point out just how RIGHT they were about the team.


Posts like this only inflate their sense of ego.


My advice is to be fan and stop worrying about the personal problems of others. They're not paying you by the hour to counsel them.


The Bills could lose for the next fifty years. I'll still be a fan, I'll still watch the games. That is what being a fan is about.



Thanks Dr. Phil for your group pysch e v a l

Generalize much?

6 paragraphs of pure ignorance couched in pop psychology crap.

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As a young boy my oldest brother put me on to the bills at a very young age 8 to be exact, and I knew absolutely nothing about the sport what they were doin what all the excitement was about. As I got older I kept learning and learning about the sport and these Bills. I will never forget Norwood club foot and that D that allowed the Giants to man the clock the whole 2nd half basically to beat us in that superbowl. 4years of straight of pure misery, 22years of questioning how u like the Bills, there losers they simply suck they had 4chances and lost them all! It has been some gloomy years and it has gotten worst but until they bury me 6feet deep I will ride and die the Buffalo Bills. Every off season I have hope because its what being a fan is all about. I been readin this board for 4years and was always afraid to join because some of the people on here are simply horrid! Call themselves Bills fans and yet down the team every chance they get. Go be a Lions fan and see what that is like lol....

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I can't speak for the OP, but I think there's an incredible amount of negativity about the team and organization that got old long ago. What rankles my ass are the death wishes on Ralph. I won't tolerate that.


There have been many postings highly critical of the incompetent owner (I am a major critic of him) and I regularly read the posts on this board. It is less than rare that you get the classless owner death wish. In fact, there are a number of postings stating the hope that he will live on for a lot longer.


Now, I don't believe we'll have a winning record this year either, but for the first time since Wade was shown the door, I believe The Bills are headed in the right direction. It's not going to happen overnight, but any sane person has to recognize that the last three HCs were a bad joke. Hell, Dickless Jauron is now a Position Coach. He couldn't even get a sniff as a DC. That's pathetic. And he's the guy that drove the franchise into the ground. I think Albany hit the nail on the head a few posts ago. We're building a winner in Buffalo.


You very well pointed out the futility in which this franchise has been managed. There are many reasons why this franchise has been an abysmal failure. Focusing on Dick Jauron is not very fair. He is a person who was hired and given an extension by the organization. If you want to find fault you need to look higher up the chain.


I do argee that there is much more hope with Nix. At least there is a sense of order and direction to this franchise. That is a major positive in itself, at least compared to the prior ineptitude which occurred within the organization.

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).




There could be several reasons for this.


In all fairness, and I don't know how old you are- but I grew up and was in high school when the Bills were going to all of the Super Bowls in the early 90's. that makes me all of 35 years old. I started following the Bills in '88. My point for bringing this up is that I was spoiled early. Larry Felser wrote at the time in the Buffalo News, to enjoy it while it lasts, because we won't ever see this type of talent under 1 roof ever again.


At the time, that was a very bittersweet pill to swallow. On the one hand, I knew he was right. But it was just so much darn fun, I did not know why he had to rain on the parade. His words ring too true today.


Despite this article and my understanding that all things don't last forever, I came to expect the Bills to "circle the wagons" if behind. To win the game again, and again, and again. When that gradually began to stop happening, and really crashed at the start of this decade, I could not figure out why we could not just make some corrections and change course. Now I get it.


My expectations have been a factor- though I don't consider myself a pessimist of the Bills or anything else.


I dare say that the overall culture of Buffalo may contribute to this. I grew up in Buffalo, went to college there, and even returned with my wife for 1 year to see if we could give it a go. Since leaving Buffalo, I lived in Los Angeles, Tampa, and Washington, DC. Buffalo is a small town, with a small town mentality, and small town politicians.


Mind you, that is not a slam on the people of Buffalo- but I noticed how things (and people) always leaves WNY, but not too much (if anything) comes TO Buffalo. Business has exited the community for decades now. Not too much replaces it. Jobs are hard to come by. Housing bubbles come and go, yet WNY remains in some sort of mediocre limbo. This mediocrity, IMO, is hard to shake off. When my wife and I moved back, at first we were all gung-ho. Within a short period of time though, we were both infected with the negativity or mediocrity or inferiority complex that seems to permeate the general populace.


And again, that is not an insult to the hard-working people of WNY. But more, I think, a result of decades of losing everything.

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).




We had the 30th ranked offense in the league, and have added 1 player to the O....Spiller.


Unless this is the most mismanaged offense in NFL history, Chan Gailey is Bill Walsh reincarnated, or Spiller is the next Barry Sanders...I'm not sure of the reason for the optimism.


And please, if you're one of those talking about a 3 year rebuilding program, or saying you really don't expect much from the offense this season, or worse, hoping for a top 5 finish to draft a QB, I wouldn't call you an optimist.

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).



I think many of the perpetual pessimists just choose to take the easy way out. They want to feel good no matter what the team does.


If the team does poorly, they will be the first to say, "See I told you." "If they would have done like I said they would be much better, but no one would listen to me." Takes the sting away from the team doing poorly.


Now, if the team does better than expected, they can go along and enjoy the ride. No one will likely remember that they bad mouthed the team before the season. And if someone does, who cares, because everyone else is too focused on enjoying the ride also.

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If your son played little league soccer and you knew that soccer wasn't his game and that his team was going to get beat every game, would stop rooting for him?


Loving a team to death doesn't mean you are blind willfully or otherwise to their shortcomings.

Great analogy! This summer my sons travel soccer team is getting crushed. They had a few great seasons including last year and got promoted from division 3 to division 2 this year. As you can imagine, that means the level of the opponents drastically improved instantly. From experience I knew this was going to be a tough season, and it has been. They lost their first 6 games pretty badly before winning one. And even though it has been hard, I can see remarkable improvement in both the boys, and their coaches as they all get used to their new division.


It's the same for me and the Bills. After a decade of ineptitude it is unreasonable to expect the good ole boys to turn it around in 1 draft and a couple months of practice. Despite what you read here about Gailey being "primed for success in the NFL", a "proven winner" and so on, if you look objectively at his career you will see a competent coach, nothing more. So I do not expect a good season regarding wins and losses this year. But like my sons team if I see improvement in the Bills players and coaches throughout the season I will be pleased and optimistic for the future.


So some may not understand how I don't like to post strictly about how the Bills are going to be awesome and a force to be reckoned with in the playoffs this season. For me it is fun to talk realistically ... good or bad ... about a team. For me it is not fun to talk in what some may call optimism, but what I call fiction.

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Guest dog14787

Its no secret that talking about something, discussing and sharing the burden with other folks who may feel the same way, especially something that is really bothering you, somehow makes the burden easier to bare.


Personally, I don't have a problem with pessimistic posters as long as they aren't bashing current Bills players constantly. I can understand having a player to whom you may think should start before another player and voicing your opinion, but running another Bills player down to prove your point doesn't do anyone any good in my opinion.


Everyone around here knows I'm a HUGE Trent Edwards fan, but it doesn't keep me from looking for something positive to say about TE's competition. Brian Brohm has shown great touch on the football and continues to get better, Ryan Fitzpatrick has also been impressive and at times outperformed the other QB's.


So although no real clear cut winner has emerged yet from the Bills young group of QB's, working with Chan Gailey will prove to be beneficial for all of them in my opinion and its a win/win situation for all concerned.( including Bills Fans)



I Billieve...

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I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).



I was a fan of the Titanic until it sank. I am not optimistic that it will float again.

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I think many of the perpetual pessimists just choose to take the easy way out. They want to feel good no matter what the team does.


If the team does poorly, they will be the first to say, "See I told you." "If they would have done like I said they would be much better, but no one would listen to me." Takes the sting away from the team doing poorly.


Now, if the team does better than expected, they can go along and enjoy the ride. No one will likely remember that they bad mouthed the team before the season. And if someone does, who cares, because everyone else is too focused on enjoying the ride also.


Your right about one thing: wanting to feel good no matter what the team does. If you don't, then you are taking it way too seriously. If you can't move on shortly after yet another meaningless defeat then you need to find another hobby. Your scenario doesn't account for people who simply take it for what it is: entertainment. I follow the team closely and the ups and downs are all part of the experience. That doesn't mean I have to deny that the "downs" are really there.


I find some of the people on this board who defend every move the front office makes in the name of optimism to be some of the most negative people here. I mean the guy that started this thread.....why even worry yourself about why people are down on the team? If you aren't, so be it. But why start a complain thread about your fellow fans? Is it really our fault that the team hasn't made the playoffs in a decade?

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Here are some quick guesses:

1. Miserable personal lives

2. Low self esteem

3. Want to feel knowledgeable

4. Really really small penis


There are an infinite number of incalculable variables that determine how a team will perform. Injuries probably first and foremost. If we don't lose over a dozen players to IR last year there is no way I believe we don't have 2, maybe three more wins. Perhaps if McKelvin doesn't fumble in the opener and that's means it possible we have 3 or 4 more wins.


There is NO way you're going to convince me that this team isn't better personnel wise this year and exponentially improved in the coaching department. I'm not predicting playoffs but if this team doesn't win at least 7 games I'll be shocked. Considering our absolutely BRUTAL schedule 8 wins would be an epic achievement.


Anyone predicting just 4 wins is an idiot.

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It's not a matter of being a pessimistic or an optimist. It is a matter of objectively evaluating the "total picture" and making an informed decision/opinion.



Thank You!!!! I agree with you fully and will attempt to give a break down of some of what I see... I'm optimistic or pessimistic based on the realities that I see after careful analazation(lol). If Pilsner really did their research they would realize the following: That in almost every instance (if not every one), a team who switches their base defense from 4-3 to 3-4 typically has a terrible year statistically in the initial year of the change including a very poor win/loss record. My prediction is 5 wins and according to history that is very "optimistic" given history which normally dictates 1-4 wins. This team has not drafted well in the past decade or longer, and that's a fact! Just because they have a high ratio of draftees that become starters doesn't mean that the caliber of the player is typical of starter material on your better teams. Most of our roster would not start in New England, or Indy, and several other "winning" teams. We seem to veer away from the popular assesment of other teams scouts, and our board is much different on draft day than the consensus

of talent evaluators inside the NFL and of prominent publications. Of the 20 small school prospects listed in the draft guide..I believe it was The Sporting News...We drafted or signed as FA's 5 of these players! 25% !!! Now, I like Easley at WR from everything I've read, but...and it's a big butt!!! Usually these small school prospects don't pan out! Sometimes they do and someone out there will provide a list I'm sure! First thing is that the measurables are deficient in some way... HT/WT/ 40 Yard dash times / injury prone / intellect/ law & moral etc....but typically there is a reason they weren't heavily recruited....Also the talent level is not on par with the big schools neither. When the player jumps to the NFL they usually no longer dominate the competition as they did against inferior competition. Point made!


The Bills have severe needs and have not properly addressed them. The Bills also create their own failures and roster holes by grooming the few talented players they have, and then when it's time to re-up at FA time they refrain from

coming to terms with the player ie: Antwoine Winfield, London Fletcher, Pat Williams, Nate Clements, Jabari Greer, and many others. Do you think Ralph will pay to keep J. Byrd when the time comes? No! So, what do we do with our patchwork mentality? We ignore our need at QB and OLT and draft a RB? Yet we keep the bad apple who is rotting away so he can mentor little junior? What gives? Wang isn't a franchise tackle and sometimes lacks drive/effort...Mike Willims II


Winning organizations typically win! They almost always keep their winning GM's ! Polian went to Indy and designed a winner based on the 1990 Bills! He even admits it, and the similarities are striking! He brought winning to Indy and hasn't stopped yet! Ralph hires on the cheap....at least in NFL terms. He found someone to coach who was entirely out of football for a couple of years. Gailey was on his couch playing madden at the time! The only close contacts he had were with former assistant's to the second best College team in Georgia! He could only get them to coach by promising them to

move them up one slot from what their college football duties were. Modkins is OC in title only as he has 0% experience

as a OC !! Gailey will also play OC on the sidelines besides being a head coach! What a joke this whole endeavor is!


The Bills will be lucky if they start better than 1-5 based on their schedule. Where do some people find 8, 9, or 10 wins? at Packers, at Patriots, at Jets, at Dolphins, Steelers, at Vikings, Browns-we lose to them every year lately, Jets at home-they are stocked up w/talent, Dolphins at home, Patriot's at home, at Baltimore? That's 11 losses unless they steal a game or two! They had the Jets number recently so maybe a win there?


So, Pilsner wants optimism? Well no disrespect towards him, but he/she talks about doing research yet provides nothing of value to mention except that we should basically be blindly optimistic of a team who has a poor track record from top to bottom and who has done little if anything to change that perception! So just why again am I suppose to be optimistic about the 2010-2011 season? :devil:

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